Includes a few improvements, including an upgrade to Free42 1.4.52 with the most recent BCD-20 as its computational "core". This means more accurate transcendentals and numerical integration, among other things (hugh steers refined his code, Thomas Okken incorporated it, and Byron Foster incorporated Thomas' upgrade).
Thomas discovered a bug in the BCD-20 code and has fixed it, so Free42 is actually now up to 1.4.53. Byron will shortly submit 2.2.1, incorporating this fix, but it takes these things ages to meander through the Apple approval process.
The newest 42s displays the LastX register in small font in the upper right corner of the display. I find this distracting and have asked Byron to consider making this optional and not obligatory in future releases.
The speed improvements and overall performance that came with the move from v. 1 to v. 2 are maintained.
Great little piece of software--my main calculator these days, and I have a real 42s!