Can someone enlighten on how to replace the backup battery in a RAMBOX unit (housed in card reader shell)? Thanks folks.
Best regards,
Rambox battery replacement
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Post: #4
10-12-2007, 02:53 AM
Hi, Can someone enlighten on how to replace the backup battery in a RAMBOX unit (housed in card reader shell)? Thanks folks. Best regards, Prabhu ▼
Post: #5
10-15-2007, 04:16 PM
Dear Prabhu, The following will detail to you how I managed to save and run all my software developped on a RAMBOX. It may not be the exact answer to your current problem ( internal battery replacement ) , but it offers a way of getting around it. A few years ago I was in a situation quite similar to yours : I needed to have one HP41CY ( i.e. a HP41CX with an internal RAMBOX II version with 64 K ) repaired. It was not a question of internal battery replacement, but it was a faulty and erratic behavior with a suspected internal wiring degradation which definitely required internal repair. The following describes the way I solved my HP41CY / RAMBOX II problems in a totally unexpected way, which eventually has been MUCH BETTER than a simple product repair and exceeded all my expectations thanks to the highly dedicated work of a few Men as described hereunder. If you proceed like I did, maybe it will help you as much as it helped me. ******* As you know RAMBOXes were manufactured by the German Company W & W Software Gmbh. When I needed a RAMBOX II repair some 5 years ago, Wilfried Koetz the Manager of W & W Software Gmbh indicated to me that W & W had stopped supporting the RAMBOX. As I had extremely important software on my Rambox II - a software I had taken some 3000 hours to develop - I had to find an urgent solution ... You will find HERE THE ENTIRE STORY ****** AS A SUMMARY : The here-above story describes how I solved my RAMBOX II problems in a totally unexpected way, which eventually has been MUCH BETTER than a simple product repair. In other words : if you have the possibility of using one of the existing available " HP41 Simulators " which 100% replicate the 64 k RAMBOX I/II, you should then be able to run all your own Software existing to-day on your RAMBOX.
In my own case, I am fully indebted to both Jean-François Garnier and to HrastProgrammer. As the STORY herebaove goes, and simply because I requested some help from them , Jean-François greatly improved his former EMU41 into fully replicating True .. you would need to get a HP48GX with some memory cards, or a HP49G ( or a HP49G+ or a HP50 : Please HrastProgrammer correct me if the references to HP49G+ and HP50 are not correct ) if you want to have a HANDHELD replacement of the Rambox I / II ... ( see HRASTPROGRAMMER SITE and in particular HP-41C Emulator for HP-48GX/49G ) .
... but if all you want is keeping a record of your Hrastprogrammer's HP41 X/Y/Z - under the Version developped specifically for my own needs as described in the STORY hereabove - and Jean-François Garnier's EMU 41 emulators are the only 2 emulators I know of which fully emulate Rambox I / II . I am not aware of any other such emulator ( i.e. replicating the Rambox I / II ) . But should one exist, its existence will likely be confirmed to you on this forum by any qualified Expert reading this thread. I hope this information will be useful to you. Best Regards from Antoine
Edited: 17 Oct 2007, 3:29 a.m. ▼
Post: #6
10-19-2007, 03:14 PM
Bonjour Antoine, Nice to hear from you! Any chance for everybody to see oneday your "extremely important software [you] had taken some 3000 hours to develop" ? J-F
Edited: 19 Oct 2007, 3:17 p.m. ▼
Post: #7
10-20-2007, 05:55 AM
Hello Jean-François, Thank you for your very kind words. My ASTRONOMICAL NAVIGATION Software User's Manual is still under construction : it is amazing that things so clear in my mind take quite some time to summarize in a way both complete and concise, so that unfamiliar readers get a quick understanding about how to use it. I have already structured it into 3 parts : 1 - Quick User's Guide 2 - Memory Allocation Table and General Equations used + General Navigation considerations 3 - More Detailed data and in particular : 3.1 - Theories used, Acknowledgements to various Astronomers / Engineers, accuracy versus validity of the Astronomical algoritms used, 3.2 - Improved mathematical methods where to the best of my knowledge no equivalent algoritms have been published so far, 3.3 - Some details on programming since for instance my " Mean Elements " Program can be run in 6 different ways, with all the various computation results being monitored through various flag settings, 3.4 - and possibly more ... Best Regards from
Antoine Edited: 20 Oct 2007, 6:05 a.m. |