If I try to get the (Re, Im) format of:
I get (-.843, .539). Isn't this blatantly wrong?
Paul --
It's wrong, alright.
Just think about it. The Re coordinate must be positive, and the Im negative. Note the calc is in degree mode. Am I missing something?
Hmm, polar and degree mode. Maybe you meant,
1.00 / -22.6 degrees?
That converts to 0.92321 - i*0.38430 in rectangular mode.
However, you specified a complex number in rectangular form. I cannot obtain your result for antilogarithm. I don't have an HP-50g, but I do have practically every other HP calculator with built-in complex-number support. Every one I've tried yields the same answer, in degree or radians mode:
e^(-i*22.6) ~= -0.82031 + i*0.57193
I even evaluated your expression as an algebraic expression on the HP-49g and HP-48G, and got the same answer.
By Euler's Theorem,
eix = (cos x) + i*(sin x) [x in radians]
Degrees mode will be ignored by the HP models for complex-number calculations, because exponential (natural antilogarithm) requires a physically dimensionless input.
-- KS
Edited: 21 Oct 2008, 1:59 a.m.