"Orange" and "white" shift keys.

Post: #16

I have found several instances in which instructions on how to do a particular thing on an HP48 calculator make reference to "orange" and "white" shift keys.

I haven't had any trouble figuring out that where I see these, the intent is to refer to the two up-and-to-one-side keys between the ON key and the alpha key. But on my HP48G, the up-right key is green, and the up-left key is lavender.

Apparently, HP hasn't been consistent in its use of color for these keys on different variants of the HP48.

So, I have a question and a comment.

First, the comment: When specifying instructions for doing something on an HP48, please be aware that not all HP48s use the same colors as yours in the same way, so referring to these keys by color isn't helpful to someone who has a calculator that uses different colors.

Second, on those HP48 calculators that do use orange and white, which is which?

Post: #17

the 50g has orange and white not the 48 series. ( orange and blue or teal and lavender. Cheers

Edited: 18 Apr 2007, 6:02 p.m. after one or more responses were posted

Post: #18

There have been no 48SX, 48S, 48GX, or 48G calculators that used Orange and White shift keys.

The color scheme is the same for ALL the 48SX and 48S models that HP sold.

The color scheme is the same for ALL 48GX and 48G models that HP sold.

Without a link to the specific statement to which you are referring, we can't help you more than this.

Post: #19

I've always felt sorry for those two guys on the 50G packaging.

You know it gotta be hard having some guy's arm attached to the side of your head. And the guy in the blue shirt must have a sore back since he's always leaning over ;^)

12345 to delete (somebody ought to delete this rubbish)

Post: #20

Since you mentioned the guys on the front cover. . . the first time I saw a 50G box I thought it was Cyrille for a second. :-)



Post: #21

WOW! You weren't kidding Tim! That second one is eeriely similar ;-) And this is the guy that programs our 50G's ROM??

(Actually Cyrille is a really GREAT professional - very, very intelligent, really down-to-earth, and just hilarious to be around).


Post: #22

I've always felt sorry for those two guys on the 50G packaging.

You know it gotta be hard having some guy's arm attached to the side of your head. And the guy in the blue shirt must have a sore back since he's always leaning over ;^)

At least it's better than the 49g+ packaging. I was never quite sure whether the guy on the right-hand side of that picture knew he was holding a calculator and not a tricorder...

Post: #23

At least it's better than the 49g+ packaging. I was never quite sure whether the guy on the right-hand side of that picture knew he was holding a calculator and not a tricorder...

That's right.. something about the IR window wasn't quite right. it certainly wasn't a 49G+.

Post: #24

That's right.. something about the IR window wasn't quite right. it certainly wasn't a 49G+.

Speaking of not-quite-right photos... Take a look at the small picture on the back of the 50g User's Manual. Ain't Photoshop grand? :)

Post: #25

And on the 49g+, the LeftShift is green and the RightShift red.

From HP's site, it looks as if the 48gII's LeftShift is sort of dark blue, and it's RightShift is red.

I agree that identifying a shift key by colour is poor communication. Even though I have all of the RPL models except the 48gII, I wouldn't know which shift key is a particular colour on any given model without actually taking a look at the calculator.


Post: #26

I agree. "Left Shift" and "Right Shift" is the way to go in describing these keys.

The color wouldn't be a bad means of communicating the difference if it weren't for the color scheme changes over the years. At least the current scheme is high-contrast.



I once knew a Bob Blaylock in my Apple ][ days.

Post: #27


I once knew a Bob Blaylock in my Apple ][ days.

As it happens, I tried sending you a message, some days ago, through this forum's email feature, asking if you might be the same Howard Owen that I once knew many years ago. I never got a reply. Apparently, this forum's email system doesn't work very well.

Anyway, it now seems very likely that you are indeed the Howard Owen that I once knew, and that I'm the Bob Blaylock that you once knew. I suppose if we're going to do any catching-up, we should take this off of this forum...

My email address is constructed as follows (to foil spammers):

username: bob

domain name: blaylock.to

(Yes, that really is ".to" where you expect to see something more common like ".com" or ".net". And of course, you put them together with an at sign, but you knew that.)

Post: #28

Just a couple of days ago I found this site while browsing for info on the HP-65:


This gal does Human Factors analysis on the use of colors. Interesting stuff. She's also apparently an HP fan. She concludes at the bottom that the color choices for the HP-65 were "... the best possible color choices for the huge majority of color deficient people".

-- Dan

Post: #29

This gal does Human Factors analysis on the use of colors. Interesting stuff. She's also apparently an HP fan. She concludes at the bottom that the color choices for the HP-65 were "... the best possible color choices for the huge majority of color deficient people".

She's rather famous for several reasons, not least as a musician -- she was an early advocate of music synthesis, and has/had a giant Moog synth -- she did the soundtrack for "Tron". Her entire site is worth reading.

Post: #30

Great site! Thanks, Dan, for pointing to it!

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