Forum Opinion Sought on Early HP-65

Post: #9

I just picked this calculator up and am seeking some opinions.
Keyboard operates pretty well.
Card reader does not work.
Rear label is in very good shape, no scratches at all.
All LEDs work

Question is: Would you open this unit up to repair the card reader? I looked at the forum's oldest s/n list and this matches the earliest date code. I don't know if makes it any more unique than any other 65.

Also, do you think the original owner made the nametag below the LEDs or is this an HP/aftermarket piece? It fits the space very well.

Post: #10


The nameplate is home-made.

I still have my 65 that I purchased in 74/75. I'll have to check the sn.

Certainly, if you want a fully operational machine, fix the card reader. There are many helpful members here with experience and advice.


Post: #11

...mine is of the 1503... era.


Post: #12

What I want to really avoid is damaging the label. Has anyone seen a chemical way to dissolve the glue?

I've tried heat and I didn't have good luck with it. Perhaps I need more practice.

Post: #13

Check out HPsolve 19. Under Calculator Restorations is a step by step (appears that some steps have been repeated during the editing process (oops)) method of removing the label and restoring it to original condition.

Calculator restorations

Cheers, Geoff

Edited: 25 Nov 2010, 1:25 p.m.

Post: #14


I thought about you when I was watching a TV documentary (here in Sydney) about an Boeing 767 Air Canada flight in 1983 that lost both engines (due to error in fuel calculations) and how it's pilots where able to glide it to an airport near Winipeg. Part of the error was that the 767 used (a new) metric calculations for the fuel weight in kilograms. The technicians fueling it, who where used to "pounds", filled it with under half of the required fuel. Making matters worse is the loss of power to the flight panel which had (then) new CRT screens to provide readouts. The pilots landed but it was not easy and there were several complications. All passengers made it without serious injuries.


Post: #15

Namir --

This was the "Gimli Glider" that I believe Geoff mentioned here several years ago. A PDF article from the Wikipedia page:

-- KS

Edited: 25 Nov 2010, 4:37 p.m.

Post: #16

one of the two mine HP-65 has s/n 1333S01945, the other have the serial number externally between the two bottom feet. It's a 1605AXXXX.

On each calculator I have restored the functionality of the reader.

Take care


Post: #17

If your only concern is the back label, maybe an alternative is to purchase one from Mr.Beng

Post: #18


I have one for another 65 I have repaired. After I did this I read about the major controversy using these within the forum community. I was less concerned ripping into this one as it had MAJOR battery leakage damage and wouldn't operate at all.

I suppose the fact remains that NO untouched 65 remains today without being opened up and its reader repaired.

Post: #19

I think the point could be that if done correctly, the label can be reused and not appear as though it was removed. The calculator can be restored to almost pristine looking condition



p.s. I did fly the "gimli glider" including its second to last flight. The Wikpedia entry does a good job describing the incident. Of course every incident creates new procedures!

p.p.s. The book is about four months from completion, for those that are interested.

Post: #20

Hi Geoff,

The book is about four months from completion, for those that are interested.

Thanks for the information. Now the stopwatch is started for a calibration run - how long last four Canadian months? ;)

Post: #21


Yep, the book has been four months to completion for the last 8 months but other things got in the way.

The "other things" are completed or on hold so full speed ahead on the 4 remaining chapters.

CST (canadian standard time) is USUALLY equivalent to USAST (USA standard time).


Post: #22


watch it! Even in the same country, time warps may be observed - even in a single company. By experience I know some departments where clocks run with considerably different speed. As a matter of facts observed, a deceleration factor of approximately Pi is found frequently, sometimes even Pi^2 d;-)

Post: #23

Heheh... maybe a couple of other projects get bumped up too?

lol. Just messing with you old buddy.

Post: #24


All remaining projects are part of the book including yours!!

p.s. did you fix your HP 01 strap, if not I have the top half in stainless without the defective part.

let me know.


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