CLONIX / User-Code ROM question

I've succeeded burning user code programs to my CLONIX module, using Christoph Klug's documentation. But there is a minor issue I do not understand:

I've named the ROM -JKROM1, but when I execute a CAT 2, the name is not displayed at the top level. However, when I insert the CCD module and do a CAT'2, -JKROM1 is listed properly.

Has anybody an explanation for this?

Thank you, Juergen



try a module name with more than seven chars;-)




It helped, indeed! Thank you, Raymond; you saved my day :-)

Next task on my list is restoring the damaged OS on my 32K RAMBOX with the help of an appropriately programmed CLONIX. Not sure if that's really possible. But anyway, working with the CLONIX module is so much fun...

Best Regards from the Bodensee,



Hello Jurgen,

I have been looking already at various place for the OS for the Rambox. Can you post a link to me please ?

I would be very gratefull to you for this.


Edited: 27 May 2006, 5:00 p.m. after one or more responses were posted


Hi Ronald,

I didn't download the RAMBOX ROM from the Internet. Either I got it with the registered EMU41 version, or with the HP-IL/PC interface card (I don't remember exactly).

I don't know if there is any copyright issue with W&W stuff. The company still exists (see



Hello Juergen,

Thank you, i will search further. It is for my HP-41CY wichs lost it OS due to empty batteries (and back-up battery when I bought him). I am trying to bring him back to live again.



Edited: 27 May 2006, 5:01 p.m.


That's really a great week! After the first successful CLONIX experiments, I also get my 32K RAMBOX back to life again. Luckily, it was really easy:

After burning the ZENROM to my CLONIX, I dissassembled the RAMBOX OS. I noticed that the first word - the XROM number - was strange; it was out of the legal range. I changed it to 31, and now, the RAMBOX seems to work fine again. WOW!

Long live the HP-41, and all the amazing software and hardware tools for this great calculator!

Hey, HP folks, have a great weekend and have fun with your calculators,




did you get my mail from a few days ago?




Hello Raymond,

No, I did not receive your mail.

You can mail me at prin1296[please put here the "A" sign]

Kind regards


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