If you plug the USB cable to the computer, does it charge your batteries or just your calculator? Is it safe to do this or do you recommend only switching the batteries?
Also, people've been telling me that the Batstatus doesn't work properly on the hp 50g. Why does it not function properly and is it still helpful to downoad?
Are these codes there to fix the problem?: http://groups.google.com/group/comp.sys.hp48/browse_thread/thread/453d77ac9ecbf7e1/7e4a078619e44ad9?lnk=st&q=BatStatus+group%3Acomp.sys.hp48&rnum=8#7e4a078619e44ad9
How are you suppose to use the codes on your calc? Sorry that I'm a newbie on these things but there must always be a beginning. =/