OT-- for Diego Diaz. Madrid - Las Palmas plane crash


Hola Diego,

Tras leer la triste noticia del accidente aereo del vuelo Madrid-Las Palmas, no dejo de pensar en el dolor de todas esas personas que en este momento están sufriendo la tragedia.

Como Gran Canario adoptivo que eres, quería transmitirte mi inquietud y pesar.

Me ha inquietado haber leido entre la lista de pasajeros del vuelo personas con el apellido Diaz. Deseo de corazón que ni tú, ni familiares, ni amigos tuyos, os hayais visto afectados directa o indirectamente por la tragedia.

Un saludo desde Madrid.

Jose Luis Nieto


(Google automatic translate. Sorry. My english is too bad, to write about this)

Hello Diego,

After reading the sad news of the accident's air flight Madrid-Las Palmas, not stop thinking about the pain of all those people who are currently suffering the tragedy.

As Gran Canaria adoptive that you are, I wanted to transmit my concern and regret.

I was worried that I have read between the passenger list of flight people with the name Diaz. I heartily wish that neither you, nor relatives, or friends of yours, have seen directly or indirectly affected by the tragedy.

Greeting from Madrid.



Gracias por tu interés y tus muestras de condolencia.

Hasta donde he podido comprobar, ninguno de mis familiares ni amigos se han visto envueltos en este desastre aéreo.

Sin embargo el profundo sentimiento de pesar se hace extensivo a todos aquellos españoles y extranjeros que hayan sido directa o indirectamente golpeados por este terrible accidente.

Thanks for your intrest and condolences.

As far as I've been able to find out, none of my relatives or friends have been involved in this aircraft disaster.

However the deep feeling of sorrow is extensive to all the Spanish and foreing people who have been directly or indirectly hit by this terrible accident.

Diego Diaz

Canary Islands.


Hello Diego, Glad to hear about your well being. Best regards, Prabhu


I am also glad. Best regards.


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