HHC2010 Schedule???

Post: #23

Hi All,

Anyone knows about the location and date for the HHC2010?



Post: #24

I'm guessing mid-September in Fort Collins, Colorado, though there has been some consideration of other possibilities such as Boise, Idaho and Las Vegas, Nevada.

As far as I know, neither the date nor location are finalized, but mid-September is traditional.

Post: #25

Thanks Eric!

Post: #26

HPCC Datafile V29 N1 says Sept 25th - 26th although that is probably tentative.

Las Vegas and then as a side trip the Star Trek show at the Hilton ;-)

Cheers, Geoff

p.s. see you there.

Post: #27

Unfortunately, the Star Trek show has been out of business for several years.

I'd root for Vegas, though: only a 250 mile drive and we used to live there (for 15 years - a somewhat surreal state of affairs!).

Post: #28

I'll vote for Vegas too. Hopefully the conference is a week or two earlier - then I could go before school starts in fall.


Post: #29

to bad about the star trek thing!


Post: #30

Vegas would be great. They have, like, $49 flights from San Diego to Las Vegas all the time. It'd be great!

Vegas has my vote.



Post: #31

I think that LV would be great for us East Coasters too. While it's still a long trip it's pretty cheap and the non-calculator things to do there makes for a good, very long weekend destination.

Also, I like the idea of holding the conference at a hotel with many food options, places to hang out, things to see, machines and people to lose money to and like-minded friends to meet and talk with. Frankly the idea of sitting in one room at HP for 2 days straight is a bit scary to me.


Post: #32

Frankly the idea of sitting in one room at HP for 2 days straight is a bit scary to me.

I think the argument to use an HP facility was to save a bit of coin. However, what is saved in conference fees ($20/day?) is quickly lost to rental cars. Corvallis is clearly the exception--a mecca for HP calc nerds.

I too cast my vote for a hotel in Vegas. There are many transportation options from the airport and within the city there is a monorail. Cars should not be necessary.

If you are looking for field trip ideas, then check out http://www.neonmuseum.org/. Not as high tech as last year, but suitable low tech for this type of conference.

Post: #33

Frankly the idea of sitting in one room at HP for 2 days straight is a bit scary to me.

It's not any worse than sitting in one room at some other conference facility for 2 days straight. In fact, it's better, since HP has provided snacks, beverages, and even meals when they've hosted it, while at hotels and such the snacks have usually been limited to what you can get from their vending machine.

In any case, the conferences are usually so interesting that rather than the two days seeming long, I'm surprised that they're over so quickly.

I'm OK with almost any location in North America. I think it would be nice to visit Chicago or Philadelphia again one of these years, if the folks there felt like hosting another conference.

Post: #34

HP has provided snacks, beverages, and even meals when they've hosted it

There is no reason why HP cannot provide food, drink, etc... if in a hotel.

Post: #35

If it's in a hotel, they generally have to contract with the hotel to provide it, which costs a lot more money than if HP can use their usual food service contractor. In the past at hotels they've sponsored a dinner, but if memory serves they usually haven't provided other snacks, beverages, meals, etc.

Post: #36

Vegas has my vote too!

Post: #37

Can you check how much extra ticket prices are during school/college holiday times? Several people who work in education are denied the opportunity to attend because of the timing. The traditional reason for the timing is that the costs are lower than in high season. It would be nice to know how much lower.

Post: #38

It almost doesn't matter when you go to Vegas (except, unlike almost all other destinations, weekends can be the HIGH cost days!).

Also, unless you enjoy 110 F days, the summer is the low (cost - not temperature!) season in Vegas.

Post: #39

I for one would vote AGAINST Las Vegas. Not because of any cost issues but because the place has become so darned congested and walking distances are very long. It's NOTHING like it was 10 years ago, much less 27 years ago (1983 at the Marina). And like a lot of others, speaking for myself of course, gambling holds no interest for me. I'd also like to know what kind of weather there is in September, but I expect it's still quite hot.

Fort Collins was pretty nice, but I agree with Katie it was kind of weird being more or less sequestered at HP, and I only attended on Sunday. But I'd take Fort Collins over Las Vegas in a heartbeat, especially if there is more freedom to move around.

Is Boise out of the running?

Post: #40

Please, not Vegas. I finally have a shot to attend this year, but Vegas falls outside the scope of "as long as the spouse is happy".

Post: #41

What does it take to "keep the spouse happy"?

I lived in Vegas for 15 years, and can assure you that there is lots to do besides spend time in casinos. If outdoor activities are favored, there are parks and hiking within an easy day drive, and Zion National Park can be done in a long day. Hoover Dam is fascinating (take the "inside" tour). California sand dunes can be seen on a day trip, too.

What else? The Liberace Museum? The Atomic Bomb (!) museum? The neon sign museum (OK, that one's mostly nostalgic Las Vegas kitsch)?

Post: #42

My vote would be for Vegas as well. Used to live there as a kid and it will definitely be more exciting than Fort Collins.


Post: #43

All of the comments regarding HHC 2010 are great. The date is fixed, it is the last weekend in September. The location is open and several considerations are being discussed.

We haven't had a conference in Vegas for many years and this year is certainly a good time with all the new hotel rooms keeping the prices low. We have a local contact that can help with this.

The committee is the same as last year and we should be getting together to make a decision in the next few weeks. Keep the comments and ideas coming.

X < > Y,


Post: #44


I hope we can get a hotel on the strip. I think the Excalibur has very reasonable prices.


Post: #45

Maybe there might be good deals for us at one of the Harrah's resorts? :-)

Post: #46

Fort Collins might not seem exciting to you, but I liked it fine. :-)

Post: #47

Fort Collins might not seem exciting to you, but I liked it fine. :-)

I liked Fort Collins too ... but wish I didn't get sick there right after the conference. (Probably the bug that Tim warned us about.)

I would like the conference anywhere that has a nearby Amtrak station as I love taking the train - especially to Chicago. ;)

Post: #48

The last conference in Las Vegas was in 1983 at the Marina Hotel (which stood where the MGM grand stands now). The HP41 was all the rage and "Mcoders" were scrounging for information.

We all had visions of MLDLs dancing in our heads..

Jake Schwartz

Edited: 19 Mar 2010, 7:35 a.m.

Post: #49

The Marina Hotel is still there! :-)


Post: #50

The Marina Hotel is still there! :-)

Well, I be darned! That's pretty amazing. Do you think it's possible that when they were gutting it for renovations, they might have found a pocket Hex Table or perhaps an HP41 keyboard overlay in the rubble?


Post: #51

Mmmmm.... If we do Vagas, I suggest that we all carry calculators prominently and NOBODY says why we're there. Hire a guard for the door.

This will be worth it just to see what the rumor mill decides we are doing, and to drive security crazy.... :) :) :)


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