Another query about storage of HP41 programs

Thanks for the advice on removing Private status.

One of the programs I have is listed on the cassette tape as "BP". Having removed the private status, I have now printed out the entire program for my record.

But, there is no label "BP" in the entire program. How is it possible? I always thought the first label in a program was the name of the program.


This rule "the first label in a program is the name of the program" only applies to programs located in RAM because this is the way your 41 manages the CATALOG 1 function: it scans memory looking for 1st labels & ENDs.

In tape or disk mass storage, this rule does not apply. These media have a directory structure that manages a full filename & filetype.

This filename (in your case "BP") may be/is completely different of the first label within the program (LABEL "SHELL" or anything else).


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