LED displays and your kitchen floor
Post: #1

I've heard for years that Future Wax was the way to go for clearing up fine scratches on models with LED displays. Well, tried it last night on a TI as a test and it looked horrible. Perhaps I didn't use enough; I applied it with a Q-tip. Some patches were smooth & shiny, others rough and slightly foggy. And yes, the plastic was cleaned thoroughly before application. Luckily, 409 spray cleaner strips the stuff without damaging the plastic underneath.

Perhaps if I flood the plastic with a little lake of the wax and let it dry, the surface may be more uniform?

Anyone done this and have it turn out ok?


Post: #2

I'm an astronomer amateur, HP user and scale modeller too. For clearing up fine scratches on models with LED displays (sic), I use tooth paste. Really efficient! Yours.

Post: #3

I have had good luck using Brasso to polish out fine scratches.

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