Many people that trad with HP-things have made some "good deals", i.e. paid far less that what it is "worth" (in the eye of a collector) for an item. Many collectors also have dublicate machines. So why not sell a dublicate machine and support some calc-related project (like MLDL2000, Clonix, OpenRPN or nonpareil, emu48,...) with the money?
Perhaps the projects can setup a description of their project, and the sellers put the items on ebay with a link to the project to be supported. The winner of the auction then pays directly to the project and gets the item.
I would like to support some projects, but I will not register to paypal to do so, so it would be convenient for me that the buyer takes care of this. And the projects would perhaps get some attention from occasional ebay-lurkers.
What do you think of that idea?