Hello, fellow forumites and 34s developers.
Is the 34s capable of indirectly addressing an alphanumeric label like 'HIL' (or hotkeys A,B,C,D for that matter)?
Here's what I'm trying to do: Take an alpha string like 'HIL', and [alpha]STOre it, let us say in R00.
The instruction
XEQ> 00(indirect execution) does *not* work like
XEQ 'HIL'because seemingly XEQ> 00 interprets R00 as a numerical label 4,737,356 giving an "Out of range Error".
The procedure works just fine if R00 is a number such as 42, namely
XEQ> 00executes as
XEQ 42
Is it possible to accomplish the above for alphanumeric (or hotkey) labels?
ALTERNATE QUESTION: Is it possible to XEQ a subroutine whose LBL is stored in the alpha register?
(As a side note, I'm writing a program that calls any named subroutine, say LBL 'HIL' ... RTN computing a 2-argument function f(i,j) to fill the entries of a matrix M with M(i,j) = f(i,j). I would like the program to be able read the label 'ABC' from the alpha register...)