Thanks for the response, Tony.
That's sort of what I figured, which was why I was hoping I could get the NOMAS stuff in digital form. Just looking at the bits, I've figured out a little. I have the following program:
0010 ! Just a bang comment
0020 REM This one is a rem
0030 I=1 ! i=1
0040 I$="1" ! i$="1"
0050 DIM A(20) ! dim a(20)
0060 DIM A$(20) ! dim a$(20)
0070 DIM B$[20] ! dim b$[20]
0080 J=1 @ I=2 @ K=J+I ! j=1@i=2@k=j+i
0090 DISP K ! disp k
0100 GOTO 10
0110 GOSUB 10
0120 IF A=1 THEN GOTO 10
0130 END
I've decoded part of the BASIC75 file like so:
?0000 05 86 c5 00 fe 42 a4 4a a7 0a header
000a 77 6f 72 6b 66 69 6c 65 filename "workfile"
?0012 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10d nulls. Padding?
001c 10 00 line number 10 (little endian 16 bit bcd )
001e 17 Distance to next instruction.
*001f 8b 06 13 Token for bang comment
!0022 4a 75 73 74 20 61 20 62 61 6e Comment text 'Just a bang comment'
!002c 67 20 63 6f 6d 6d 65 6e 74
0035 0e End of line 10
0036 20 00 Line number 20
0038 15 Distance to next instruction.
*0039 83 06 11 Token for rem comment
!003c 54 68 69 73 20 6f 6e 65 20 69 Comment text 'This one is a rem comment"
!0046 73 20 61 20 72 65 6d
004d 0e End of line 20
004f 30 00 Line number 30
0051 0f Distance to next instruction.
*0052 11 20 49 1a 01 00 00 Tokens for "I=1!"
*0059 08 8b 06 03
!005c 69 3d 31 Comment text "i=1"
005f 0e End of line 30
0060 40 00 Line number 40
0062 11 Distance to next instruction.
*0063 13 20 49 05 01 31 Tokens for 'I$="1"!'
*0069 07 8b 06 06
!006d 69 24 3d 22 31 22 Comment text 'i$="1"'
0073 0e End of line 40
0074 50 00 Start of line 50
0076 16 Distance to next instruction.
*0077 88 02 20 41 1a 20 00 00 0b tokens for "dim a(20)!"
*0080 8b 06 09
!0083 64 69 6d 20 61 28 32 30 29 Comment text 'dim a(20)'
008c 0e End of line 50
008d 60 00 Start of line 60
008f 1d Distance to next instruction.
*0090 88 b4 65 40 1f 20 41 1a Tokens for 'dim a$(20)
*0098 20 00 00 b4 65 40 23 8b 88 03
!00a2 64 69 6d 20 61 24 28 32 30 29 Comment text 'dim a$(20)
00ac 0e End of line 60
00ad 70 00 Start of line 70
00af 17
*00b0 88 03 20 42 1a 20 00 00 1d 8b Tokens for "dim b$[20]"
*00c4 06 0a
00c6 0e
00c7 80 00 Start of line 80
00c9 2e
*00ca 11 20 4a 1a 01 00 00 08 40 Tokens for 'J=1@'
*00d3 11 20 49 1a 02 00 00 08 40 Tokens for 'I=2@'
*00dc 11 20 4b 01 20 4a 01 20 49 Tokens for 'K=J+I'
*00e5 2b 08 8b 06 0d
First column is '*' for BASIC tokens, '!' for comment text and ? for stuff I'm not sure of. The next four columns are hex offset from the beginning of file. Next come an arbitrary number of hex digits representing the bytes at the indicated addresses, followed by a discussion of what I think they mean.
I could continue in this vein, modifying the source to illuminate particular points. I'd stand half a chance if I could stay awake! It just seems easier to ask the world if there isn't a shortcut. I like shortcuts. 8)
Edited: 3 Sept 2005, 4:24 p.m.