As you have seen, the assembler recently acquired the ability to use aliases in addition to the original mnemonics. These aliases are easier to use and (usually) more intuitive -- and the tools suite will take them all, old and new (even mixed in the same source!). [There are some examples of them being used in the SVN library directory. They files have names like "8queens_alias.wp34s".]
In order to allow the tool suite to not require continuous maintenance, it was designed to be table-driven from the "wp34s.op" file generated by the C build environment. Because of this, the assembler had little latitude in where a space was placed or not based on the original generation of this table. If there was a space in the table, you needed a space in your code.
Your 1st 2 examples are from the original mnemonic set and the format has always been exactly as you see here -- no change.
I think the newer aliases always use a space to make it more consistent (though I may be wrong).
The next 2 examples are new aliases for indirection. It was decided that the space here made more intuitive sense, especially when coupled with register arithmetic. For example "STO- ->00" would look truly strange as "STO-->00".
Given that the indirection syntax can use any of the following choices:
STO- ->00
STO- >00
STO- =>00
STO- @00
there would be confusion for "STO->00" if the space was not required.
For the alpha, it is almost always better to use the preprocessor to generate these. The preprocessor will handle your "No single space possible within a string?" example with ease:
"put as many spaces as you like!"
These will be converted to "[space]" within the tool and parsed into as many triple or single alpha op-codes as required. (See documentation for more details.)
We cannot (currently) use an undelimited space in the non-preprocessor source because the whitespace is used as delimiters in the "wp34s.op" file and an undelimited space just looks like a token separator to the assembler's "wp34s.op" parser.
As an example of the preprocessor in action, the output for the "put as many..." string is as follows (output edited for clarity):
$ echo "put as many spaces as you like!" > alpha.wp34s
$ -pp alpha.wp34s -o blah
$ cat wp34s_pp.lst
0001 /* */ [alpha]'put' // "put as many spaces as you like!"
0002 /* */ [alpha]'[space]as'
0003 /* */ [alpha]'[space]ma'
0004 /* */ [alpha]'ny[space]'
0005 /* */ [alpha]'spa'
0006 /* */ [alpha]'ces'
0007 /* */ [alpha]'[space]as'
0008 /* */ [alpha]'[space]yo'
0009 /* */ [alpha]'u[space]l'
0010 /* */ [alpha]'ike'
0011 /* */ [alpha] !
0012 /* */ END
If you want to see what is legal for an op-code, you can run the following command to generate a (BIG!) table of what is valid:
$ -syntax syntax.tbl
The output will be in the file "syntax.tbl". It may still have some inconsistencies with regard to the [alpha] stuff but it is getting better.
BTW: I don't detect any noticeable slow-down in the tool chain due to the aliases. It could be that this is due to the speed of your relatively ancient Win-98 machine. :-)