New HP35S - First FAQs

Post: #2

Hi all.

You may find this post by Joe Horn interesting:

14 HP 35s question & answers

Seems like somebody has already got hands on it ;-)

Best regards.


Post: #3

Buon giorno, Giancarlo,

that is really great news! Thanks a lot for finding and posting it here. This clarifies the storage register addressing. And it explains to some extent what's to be expected inside INTG. Does anybody know the menues already (and is allowed to share this knowledge)??

Post: #4

Guten Tag, Walter.

Your reply reminded me a comment I always had the intention to do but never did.

I find extremely polite and kind to try to greet someone else in his (her) own language, like you did.

It's a tiny effort (sometimes) that has, to me, a great meaning as far as politeness and good attitude goes.

Thanks to all who keep this "custom" alive.

Best regards.


Post: #5

Hi, Giancarlo and Walter:

    Walter is one of the very few people that goes that extra step in politeness. In a recent thread, his reply to a post of mine began with:

      "Buenas tardes, Valentin,"

    which is the correct Spanish salutation for the particular time, equivalent to "Buona sera" in Italian, "Good afternoon" in English, "Bon soir" in French.

    It's certainly much appreciated by us non-native English speakers, to be saluted in our own native languages. Kudos to Walter B ! :-)

Best regards from V.
Post: #6


An unexpected reference to pre-41C programming rescues the 35s from the label poverty of the 33s! That is very cool.



Post: #7

Hi Howard,

I may be a little bit jaded. I never even held, let along used, the HP-33, so I have very little to compare the new 35S to except for my trusted HP-42S. Maybe the features that Joe raves about in the FAQ are trully amazing when compared to the 33S, but really leaves me a little bit confused when I compare them to the 42S.

You wrote:

rescues the 35s from the label poverty of the 33s! That is very cool

I must have missed something in the FAQ. In answer A4 the FAQ says:

... However, each "program" (A through Z and the
unlabeled one at the beginning of program memory) is artificially
limited to a maximum of 999 steps each....

Not sure the "Label Poverty" has been corrected. I hope you're right, but... Looks like maximum of 27 programs could be in memory. Also only 26 labeled storage registers - actually only 24 if you want to use the indirect features of I and J.

Maybe you're referring to using the Program Label with the line number in the GTO statements for local flow control as helping with the "Label Proverty"?

Since it's fairly low cost, I'll probally pick one up when it comes out. But I don't think I'll be giving up my HP-42S any time soon.

But it is good to see that HP has gone back to the great keyboard.


Post: #8

Not sure the "Label Poverty" has been corrected.

I'd say it has. With GTO and XEQ targets each specified by a line number (letter and three digits), available memory will provide the only practical limit to the number of separate "programs" that may be stored.
Post: #9

Regarding the 14 HP 35s questions & answers, the new calculator is indeed more than a copy of the 33s. It may be the missing replacement / upgrade of the 32sii, but it still does not reach the capabilities of the 41 / 42 series.

Anyway, the most important in my view is that the good old quality of the case and the keys (the "feeling") is back. It may be a good start for future calculators!

42siix, 50giix ... that would be wonderful ...

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