I have a 42s since 1989, and i find it the best HP there is. It's small and flexibel. I can write programms in steps, or as a solver. At this moment I need more financial functions (as on the 17BII): no problem i can programm it.
Since 2 months the machine is 'losing his mind'. I thought a pair of new batteries would help. No way.
- when I press on the 'on' the display starts (light grey dots), but I have to press several times to get the X: Y: symbols - mostly the machine starts with 'machine reset' - when I perform the self test (exit-LN), it runs 4 to 5 times correct, and then it gives an error (fail 0004 or 0024) - when i do calculations the machine suddenly gives 'machine reset' and clears the stack - when i'm programming the machine stops, suddenly it gives program-sizes of 800-bytes...
I'm dissapointed that my HP42s lets me down after only 10 years of service. I don't know which new machine to buy: the 17BII is'nt realy programmable. The 12C is a little snobbish. The 19BII isn't that rugged (and it has a stuppid text-function). I don't need a graphical machine. I don't need a HP palmtop, i have already a laptop. I don't need a 20s, i could as well buy Texas Instruments. Big trouble.
So... what i need is a 42s!! A real compact workhorse. Why has HP stopped the production?
Would it be possible to fix the machine? Where can i get a new one?
(please give also a reply to my private mail)