Yes, some (a few?) users have witnessed about 3 decades of battery life in their Voyagers, something closer to what you have. Indeed, these are somehow rare experiences and I believe some factors, when happening together, are the most important:
- calculator chipset - probably one amongst a set is tunned this way;
- battery set - the three ones you just choose, together with the calculator chipset;
- battery contacts - if the calculator has a power supply control that compensates battery voltage drop with current increasing (SMPS), having the battery contacts clean and with very low resistance leads to lower current drain and batteries will live longer;
- usage - the way you use your calculator and how often you do that;
- climate conditions;
- as many others as needed (geographic location for magnetic fields?)
Or else it is just something that happens... ;)
Cheers. And congratulations! Your HP10C is one of a kind!
Luiz (Brazil)
Edited: 11 Nov 2012, 9:10 a.m.