At home I keep my math and calculator hobbies mostly to myself. My wife and kid are aware of my hobbies, but do not share in them. You can then imagine my surprise when I received a very nice 10C in box with manual, registration card, etc... for Xmas this year. My lovely wife independently determined after secretly inventorying my collection that I needed a 10C. Wow!
Programmatically the 10C is very limited compared to other Voyagers--even the 12C. There is a 79 step limit that will never be reached with most programs because it exhausts all of the registers.
As my first self-challenge I ported my 12C Gamma function (, Message #6):
01 X^2 13 * 25 RCL 0 37 8 49 PIIt needs a bit of work, but for now just enter any positive or negative decimal number, then press R/S. The results will be stored in registers 0 and 1:
02 SQRT 14 SQRT 26 6 38 RCL 1 50 *
03 STO 1 15 * 27 * 39 + 51 ENTER
04 8 16 4 28 + 40 STO/ 0 52 SIN
05 + 17 RCL 0 29 2 41 1 53 RCL 0
06 STO 0 18 * 30 * 42 - 54 *
07 ENTER 19 1/X 31 1/X 43 RCL 1 55 /
08 Y^X 20 RCL 0 32 RCL 0 44 X<>Y 56 STO 1
09 PI 21 + 33 - 45 X<=Y? 57 RCL 0
10 RCL 0 22 5 34 E^X 46 GTO 48 58 GTO 00
11 * 23 * 35 * 47 GTO 40
12 2 24 1/X 36 STO 0 48 RCL 1
RCL 0 = Gamma(|x|)IOW, if you entered a negative number use RCL 1 for your result.
RCL 1 = Gamma(-|x|)
NOTE: Read the 12C link above on the implementation details. Also note that this Gamma is really Gamma(x)=(x-1)! just like the 15C.
But wait, there's more... For Xmas my 17-year-old daughter-artist painted on 24" canvas her interpretation of a calculator:
Calculators by Dhemerae Ford
Edited: 3 Jan 2009, 4:21 p.m.