I haven't used my 82161A Cassette Drive in years, so after having to "referbish" the last data tape I was using, and rebuilding the battery pack, I discovered that it isn't writing data.
I can read the old tapes, but when trying to save new programs from my HP-71B, the drive goes through the normal tape movements like it is writing (small bursts near the beginning of tape in the directory area, then a long advance, and more small bursts to the data area), but upon performing a CAT :TAPE, the new program is not in the file list.
I need the service manual, which seems nolonger avail. from HP Parts, and is not on the "Museum DVD Set". Unfortunately all semiconductors have only HP Numbers, so I can't even "shotgun" the repair.
I already have $20 in new battery pack cells, and I would hate to have to throw it away, but is it possible to repair it?
Regards, Peter