HP-35S complex numbers

Post: #4

When you calculate a reactance is there any way to enter it into a complex number save manual entry? Can someone point me to the routine for recovering the real and imaginary parts of a complex number in a 35S, I just have mine new. Sam Thanks.

Post: #5

You can use ARG and ABS to get the parts of a complex number in polar form. If you want those parts in rectangular notation you will have to write a small routine.

Conversion between polar and rectangular would be like this:

P001 LBL P
P002 FS? 10
P003 GTO P011
P004* Rv
P005 Rv
P006 eqn REGZ+i*REGT
P007 ARG
P008 LASTx
P009 ABS
P010 RTN
P011* CF 10
P012 XEQ P004
P013 SF 10
P014 RTN

R001 LBL R
R002 FS? 10
R003 GTO R012
R004* Rv
R005 Rv
R007 [1,0]
R008 x<>y
R009 *
R010 EQN LASTx*[0,1]
R011 RTN
R012* CF 10
R013 XEQ R004
R014 SF 10
R015 RTN

Some complex functions can be found

here., following the 35s complex functions link.

Edited: 31 Jan 2008, 8:59 a.m.

Post: #6

When you calculate a reactance is there any way to enter it into a complex number save manual entry?

Just press the "i" key, then multiply.

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