Searching the HP Museum Forum Archives



There are 18 Forum archives and when I want to search them for a topic, it appears that I have to search them all separately. I am using the "Search/Personalize" selection at the top of each archive, but is there a way to search a topic across all the archives at once?

I just downloaded and installed EMU48 and I'm trying to figure out how to write programs on the PC and load them into the 50g emulator to test and debug the program. Then I'll use Conn4x to transfer the completed program to my 50g. Before I start asking questions, I want to research this issue before I start bending your respective ears.





search terms

Hi Gerry.

Here's how I use the emulator for program testing and debugging:

1. use a text editor (Notepad is more than enough) to write the program; please remember to use the "usual" conventions for the digraphs, i.e.:

Num   Sym   Description 
--- --- -----------
128 \<) angle symbol
131 \v/ square root
132 \.S integral symbol
133 \GS Greek Sigma (\GSLIST)
135 \pi pi
136 \.d derivative symbol
137 \<= less or equal
138 \>= greater or equal
139 \=/ unequal
141 \-> right arrow (\->LIST, \-> a b c)
142 \<- left arrow (\<-local)
143 \|v down arrow (\|vMATCH)
144 \|^ up arrow (\|^MATCH)
156 \PI capital pi (\PILIST)
159 \oo infinity
171 \<< program delimiters
187 \>>
092 \\ backslash
2. select the listing you typed

3. copy it

4. go to the emulator and select the menu item "Edit" ---> "Paste stack"

5. with the object on the 1st stack level, run the following "translation" program (by John H. Meyers) that you should have already typed in and saved in a variable of your choice (say "IN" ?):

\<< \->STR 3 TRANSIO RCLF SIZE 3 < #3016Bh #2F34Dh IFTE SYSEVAL + STR\-> \>>

6. save the "translated" object into a variable

7. run it and you're done

The above has the advantage, IMHO, to be a fairly straightforward testing process, which you can repeat "ad libitum" until you're happy with your program and get it "settled" to your real 50G :-)

Hope this helps.

Best regards.


P.S.: as far as searching the MoHPC archives goes, I use Google advanced search, specifying "" in the "Domain" field of the search...

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