A few months ago I purchased a HP41C with problems, to try to repair it.
The contacts of the batteries were completely oxidized. First I washed everything with isopropyl alcohol and repaired contacts with copper adhesive tape.
After installing the battery pack, the calculator switched on OK.
But the display had little contrast and there were several segments that failed.
After runnig the Service Module tests, all the tests went OK. Even the Display Driver test.
I removed and disassembled the display module. Cleaned the zebra connector and the driver PCB with isopropyl alcohol. Pressed a little the assembly clips.
I mounted the display on the calculator, and turned it on. It was alive!! I noted that the display contrast was already OK. Many of the segments that failed before, now are OK. But yet there are a couple of segments unstables and sometimes do not light.
Do you have any idea to help me to repair the display?
What else can I do?