HP Prime: do not send programs and shuts down by pressing Apps
Post: #1

Hello my friends:

As I'm familiarizing myself with this new machine, have accessed quite this Forum, which has given me real quick answers. I have the connectivity Kit installed with version 2013 813 Rev. 5098 that came with the machine.
Well, I can not send programs or any file that has the option to send. There is a newer kit? Other machines have already had this problem? I created a new application with the name Railing in CAS and was creating a new program with the latest guidelines of the friends of the Forum, when, once again, to play the key Apps, the machine turned off. I had to format the machine (I was good at it). Before, I made a backup. Before installing the backup that contains only the application not Railing hangs up on key Apps. If I update with the backup, when touching the key Apps she hangs up.
Get help from friends on these issues?

Thank You

Post: #2

Hi again David,

My personal tip: USE A LOT THE EMULATOR, you will get some crashes from time to time but is more secure, and use your calc once you have your programs running very well.

To SEND the well running program to your calc:

1.- Create/degub your program(or app) in the EMULATOR once ok, edit the program (or app) with connectivity kit and COPY ALL SOURCE.

2.- Create a new program (or app) with same name in the real calc

3.- Connect real calc to PC and edit the empty prog (app)

4.- Erase the empty code and PASTE the source code that was copied from emulator in step 1.

5.- Save changes. and you have it done.

Best regards!!

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