HP35 IEEE Celebration 4/14/09

Post: #2


On Friday, I received this from the IEEE:

The "pocket protector" was stuffed with a card:

and on one side of the card was a life-size image of the HP35:

and on the reverse side of the card was an invitation to an IEEE celebration for the HP35:

Did anyone else receive this?

Jake Schwartz

Post: #3

It should be mentioned when I emailed about it to Richard Nelson yesterday, he responded that earlier this year he was asked for an image of the HP35 and so he shot one with the Golden Ratio in the display and sent it in. It is his image on this card. Perhaps some of you who live in the area of this event might wish to try to sign up. Despite the fact that the RSVP date was April 1st, I didn't even receive the letter until the 3rd. And since I'm on the Right Coast, I'll be there only in spirit...


Post: #4

A picture of the original red-dot version would have been a little more appropriate. But I suspect that few of those look brand new 37 years later. Mine doesn't.

I haven't received this item from the IEEE. I hope someone goes and will report on the activities.

Post: #5

I am attending as a contributing editor for EDN Magazine and plan to cover it in my blog, Leibson's Law

Post: #6

I'm planning to go.

Post: #7

By the way, I haven't worked out any details yet but I'm thinking of flying in and out of San Jose on the day of the event. If anyone wants to do any car-pooling from San Jose airport to/from HP, let me know and maybe we can work something out.

Post: #8

I wish I had been there...

Steve Leibson's coverage is here:


I also noticed Dave Hicks and Richard Nelson on the webcast. Perhaps they'll have a story or two to tell.

Jake Schwartz

Post: #9

The entire 53-minute video of the ceremony is available for viewing at

It is worth watching.

Post: #10

Very Nice!

So where can we buy this latest ARM-7 based 12c that Sam said is available now?

Post: #11

Basically it's an unannounced change so they are shipping now but you must shop carefully. Sam gave me a clue about serial numbers but I'm not sure if he meant it to be totally open information as people might pick over inventories just to get the newest thing even if they don't plan to use it. But I think if you send me an email, it's OK to tell a few people. And I'm sure if you plan to develop some Apps, Sam will be happy to get you the stuff you need.

Something that probably didn't show up on the video was an even earlier HP-35 prototype. It looks like the yellow-key prototype shown on the HP-35 page except that it has a beige case. There are also different fonts on the keys and the back of the case hadn't had any texture applied yet. Texture was controversial because the more you added, the less the plastic wanted to come loose from the mold. I got some mediocre snap shots and will add it soon. It still works, of course.

Oh and an HP-01 proof of concept with a whole bunch of tiny wires running into an HP-35 where its real brains lived.

Lots of nice stories and great people! A really fun day!

I'll have some more to say about the trip later but it's been a long/great day.

Speaking of long days, Richard drove 750 miles each way!

Edited: 15 Apr 2009, 2:12 a.m.

Post: #12


Do you have more details on the connectivity capabilities of the new 12C? This feature opens up a developer market for the platform that intrigues me.


Post: #13

Essentially, the 12C has what the 20b has. The latter is more public about it since it is not rolling new features into an existing product.

If you download the 20b developer kit I think you'll get some ideas.

Essentially both calculators have serial ports and developer replaceable firmware.

Post: #14

IIRC, there was a message from Cyrille de Brebisson some weeks ago, detailing the "newer" 12C capabilities. Just from memory, I think he said that the JTAG port (which is easily implemented in the 20b) is not available on the new 12C. It may have to do with ESD considerations. But the serial port was maintained.

Please check and disregard any mistake on my side.

Post: #15

Katie, the new 12Cs are available in the UK. I can point you at a suitable dealer if you want to ship. Alternatively, just look carefully through the blister pack since the new version has a double width battery compartment.

Post: #16

I'll keep an eye out for them in the local stores. Was the packaging changed to say that the calculator takes "2 x CR2032" cells instead of "1 x CR2032"?

Post: #17

I went to my local Fry's to get speakers so I could hear the video.
I checked the calc dept and they didn't have the 20B but they had 3 12C's, 2 of which had a double length battery door visible from the top of package. Price is 69.99 USD plus 8.33% tax. No difference in the packaging of the 2 styles of 12c. Does the battery door width mean it will have the port on the back?

Post: #18

Whenever I try to see this it says "off air" Is it me? or just my timing?

Post: #19

Whenever I try to see this it says "off air" Is it me? or just my timing?

If you click on the thumbnail image in the lower portion, it should start playing the 53-minute video.

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