what comes after trillion?


Whats the next unit above trillions?




million = 10^6

Billion = 10^9 (i.e. 10 to the ninth power) (for Americans; not Brits!)

Trillion = 10^12

Quadrillion = 10^15

Quintillion = 10^18

Sextillion = 10^21

Septillion = 10^24

Octillion = 10^27

Nonillion = 10^30

Decillion = 10^33

When you've counted that high, come back for some more.


Thank you, I'll be back for more... in about a zillion years.



The next (integer) unit after one trillion is...




jack; the u.s. defense budget, thats what.
the budget for the worthless war on some drugs is only .99999 t.


Well trillion is not a unit but a multiplier, the unit would be $ or Watts or seconds. I've not heard anything above a trillion but the greek bi/tri/quad/pent... seems to work.

Billion in England used to mean 1,000,000 x 1,000,000 (i.e. [1 million]^2 ) or 10^12. The normally accepted Billion in England is now what the US uses, this used to be called an 'American or US billion'.

For scientific use the SI series of multipliers is:

10^ Name
-18 Atto
-15 Femto
-12 Pico
-9 Nano
-6 Micro
-3 Milli
+3 Kilo
+6 Mega
+9 Giga
+12 Tera
+15 Petra

So a small distance would be 5pm or 5 pico meters. But in the world of finance poeple don't say 2 MegaDollars!




re: 10^ Name ... -18 Atto -15 Femto -12 Pico -9 Nano -6 Micro -3 Milli +3 Kilo +6 Mega +9 Giga +12 Tera +15 Petra ...

+15 should be "peta" (no "r")

re: But in the world of finance poeple don't say 2 MegaDollars

Maybe not in the financial world, but scientists use mega and giga for costs all the time, with "bucks" rather than dollars, though (sometimes rather sarcastically - usually for the OTHER guys' projects!). One might well say "the space telescope cost about 2 gigabucks" in our parlance.


I frequently use Mega$, Giga$, etc, patly to differentiate because of the the Billion (10^12) vs Billion (10^9) discussion. In Spanish, Billion usually refers to 10^12, trillion is 10^18, etc. Some people, like the peruvian writer Mario Vargas Llosa, suggested to use "milliard" for 10^9, which I understand is similar to the French usage.

I once enjoyed asking my boss for a +3 db salary raise, which sounds rather nice in a EE environment...


I once wrote a spec where all the timings were given in femtofortnights (ffn's)


I've been thinking that in my high school German class, we learned that "Milliard" was the word used for "thousand million" (as the BBC newsreaders always used to say).

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