HP 17BII+ not "geeky" enough

Post: #5

Greetings to all, I just joined.

This is probably going to sound strange, but I just bought a 17BII+ calculator and, well, it just doesn't feel HP "geeky" to me. I first discovered, and fell in love with, HP's in college in the late 80's. Started with an 11c, moved up to a 28s for the ability to program (which saved me on a final). But let's say that higher math and I don't get along well and I moved into other areas.

Recently I opened a business of my own, and after a year of leaning how to not get completely lost I got completely lost. So I am working on learning more about business finance. I've read the threads about finance calculators so there isn't much need to cover those models strengths and weaknesses.

My problem is this: I am also a hopeless gadgeteer (I waited in line for four hours for an iPhone if you need an example). And I have to admit, graphing is way cool. I look at the higher end calculators and wonder should I go with one (A graphing calculator! Yeah!) that has the financials and simply add the calulations I need. So should I buy a 17bII and/or a 12c off ebay and settle on one, stick with the one I have, get the really cool calculator that graphs and has lots of buttons I will rarely use, or buy the fancy calculator and call it the beginning of a collection. ;-)

Post: #6

Hi David,

I have a simple response:

You Wrote:

So should I buy a 17bII and/or a 12c off ebay - YES to Both

stick with the one I have, get the really cool calculator that graphs and has lots of buttons I will rarely use - YES

buy the fancy calculator and call it the beginning of a collection. ;-) - YES YES YES

Actually, for the price you'll be paying for the iPhone during the next two years, you could have a start on a really great HP Calculator collection :)


Post: #7

Hi David

I have to say that the solver on the 17bII range is a thing of beauty and possibly under represented. Dont be fooled by the sparse keyboard - theres a lot in there. As a historical placeholder it represents a great deal of refinement.

The 12c is a nice machine - but whatever you want to do its easier on the 17...

Just my .02 GBP :)


Post: #8

I have to agree with David. While I don't use a financial calculator on a daily basis, I was always somewhat frustrated with the 12c. I got my hands on a 17bii+ last year as a lark and it was light years better than the 12c. My 12c now sits in my "collection" pile, and I've used the 17bii+ more than I ever expected. It really is a great calc.


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