Hi Geir,
For serious HP-IL usage, the Extended I/O ROM is highly recommended. Then the Extended IL ROM (Skwid) can be considered.
I do not recommend the HP-IL Devpt ROM, except for HP-IL low level investigations. The Paname ROM also has many HP-IL interesting functions but is more dedicated for use with the HP82162 and HP82905 printers, and HP82163 video interface.
For the top 10 commands, it really depends on what you plan to do with HP-IL.
If you are using only mass storage and printer operations, then the most used functions will likely be:
** Mass Storage Operations:
- NEWM, WRTP/READP, WRTA/READA, DIR (CAT 4), PURGE for mass storage.
- If you have several mass storage units, the COPYFL and MCOPY functions of the Ext I/O ROM will be useful.
- if you have a drive with capacity > 128KB (for instance the HP9114), then the SNEWM, SWRTP, SDIR and SCOPYFL variants from Ext-IL ROM are interesting, plus the WRTXM/READXM, WRTCAL/READCAL.
** Printer Operations:
- PRP and LIST for program listing.
- the MCPRP and MCLIST multi-colomn variants from the Ext-IL ROM.
- PRX, PRA, ACA, PRBUF, ADV for general purpose printing operations.
Then if you plan to use HP-IL for instrument control, the Extended I/O ROM is a must with many useful functions. The most important functions (from HP-IL module or Ext I/O) could be: NLOOP, FINDID/FINDAID, SELECT/RCLSEL, ID/AID, SPOLL, TRIGGER, CLRDEV/CLRLOOP, REMOTE/LOCAL/NOTREM, plus all the INA/OUTA variants, plus the low level HP-IL commands...
Finally, let me mention the 44468A Data Acq/Ctrl ROM if you have a HP3421 Data logger.