WP 34S: Keyboard Layout Change
Post: #1

We're coming closer to a final keyboard mapping. Check out the most recent emulator and tell us what you think about it! At least SF and CF are on the keyboard now. :-)

I've updated the other skins (compact and LED) and renamed everything to contain a version tag V2 or V3.

Post: #2

Hi Marcus,

I updated to SVN 1917 a few minutes ago and am getting "Error while loading skin (27)" message when starting the emulator under wine. I haven't tried it under Windows (don't have one handy at the moment).

Is there a state file I need to clear?

I have tried launching it from several directories with the same result.


Post: #3

Normally this should not stop the emulator but revert to the first skin in the list. You can clear the registry entry for the program and try again. If that fails, I need to check what happens if no skin is found.

Post: #4

I've had the same issue until I downloaded the wp34s_V3_* skins files from the artwork directory and put them together with the .skin files and with the emulator files under the same directory.

Post: #5

I've had the same issue until I downloaded the wp34s_V3_* skins files from the artwork directory and put them together with the .skin files and with the emulator files under the same directory.

That was it. I had forgotten to add the BMPs to SVN.

I'm sorry.

Post: #6



Post: #7

The only "disappointment" (and that is too strong a word, but ...) I have with the V3 keyboard is the movement of PI off the 3 key.

I'm not sure I see a solution without moving around a couple of other things, but I do wish PI could be back at 3.

If... X.FCN moved to . and the ./, function went to a catalog (since it really won't be used all that often), then you would end up with a spare key location at EEX.

But, I know that opens up several things (again).

IMO (and that's all it is) PI on 3 is more important than ./, on ..

Post: #8

If... X.FCN moved to .

Not a good idea IMO:

TEST, P.FCN and X.FCN in one row is quite comfortable and logical, and all 6 digits 1-6 having a menu on it, too.
Post: #9

Have a look at your beloved 15C.

Post: #10

Fhub, I understand. No good solution. However, it would simply form an L if they were moved. Not that bad.

Marcus, I know where PI is on the 15c :-) but Walter's "3" argument convinced me some time ago that this was "the" place for the PI function. Eh...

Just 2 cents.

Post: #11

I've checked where HP has put PI on some of its scientific calculators. It was a real odyssey.

Primary : 35
0 : 41C/95C
2 : 65/67
3 : 38G/39G/...
. : 25/27/20/33C/28C/45/55
EEX : 15C/21/34C
CHS : 10C/11C
Divide : 97
y^x : 31
1/x : 32E
P->R : 91
Space : 48G/49G/50G
) : 27S
STO : 22S
RCL : 32S
R-Down : 42S
COS : 33S/35S

TI is only slightly less inventive on this.

Post: #12

That would make a great coffee table book. I love the title.

Post: #13

I'm unable to update to the latest revision with subversion on Mac OSX.

svn: Failed to add file 'trunk/windows/bin/wp34s_V3_medium.bmp': an unversioned file of the same name already exists

The problem seems to be there are two files in the same directory with names differing only in the capitalization: wp34s_v3_medium.bmp and wp34s_V3_medium.bmp

OSX doesn't allow this.

If both files are really needed, can you please alter the name of one of them a little more? (or remove it from SVN otherwise).

Edited: 25 Nov 2011, 5:40 p.m.

Post: #14

There is indeed something wrong. Just tried a checkout under MacOS X and got the message:

svn: In directory 'trunk/windows/bin'
svn: Can't open file 'trunk/windows/bin/.svn/tmp/text-base/wp34s_v3_medium.bmp.svn-base': No such file or directory

Post: #15

I just ran into this too :-(

Looks like someone decided to change the case of the the file name and the case insensitive Mac filesystem is confusing subversion.

A work around is to cd to trunk/windows/bin, delete wp34s_v3_medium.bmp and then svn update wp34s_V3_medium.bmp and then do a full update from the top level. I'm still getting svn warnings about the file wp34s_v3_medium.bmp however so I don't know the long term implications of this change.

I'm sure a proper fix will come in due course.

- Pauli

Post: #16

the case insensitive Mac filesystem is confusing subversion.

Subversion is easily confused. We are using it at work too and I noticed it (too) many times :-<

Post: #17

The bogus file should be removed now.

Post: #18

Yes, updates smoothly now on Mac, thanks!

Post: #19

... but Walter's "3" argument convinced me some time ago that this was "the" place for the PI function.

When you need contiguous space even good arguments won't work ;-)

And BTW, ./, must stay where it is since it's employed in alpha mode as well.

Edited: 26 Nov 2011, 5:15 a.m.

Post: #20

If any problems persist, delete the windows/bin directory and do an SVN update.

Post: #21

... which was the way I finally fixed the problem here as well.

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