HP-01 stylus

Post: #3

ciao a tutti,

well, this could be of interest to someone. has anybody tried to convert a regular pen or pencil (Cross for example could be a nice candidate) into an HP-01 stylus replacing the internal with sone nylon stuff ?

Take care, and thanks in advance for the reply, Alberto

Post: #4

And this the result (at least not a final one), I have found in a drawer a cheap copy of a Cross pen (it was an expo gadget). You can have a look at refill here

note that the writing point and the end have already gently been removed. Now depending on the budget you can use a real cross, but what the heck, this was just a try ....
The idea is to get a new refill usable with the HP-01.
I took a "cannula" from an empty compressed air can, and a very thick toothpick

Then with a Dremel I have thinned the wood until it could be gently but firmly pressed into the cannula. The cannula was cutted the same length the orignal refill was (remember some of the refill goes into the platic cap)

Now, all you need to do, is to put things together and back in the pen

and here you are : you can see the pen in closed position and in open position

The next step is to substitute the wood part (that was the only thing available at home now) with a piece of nylon, I think a 0.9 mm thick nylon rope would just do the job.
Also the length of the wood/nylon point needs to be trimeered, but I'll do that later.... I'll keep you posted, any idea or comment always welcome !!

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