Re: 33s, 35s or 15cLE--which to buy?
Post: #1

If you like messages and prompts: HP 33S or 35S.

35S wins in the ability to program to a label's specific line. However, no built in Polar and Rectangular conversion (though there are plenty of programs to work around this).

33S has a "unique" design, built in Polar and Rectangular conversion, less bugs, cheaper, but you are restricted to 27 program labels - period.

If you like landscape calculators, fast numeric routines, the HP 15C could be a way to go. IHMO it looks the best of the three and if you have a classic 15C, the new edition does not disappoint. (Just don't use PSE) However, they can be super hard to find.

Of the three, the 33S is the cheapest.

Hope this helps.

Edited: 26 Feb 2012, 3:23 p.m.

Post: #2

However, no built in Polar and Rectangular conversion (though there are plenty of programs to work around this).

You can use the complex-number functionality of the 35S for P-R and R-P conversions.

Post: #3

You can use the complex-number functionality of the 35S for P-R and R-P conversions.
If typing in numbers and just reading results is all you need, yes.

You cannot compose the polar representation from stack or registers but have to enter the numbers by hand. Likewise, it isn't possible to easily decompose the rectangular representation to stack or registers.

The 35s firmware is a masterpiece if you consider it has been developed on paper, being implemented by third-party, and beta-tested in a reduced period of time. With some iterative work between the parties, it could have been a true successor of the wonderful 32SII. As it is now, it's just a buggy calculator not worth considering for serious use.

About the 33S: Less bugs due to less features. It still contains the lock-up bug and others.

Post: #4

I like HP-35s and use it every day. While HP-15C is very sexy, HP-35s is far more capable and much faster than the original HP-15C.

Lack of p-r conversions? x86 too does not have them. For me, the most ugliest bugs are N-base entry and display of exponent.

Things HP-35S is much better (IMHO) than hp-32s/32sII/33s:

1. Numerical labels
2. Addressable memory
3. Look (yes, I think 35s is better looking compared to 32s)
4. Vectors

Bugs present in 35s are the mostly the same as in 33s.

Features i wish were implemented:

1. ALPHA var, a-la HP-41/42s
2. Solver a-la HP-17B
3. getkey
4. access to the assembly
5. i/o

Post: #5

2. Addressable memory
The 32S(II) offers indirect addressing, too.
Post: #6

Yes, i mean ALL memory is addressable. HP-32S could only address ~30 memory locations, while Hp-35s could address ~800.

Post: #7

Curious, what is the bug with the 15C-LE's 'PSE' instruction? Secondly, where can I find the doc which reveals the bugs which the 35s and 33s have? Please enlighten me because the 33s and 35s were bought on Monday (in other words, extremely recently). By the way, if this helps, the serial number for the 33s starts with CNA133 and the serial number for the 35s starts with CNA141

Edited: 1 Mar 2012, 7:37 p.m.

Post: #8

"While HP-15C is very sexy, HP-35s is far more capable and much faster than the original HP-15C."

Complex functions? Matrix operations? Not so strong there compared to 15C...

Post: #9

PSE in a program works just the first time. After that, the display goes blank.

Post: #10

where can I find the doc which reveals the bugs which the 35s and 33s have?

OOPS, I can't believe it hasn't been mentioned in this thread before: HP-35s bug list. Sorry, I guess it should have been mentioned to you earlier.
Post: #11

Why can't we just agree that they have different capabilities and different uses? OK, the 15C is stronger in complex and matrix math. But the 35s has alphanumeric display (and, strange as it may seem to some, not everyone wants to learn all the row/column codes just to be able to read a program). And I personally just love the looks of the 35S. I say, to each his own... I like the 15C, and use it, but I'd never program it seriously, I just don't want to spend the time to learn the numeric codes from scratch. I didn't have it in "the old days" so I didn't learn it, and learning it now doesn't make sense to me. For programming today I use the WP34s, before it was the 35S and the 50g... for regular (non-programmed) operations I mostly use the 15C or WP34S when outside, and the WP34S or the 50g or 48GX when at home.
Actually, it looks like for me the overall winner is the WP34S! :)


Post: #12

How about:

  1. Fractions
  2. Base conversions
  3. Unit conversions:
    • pounds to kilograms
    • kilograms to pounds
    • miles to kilometers
    • kilometers to miles
    • Fahrenheit to Centigrade
    • Centigrade to Fahrenheit
    • inches to centimeters
    • centimeters to inches
    • gallons to liters
    • liters to gallons
  4. Constants:
    • Speed of light in vacuum
    • Standard acceleration of gravity
    • Newtonian constant of gravitation
    • Molar volume of ideal gas
    • Avogadro constant
    • Rydberg constant
    • Elementary charge
    • Electron mass
    • Proton mass
    • Neutron mass
    • Muon mass
    • Boltzmann constant
    • Planck constant
    • Planck constant over 2 pi
    • Magnetic flux quantum
    • Bohr radius
    • Electric constant
    • Molar gas constant
    • Faraday constant
    • Atomic mass constant
    • Magnetic constant
    • Bohr magneton
    • Nuclear magneton
    • Proton magnetic moment
    • Electron magnetic moment
    • Neutron magnetic moment
    • Muon magnetic moment
    • Classical electron radius
    • Characteristic impendence of vacuum
    • Compton wavelength
    • Neutron Compton wavelength
    • Proton Compton wavelength
    • Fine structure constant
    • Stefan–Boltzmann constant
    • Celsius temperature
    • Standard atmosphere
    • Proton gyromagnetic ratio
    • First radiation constant
    • Second radiation constant
    • Conductance quantum
And best of all: Enough memory to program in any "missing" 15C capabilities, but the converse is not true.

Depends on what you want it for really. Don't shoot it down because it doesn't meet your wish list.

Post: #13

I must say that I am starting to use the WP-34s more often too.

Post: #14

I'm finding I've got to force myself to use my 41CL....
The 34S is definitely my reach for calculator at home and work.

- Pauli

Post: #15

The 34S trumps this comfortably :-)

  1. Fractions -- slightly improved over the 32sii and later.
  2. Base conversions for all bases 2 through 16 inclusive -- not just 2, 8, 10 and 16.
  3. Integer mode that puts even the 16C to shame.
  4. Matrix support -- up to 10x10.
  5. Unit conversions -- eighty four in all.
  6. Physical and mathematical constants -- seventy five in all.
  7. Double precision -- you can implement functions as accurate as the built ins if you're careful.
  8. More statistics than any other calculator I'm aware of.
  9. Alpha manipulations -- including many new operations.
  10. Many more mathematical functions: orthogonal polynomials, zeta, W, ...
  11. More functions supported in the complex domain.
  12. Complete IEEE 854 arithmetic.
  13. I/O.

No doubt I've missed lots of things.

- Pauli

Post: #16

It is really packed full of functions, and even though I do not use many of them, there are a few rarer one I do use (e.g. chisquare), and will save me a lot of trouble when programming. (admittely I have yet to write a program for the 34S).

A truly remarkable device.

Post: #17

(admittely I have yet to write a program for the 34S)

You are missing much of the fun of it.
Post: #18

admittedly I have yet to write a program for the 34S

Once you've written one, you'll want to write more. Which is probably V3.0's best enhancement - management of multiple "sets" of programs in it's massive flash space.

I think only the HP41/42 compares to it.

Post: #19

I'd have to concur.

The 41 has much better I/O & expansion capabilities.

The 42 has better integrated complex number and matrix support.

- Pauli

Post: #20

Although the list was written in 2007, how relevant is it to my 35s with its serial number starting with CNA141?

Edited: 3 Mar 2012, 12:12 p.m. after one or more responses were posted

Post: #21


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