82153A Wand

Post: #12

Do anyone know what is the problem of the bar code wand that can not scan the bar code into calculator?

I have tried all 4 ports has same result, when I press the button on bar code wand the calculator has been turned on, 'red light' has generated, and I pressed cat 2,the calculator can detected wand and show 'wand 1E', I scan the bar code from original paper keyboard, the calculator without any reaction.
Please help me, it make me depressed.

Edited: 19 Mar 2007, 9:57 a.m.

Post: #13

Hi, Chiu Yiu Wai;

do you have the manuals? There are two programs in the wand ROM that can also be used to check functionality. (correction: one program, WNDTST)

Let us know.


Luiz (Brazil)

Edited: 20 Mar 2007, 6:33 a.m.

Post: #14

I've found that my wand doesn't scan well when the calculator batteries are low, but not low enough to trigger the warning. Perhaps a charge-up or fresh batteries will do the trick.

Post: #15

Hello: I had trouble with mine getting it to work when I first got it. Nothing wrong with the wand, it was me, make sure you:

1) hold the wand angled between 10 and 20 deg
2) press wand switch and start to scan about 1 cm from first bar in the row
3) use a quick uniform speed, and
4) keep the wand in contact with the paper

Try it several times until it works.

Note: make sure the bar images you are trying to read are well defined and have sharp contrast with the paper.

Good luck, Thor

Post: #16

Thank you everybody give me respond and good suggestion , as Thor Lansen mention,the problem is me , not the wand, other item 1) ,I did not do anything suitable for wand operation.

Edited: 23 Mar 2007, 10:52 a.m. after one or more responses were posted

Post: #17

I am so relieved your wand works.

For me, the wand is proving the most reliable way to get programs into the calculator, and I have devoted some time to producing my own barcode using Leo Duran's hp41uc utility.

I am finding that magnetic cards are more fragile than I first thought, and the HP41 card reader works best only with the freshest batteries--I have been getting a lot more reading errors lately on cards that were recorded just a few weeks ago. But barcode is easily generated and printed and the wand seems more forgiving when the batteries start to weaken. If the paper printout becomes marked or stained, it is easy enough to print out a clean duplicate.

I love my wand. If there were an easy way to get edited programs out of my calculator on to my PC to produce revised barcode for archival purposes, that would be really cool!

Have fun with the wand.


Post: #18

Leo Duran's utitilies has the ability to convert program in text form to raw then to barcode. I can print program from a 41 via the IR printer module to an HP48 capture with the inprt utility running on the 48. The text can be transfer to the PC. But I need to write a routine to fix the text file as it not quite the same as Leo's util expects.

Post: #19


I have an IR module. I have an HP48G (not GX). I have a 48G serial cable and a serial port on my computer.

I am dying to know more about how to do this! Can you tell me more about the inprt utility? Is it intrinsic to the 48G or is it something I need to get from hpcalc.org? Is it complicated to use? Is it possible to "print" programs from the 42S to the 48G in this way? Is there a comparable utility for the 49G+ or 50G, which have admittedly much weaker IR capabilities?

This sounds so cool and I would love to learn more.


Post: #20

You will need to down load the inprt program from some where. HPcalc.org is a good place. There are 2 version I think, one for the SX and one for the GX. It's a program written by HP.

Post: #21

And yes it will capture printout from the 42S as well as the 28C and S.

Post: #22

Hi, Les;

This is somehow easy to achieve, once you are able to transfer files from your HP48G to your computer. I’ve been doing this for such a long time, in order to store my original HP41/HP42/HP28 listings, that I thought everyone else knew the 'how-to'.

As explained, you’ll need the specific HP48G inprt file to capture the IR originated listings and, if you are dealing with HP41 programs, you'll also need Leo Duran's lifutil (I still use the original DOS version...) to convert the captured listings to printable barcode. I must confess I have not been doing this for some time, but I remember reading about a Windows® version of Duran’s lifutil. I also remember that I could generate HPGL coded barcodes that printed perfectly fine in my HP1100 laser printer, but I was never able to add the barcodes to, say, a Word®-based document. I once found an HPGL converter that returned convenient graphics from the HPGL file with the barcode data that could be inserted in a Word®-based document, but the line numbers that follow each row of the barcode were converted to a series of dots, though. No numbering...

I think better results may be achieved with newer converters and newer Word® versions, but I did not test any.

Sorry not being of further help.

Best regards.

Luiz (Brazil)

Edited: 22 Mar 2007, 10:00 a.m.

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