I have found several instances in which instructions on how to do a particular thing on an HP48 calculator make reference to "orange" and "white" shift keys.
I haven't had any trouble figuring out that where I see these, the intent is to refer to the two up-and-to-one-side keys between the ON key and the alpha key. But on my HP48G, the up-right key is green, and the up-left key is lavender.
Apparently, HP hasn't been consistent in its use of color for these keys on different variants of the HP48.
So, I have a question and a comment.
First, the comment: When specifying instructions for doing something on an HP48, please be aware that not all HP48s use the same colors as yours in the same way, so referring to these keys by color isn't helpful to someone who has a calculator that uses different colors.
Second, on those HP48 calculators that do use orange and white, which is which?