hp41cv not working after extended storage


I have an 41cv that sat for about 2 years with batteries which I assume went dead. After replacing with fresh batteries, It give a quick beep and alot of screen jibberish. When I reset (back arrow, on, back arrow) it says memory lost, but then jibberish. what to do? I'm kinda attached to it after years!


I had a similar experience. I don't know exactly what happens to the innards of these thing over time, but the integrity of the casing is so important because of the pressure-only contacts within.

FixThatCalc.com was positively a transformative experience. My CV was headed for the recycling before this Forum directed me to Randy. He can fix about 99% of 41's for his reasonable flat rate. The only issue is that he is good, so swamped, and his wait time is several weeks now. I sent three things to him about a month ago and I am sure he is tired of me bugging him.

You CV can almost assuredly be fixed, and a for a lot less than it would be to replace it.



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