How to change dots <> commas in HP-32E?
Post: #1

Hi, folks!
How to change dots <> commas in HP-32E? I just finished their restoration, and I need to know if was any way to do this. A jumper, maybe?



Post: #2

I'm not sure, but I remember reading about the dot/comma jumper or bridge in the international version of the 34C.

Please take a look at the technical info for the 34C here in the museum.
Maybe the forum archive could help, too.


Post: #3

Thanks, I'll look (again) there. But I think that there isn't any jumper (I don't found any) inside it. Maybe only the international 34C have it...

If I was crazy enough I might just swap the dot and comma connection on the display! Ahh, what a sin messing up with the flexible PCB... Never mind.

Best regards,


Post: #4

Here you find a very good picture of the powersupply of a Spice and the jumper in it that changes dot/comma.

Luiz's Post

Regards, Harry

Post: #5

Thanks, I'll look for it next time I open it.



Post: #6

Hi, Harry;

thank you mentioning. Just to add that I read it first in one of Katie's post, sometime ago. Please, feel free using the information and the pictures anytime you want. Belongs to us all.

Best regards.

Luiz (Vieira)

Post: #7

I just finished assembling again my 32E. I cutted that jumper, and it is now showing dots as separators and a decimal comma. It worked!

Thanks to all!

Best regards,


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