about the 32s2

Post: #18

are the 32sII calculator similar to the 41cx, in programming and use? i need to get a calculator for surveying and prefer not to use my 48G which i find to bulky for fieldwork.

how much bytes does the 32sII have?

Post: #19

The 32SII has 254 steps available and they hold fully merged program steps i.e. 1number held in 1 step as opposed to 1 digit per step.

Post: #20

the 32SII has 384 bytes of memory last time I read the manual

Post: #21

I never read the manuals....more fun that way!

Post: #22

Manuals sometimes do contain useful information.

Post: #23

This is true, Bert, but who's got time to read them? I'd rather be here spending time with you guys and eating potato chips! There's always a 1-800 number if I get into trouble......job security for the helpline operators.

Post: #24

You have a point here...

Post: #25

The programming model of the 32sII is quite different from the 41C series (I have both, and like the 41 much more). The way the 32sII uses equations and one-letter variable names, instead of numbered registers, is very different from the 41 (By the way, the 42S is very similar to the 41, alas it is discontinued) The 32sII also lacks a beeper and machine control instructions that are nice to use on the 41. However, it has powerful preprogrammed functions, it is cheap and very fast, and at least uses the old, wonderful 4 level RPN stack. In my opinion, this last point makes it preferrable over the 48 series, despite their power.

Post: #26

Had an 41CV in my hands last week. It felt archaic to me, I prefer my 32S2

Post: #27

Have you ever really used a 41? I have to admit it is larger and slower than a 32SII but...

There is no way that a 32 can even come close to comparing in anything that goes beyond math. By this I mean that the 41 was a complete computing system. With options to expand memory and functions, store programs off line in many different formats, and control up to 31 (900+ with the right modules) devices at once, the 41 could be programed to be a complete control and instrument measurement system for field use. Even a modern day laptop does not have some of the versatility of the 41 -- in particular small size, low power requirements, and the ability to control an unlimited (for all practical purposes) number of devices. If you wanted more speed and power there was always the 71 available (for somewhat more movey). These machines have still not had their i/o capabilities matched by any other HP calc.

Post: #28

Never used a 41. Don't really need the expandability of the 41 either, just a fast RPN calculator. The 41 just looks and feels older to me than it really is.

Post: #29

Heck, the thing is darn old (the 41)! It first came out in 1979. It is a lot older than the pioneer series machines and yes, it does show it's age. But there was nothing like it back then and nothing competed with it for close on 10 years (and still does not in terms of expandability/control). The 32 is ten years newer technology and it shows in the size, speed, and cost. But there is nothing that the 32 can do that the 41 can't (given enough time ).

I love the 42S which has the math functionality of the 41 (and more) and the speed of the 32. It retains the programming model of the 41 and will run most 41 programs (C/CV variety) w/o modification. It expands upon data types to fully support complex numbers and provides named storage registers. A lot of the functionality of the CX/Extended functions and other expansion modules can be emulated/implemented in this machine. One big advantage of this model over the 32 is the much larger memory and the support for an unlimited number of programs in memory. One problem with both the 42 and 32 is no clock and no time support. Another is the lack of any i/o to save programs off line. This is one of the big reasons that I still carry a 41 (along with a 48). I simply can not store all the programs I use in the memory of a 42 and refuse to key in a 100 line routine every time I need it.

The 32SII is a great calculator and I do keep one lying around, but it will never become my primary machine.

Post: #30

I think Marwan is right on this one, Bert ol' buddy! Although the 41C may be a bit slow, I think that it is an incredible machine, EVEN TODAY! None of the HP machines available now can match the 41's ease of use, flexibility, and compact size. You have to really use a 41 to appreciate it for what is is NOW, and what it was then (an absolute world-beater in my opinion). Try computing melt rates of various iron alloys and relate them to use of acetylene with a 32SII. I'll tell you, it's a pain! Me and some of my welding colleagues can really apprecite the 41!

Post: #31

The 32sII has 384 program steps. However any use of the registars uses up memory. It does have multitudes of built in functions. However if you can find a 42s (used)it is a much better calc(7K RAM, similiar yet better programing, and faster response than a 41, (no clock)). The 32 or 42 are much smaller and easier to carry into the field than a 48 for sure.

Post: #32

Another substiute is the HP-28S. Relatively small, with multiline graphic display and 32K memory. Available "used" for $50-$100. (But, HP's WORST EVER battery compartment door!)

Post: #33

That's not correct. the worst ever battery door ist the door of the series 30 (31E ... 38C/E).

Most of them broke or got lost.

Post: #34

Take it easy, Reinhard! Paul's entitled to his opinion. Truth is, you guys are both right. Both of those battery doors are a pain in the big toe! I tried changing the batteries in my 19BII with welding gloves on once. Let's just say I'll never do that again!

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