2 More Years of HPCC Datafile Issues Available on Compilation CD

Post: #3


Recently, the Handheld and Portable Computer Club made two additional years of issues of their British magazine, Datafile, available for inclusion in our PPC CD #3, now bumped up to version 5. It is now called "26 Years of Datafile 1982 - 2007" and contains 165 issues of Datafile, covering over 6300 pages. The issues starting with year 2000 are based on the original pdfs which were submitted to their professional printer and so those pages are of crisp quality and all images contained therein are high resolution and in color. For information on obtaining this disk, check http://www.pahhc.org/ppccdrom.htm .


Jake Schwartz

See you at the HHC2009 Conference at the HP facility in Vancouver,
Washington on October 3-4, 2009.

Post: #4

Hi Jake,

Thanks for your notice. You've got an order.

Best regards,


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