HP 32SII key colors

Post: #2

I just received my mail-ordered HP 32SII, a calculator all but impossible to find locally. I was a bit surprised to find that the shifted key functions use the HP 48 green and purple color scheme rather than the "classic" blue and gold . All the online images I've seen show the older colors, as does the user's guide shipped with the calc. After a few days of use I really wish that HP had kept the older colors, which seemed much more legible. When did the change to the "new" color scheme take place for the 32SII?

If anyone from HP happens to read this, please consider reverting to HP Classic colors on your next (RPN, please) calculator. Oh, and make it portrait mode, too!

Post: #3

>Oh, and make it portrait mode, too!

Scratch that. I meant to say landscape, as in the classic old 11c and the current 12c. Landscape!

Post: #4

My 'classic color' HP32Sii has blue and red shifted function colors and these colors work very well. The purple and green do seem to work OK on the HP48G. Just be greatful you don't have the HP49G as the colors are impossible to read in some lighting situations as they have used dark blue and red on a metalic medium blue background.

The picture at:
seems to show violet and light green (different to the HP48G colours)

Recent HP calcs and color schemes do seem to be a triumph of style over substance. I'd guess the new colors have more customer impact, but it's sad because they don't realy work very well.

Post: #5

The ugliest colors I've seen so far are on the 6S.

Second function (yellow) is barely visible and third function (purple) makes you wonder if it is really there
on that shiny metallic blue case...

Hopefully we won't see it anymore.

Post: #6

>I just received my mail-ordered HP 32SII, a calculator all >but impossible to find locally. I was a bit surprised to >find that the shifted key functions use the HP 48 green >and purple color scheme rather than the "classic" blue and >gold . All the online images I've seen show the older >colors, as does the user's guide shipped with the calc.

Sadly, I can confirm.
The only difference is that the HP32SII green shift key
is darker, and the purple shift key is lighter, compared to the HP48 shift keys. I know 'cause I have got both.
Furthermore, I feel the 32 keyboard is a bit better than the 48 one, yet both are inferior compared to the HP41CX and HP15C keyboards (my favorite HP keyboards).
The colour scheme of the photo on the box is the old
(and better) one, instead. I'll keep using my good ol' HP15C too, still working since the '80s.

>If anyone from HP happens to read this, please consider >reverting to HP Classic colors on your next (RPN, please) >calculator. Oh, and make it portrait mode, too!

I agree. ;-) Anyway the landscape mode is not bad, think of
the HP11C, HP15C, HP16C...

Post: #7

Color-wise, I think the old Woodstock HP-27 is the handsomest of 'em all -- very clean & uncluttered -- subdued but readable. And the HP-97 is similar. (When form followed function . . . )

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