classic chassis with a crack

Post: #4

Hello everybody, while restoring one of my pieces, an HP70, the
chassis has shown a crack.

I was actually trying to complete disassemble the unit in order to polish the keyboard and to restor
the trim line.

For the Murphy law, a task done several ways on very common units, or duplicate units, has not worked on the one I care more about ....

I have read, can't remember where, that there is a liquid that can
close thin cracks making them almost invisible.

Does anyone remember the name of this thing ?

Thanks for help, Alberto

Post: #5

See Randy's post below for the correct information.

edited to remove incorrect information.

Edited: 7 Jan 2010, 12:24 p.m. after one or more responses were posted

Post: #6

The liquid in question is methylene chloride, available in hobby stores as "plastic welding solvent".

The cements sold for PVC (poly vinylchloride) pipe will not work... as the case material is ABS (Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene).

Post: #7

Thank you very much to both of you, how does it work ? Few drops and that's it, or I have to separate the parts and glue them together with this product ? Does anyone know an european name for it ? Thx Alberto

Post: #8

Hi Alberto!
I've got a bottle of "Poly-Weld" from (I think I bought it on eB*y).
It contains Methylene Chloride and Methacrylate Ester.
I still have to try it though...

Nice to see another HP-70 in Italy!


Post: #9

ciao Massimo,
nice to hear from you, were are you from ?
What thickness are you using ?
I've found they sell thin, medium and thickness,what would you suggest ?
thanks everybody for the advice

Post: #10

Ciao Alberto,
alas there's no indication about thickness on my bottle...
I can't find it on their new site and there's only a reference on the old one, albeit only textual.

Greetings from Milan,

Post: #11

ciao Massimo,

they have a bundle where they offer all the different types, I'll go for that, and I'll try out to see which one is better for this job ... Thanks again, take care and greetings from Settimo Milanese (looks like we are close ... if you wanna email me you can use alberto_1964"at"

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