Exotic Clamshell collection

Post: #5

I've shared photos of each of these HP clamshells individually, but I thought i'd get a family portrait of these HP CLAMSHELLS

I would think that this would be one of the rarest collection of this series of HP's. The 28S was always my favourite.

Post: #6

Also a photo of a Casio MQ-1 - off topic I know - for all those Boba Fett fans out there.

Post: #7

That is an extremely nice looking collection. I haven't been here long, what else HP-wise do you have other than the clam shells?

Post: #8

Nevermind! I found your answer to my question in my Calculator Collection question of several days ago. Great looking pics of great looking calculators you have there!

Post: #9

Thanks Les. I've got a reasonable collection of HP's, and have focussed the collection on clear cased and prototype HP's in recent times. My other interest is pocket computers - mainly Sharp's.

Post: #10

I've got a reasonable collection of HP's

That's an understatement! Keith, you have a GREAT collection, and your pictures serve well as an x-mas wish list for serious HP calc collectors ;-)

Post: #11

That's what I was saying to myself Juergen. If his collection is "reasonable" then I don't even have one!

Post: #12

Thanks Juergen and Les! I owe thanks to you Juergen for some of the rarities in my collection. Cheers, Keith

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