Virtual memory architectures are based on swapping "external memory" into actual address space.
(I am not an expert on this so don't kill the amateur - a building engineer ...)Owning just a HP41 and a HP71B, both with IL it seems not so easy but ...
Considering synthetic programming: Bringing the instruction pointer in the alpha registers
(M,N,O,P) and executing an INA on the HP41 and OUTPUT :LOOP;X$ on the HP71 where X$ holds the
program for the HP41 would modify the HP41 program on the fly.I wrote a few small programs (not optimized, just to see if it is possible) and yes it works,
but only in SST mode on the HP41. In RUN mode it simply won't work.. any hint from the
synthetic specialists?Here some experimental listings, goal of the miniproject: "Hello World" AVIEW.
Big leap target ... a WALL function ??HP41 Listing:
01LBL "V" Just the label
02 STOPIO seems to clear all IO (IFC HP-IL msg)
03 1 Assumung the HP-71 is #1 (Could also be
anything else sending bytes
05 SF 25 See HP71B listing ...
06 XEQ 01 To bring the program from Alpha regs back via return
07 RTN or STOP, GOTO 'END' or anything else
08 GTO 02
09LBL 01
10 RCL b
11 "` " 96 7 0 0 0 0 0 Instruction pointer => Byte 6 of reg 7 (M)
12 X<> [ X<>M
13 "AAAAA" append just 5 'A' (or anything else)
14 STO [ STO M
15 "AA" append just 2 'A' (or anything else)
16 RCL \ RCL N
17 " |" 167 29 145 124
The instruction code for REG M ... see below
167 29 => XROM 28,29 -> HP41-IL INA function
145 124 => STO b
19 STOP For convenience SST usage (see below)
18 STO b and jump into M (see line 12, falls through '0' bytes'
19 ENDThe HP71B program:
20 M$=CHR$(167)&CHR$(29)&CHR$(173)&CHR$(25)&CHR$(133)&CHR$(178)&CHR$(130)
40 O$=CHR$(240+11)&"HELLO "
50 N$=CHR$(206)&CHR$(119)&CHR$(113)&CHR$(0)&CHR$(0)&CHR$(0)&CHR$(0)
60 C$=O$&N$&M$
140 O$="WORLD"&CHR$(126)&CHR$(133)
150 N$=CHR$(206)&CHR$(119)&CHR$(206)&CHR$(113)&CHR$(0)&CHR$(178)&CHR$(4)
160 C$=O$&N$&M$
170 OUTPUT :LOOP ;C$Comments per line:
10 Just to cooperate with the HP41
20 M$ (REG M) holds code equivalent to HP41:
INA 167 29
FC? 25 173 25
RTN 133
GTO 01 178 130 => a COMPILED GTO thus a jump to start of register N (needs
no label, restriction: do not PACK or anything else that destroys
the jump bytes
40 O$ (REG O) holds code equivalent to HP41:
"Hello " 251 + "HELLO" xFB (length 11) as first part of the string
50 N$ (REG N) holds code equivalent to HP41:
X<>O 206 119 And bring O (The "Hello ") to
X<>Y the Y Register
+ 4 NOPS ('0' Bytes) => The Instruction pointer falls to M ...
60 Add the whole bunch for sending
65 Just to follow the 71
70 Send to the 41
140 O$ :
"WORLD" The rest of the "Hello " String (NO APPEND !)
AVIEW 126 Display it
RTN 133 and a normal return (To HP41 V Program line 8)
150 N$ :
X<>O 206 119
X<>Z 206 113 Put 'WORLD' in 'Z'
NOP 0 => to make the compiled goto (next line) easier ...
GTO 01 178 4 => a COMPILED Jump to REG Y, Byte 6 (Left Byte)
170 And send it to the HP41What happens ... In abstract
In 'V' the bootstrap instructions are loaded for the initial INA function in Line 18
This could be improved with M$ code as in HP71 but I was to lazy ..In Detail:
<IP> means instruction pointer, located at the byte to start with
Void fields means a '0'(Zero) Byte (<IP> falls through these as NOP)<IP> falls through ... <IP>
|Byte| 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
| M | | | | INA | STO b |
The first INA results in:|Byte| 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
| O |251 (FB)| 'H" | 'E' | 'L' | 'L' | 'O' | ' ' |
| N | X<>O | X<>Y | | | | |
| M | INA | FC? 25 | RTN | GTO 01 (R:N,B6)|
---------------------------------------------------------------------So a jump to N follows to the cuntional code, putting FB+Hello in Y and falls
in M with the next INA resulting in ...|Byte| 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
| O | 'W" | 'O' | 'R' | 'L' | 'D' | AVIEW | RTN |
| N | X<>O | X<>Z | |GTO 01 (R:Y,B:6) |
| M | INA | FC? 25 | RTN | GTO 01 (R:N,B6)|
So assuming INA works fine, code jumps to N and then to Y:Byte 6 where it finds<IP>
|Byte| 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
| Y |251 (FB)| 'H" | 'E' | 'L' | 'L' | 'O' | ' ' |
| Z | 'W" | 'O' | 'R' | 'L' | 'D' | AVIEW | RTN |
---------------------------------------------------------------------Loading "Hello World" in the ALPHA regs (therefore this code is in Y,Z), doing an AVIEW and
return to "V" line 08 (subsequent the XEQ 01 => We preserved the return value in REG b).Start as follows:
Run the HP71 Program (Output statements are buffered)
Run the HP41 Program, perform the extra R/S to continue after the STOP in 18 => Rubbish in DisplayAND NOW ... This works when in SST mode on the HP41 (SST from line 18 onwards or from line 1 ...)
=> A nice "HELLO WORLD" is Aviewed ...
Step until you encounter RTN to return to the "V" program!!
Otherwise your program pointer remains in the status register.Its a pain in the brain but I can't find the bug... Somebody has an idea??
It could open therabytes of virtual memory for the HP41 of this worksSomething like this as boot-trap loading some bigger program doing bigger things doing ....
When it workes, Yes Yes I will, I'll make it an article ....
Best regardsRaymund
HP41 Virtual Memory - Terabytes?
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