Calculator Buyer's Guide

Post: #2

I just received the Calculator Buyer's Guide 1978 - 1979, puplished by Application Calculators Incorporated in 1978.

It covers not only the HP and TI products but includes Casio and Sharp and features such iconic calculators like the Casio fx-8000 and Sharp CT-500/CT-600, EL-5804/5806/5808.

Pretty intereting to see a HP-10 compared to a TI-5025 or a TI Datachron next to the Casio AQ-1000. Overall, with technical data and a pricelist, an incredible resource for us calculator collectors.

Short question: Are there Buyer's Guides from Application Calculators Incorporated out covering earlier or later years?
What happened to the company? Not a lot on the web - just a nice patent application for a calculator display stand ;-))

Thanks and Regards,


Post: #3

I quick search to find that they were around in 1975 at least. The copyright notice shows Application Calculators Incorporated.



Post: #4

Hi Joerg,

I have paper copies of such guides from Machine Design, November 14,1974 and Popular Science, February 1975. I will see what I can do about getting them scanned and posted and probably added to my 1970s calc ads notebook and disk. The 1975 list is a somewhat poor photocopy given by a friend, but the table is readable.


Post: #5


Sounds great! You could mail me the Guides and I take care about scanning if you prefer.

Have a great weekend.

Best Regards,


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