I've loaded manually the RPNLEX file, and I have now TWO RPN calc on my 71 ! Just tested it a couple of mins, it works fine, maybe faster than the 41 Emulator (or is it just an impression because it doesn't show the operation ?).
If found some functions:
- Pi on P
- RUP & RDN on UP (^) & DOWN (v) key
- Last X on 'f 0' (USER)
- X<>Y on 'f .' (VIEW)
- 1/X on 'f ,' (CALC)
- Y^X on 'f +' (CONT)
But for EXP, SDEV, MEAN : don't see what it does !? Or could it be because i made an error in typing ?!
Is there somewhere a manual of it ? Are some memory/register we can store to, how to change from FIX 4 to ENG 2, ... ???
Anyway, for a daily usage as basic RPN calc, it does it !
Now about this procedure :
If you don't have HP-IL, you may want to read here how to do that via DUMPLEX and MAKELEX with EMU71.
I found it more easy to read if we add/change the following lines, this to have 16 lines at a time, and HEX code in bloc of 4 digits (
and this is how I did my very first step in BASIC ;-) !)
50 PRINT @ PRINT @ PRINT " 0123 4567 89AB CDEF ck" @ PRINT ! Extra spaces in header (one added also before 'ck')
55 C=0 @ INPUT C$ ! Pause before first set of 16 line
70 A$=PEEK$(DTH$(A),16) ! Unchanged
71 A1$=PEEK$(DTH$(A),4)&" "&PEEK$(DTH$(A+4),4)&" "&PEEK$(DTH$(A+8),4) ! Take 4 characters at a time in new string
72 A1$=A1$&" "&PEEK$(DTH$(A+12),4)
80 PRINT DTH$(X)[3]&": "&A1$&" "&FNS$(A$) @ A=A+16 ! Print new string and space added before 'ck'
85 C=C+1 @ IF C=16 THEN C=0 @ INPUT C$ ! Pause each 16 lines
I couldn't add those comments in above thread, I suppose because it is already archived.
MAKELEX program works fine, but typing the 1040 bytes was fastidious (but as least got it). Will investigate a little more how to tranfer via floppy (but must plug all peripherals, ...).
Edited: 27 Nov 2008, 11:22 a.m.