Carly Fiorina Interview

Post: #5

Page 5B of the October 16 issue of USA Today devotes over a half of a page to an interview with Carly Fiorina. The fourth question by the interviewer is:

"Q. HP doesn't have the only dysfunctional board on the planet. What can other boards do to stop the ugliness and focus on their responsibilities?

A. Don't become consumed by personal agenda. Put tough issues about the business and personality conflicts on the table and talk about them face to face. The ability to talk directly instead of taking issues underground is a big part of keeping any team functioning."

That sounds like good advice to me. Elsewhere in the interview Ms. Fiorina stated "... I put wrong people in wrong jobs, or left them in jobs too long."

Post: #6

".. The ability to talk directly instead of taking issues underground is a big part of keeping any team functioning."

So the next time she initiates a sub-rosa investigation of board members, she'll "put it on the table?"

Oh, I forgot. ex-CEO.

The interviewer is probably right about HP's not being the only organization with trouble at the top, however.

.. Ms. Fiorina stated "... I put wrong people in wrong jobs, or left them in jobs too long."

I can't tell if this is closer to taking responsibility for her failure, blaming others for it or a little of both.


Post: #7

ABOUT Ms. Fiorina WAS stated "... I put wrong people in wrong jobs, or left them in jobs too long."

:-D or rather :-(

THose who hired The Evil Empress still sit on the Jedi council
No decentent of Hewlett/Packard sits on the board anymore
nor is invited back => The balance of the Force is ALG-sided
as we can see on the Anakin calculators using the Dark side
(38G 39G/40G 39g+ 39gs/40gs)
Even the good ones start in the Dark side
and you have to turn them good and ensure it with STARTUP
and after any reset replace the STARTUP
(49G 49g+, 50G)

Post: #8

OK, but is "The Force" RPN or RPL?

Don't answer that. I know what you'll say. 8)



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