Additional misc 35s notes

I do hope those interested will take the time to go through the learning modules on HP's site. However, there are a couple of things I'd like to point out.

1 ) The indirect data register packing program is really quite neat, if Jake and I say so ourselves. You allocate a number of indirect registers, which are initialized with 3-D vectors containing zeroes. To store a number into logical indirect register N, key the number, press ENTER key the register number N and XEQ the program label. To recall, simply enter N as a negative number. The other stack registers are preserved, so you can recall two numbers from the packed indirect registers sequentially and perform an operation on them. Why do this? Since indirect registers use 37 bytes EACH, using this program saves about 2/3 of that RAM for other uses.

2 ) The ability to use algebraic commands within RPN programs is really worth serious study by even the most diehard RPN-only programmer. For example, to multiply the value in X by 2 without losing the stack in a program, you can: perform a RDN, then the EQN REGT*2 will do the trick. To enter the REGT instruction, press RDN after you are in equation mode and move the cursor over to point to the T register and press ENTER. Very handy. You can do many, many calculations in a single program line this way without altering the stack. Another example: the remainder function RMDR can be put on a program line as an equation/algebraic object so that RMDR(A+B-REGT,COMB(C,REGX)) would compute the result (of whatever that does) and keep the previous X, Y, and Z values in Y, Z and T. That's an amazing new ability to keep stack values.

3 ) Matrix functions? Not included. However, there's already an HP35s port of the M1 through M5 and BE and BX routines from the PPC rom. These matrix utilities can form the basis for a row reduced matrix program similar to the RRM companion program found in the PPC ROM manual. A determinant of a 28x28 matrix should be possible (but why would you want to try it?). If these programs were modified to use the indirect data packing approach mentioned above, even larger matrices could be worked on.


Sorry if this has been already answered somewhere: Are the keytop symbols painted?


Yes, they are painted. No injection moulding (and hasn't been for ages).


thanks for the interesting review. its a pity there's no way to get programs on or off it like IR or SD/USB. presumably this has something to do with exam rules.

also, am i right in thinking that this now represents the only production keystep programmable scientific calculator?

Edited: 12 July 2007, 5:40 p.m.


Might be no IO because of exams, might also be because of the model heritage this possesses (32s, 32s2, 33s series). Don't know.

As to whether it is the *only* one, depends on if the 33s is killed off. Don't know that either.


Please, do not misunderstand the opinion I would express below: with the exception of its I/O capabilities I find the present HP35s (hopefully, this is not a too strong expression) "simply beautiful".

IMHO, regardless of the HP35s programming capabilities, it is a big disadvantage not to have a possibility of programs input other than the keyboard. It would be much easier for me if I would be able to prepare the program implementing my favorite editor on a PC and somehow transfer it afterwards to my HP35s. If an USB cable were be required for this, the communication among the attendees of an exam (supposing that they are trying to cheat) would be prevented. The only thing a cheater can do, in such a "would be" situation, is to "cut and paste" a certain amount of text from the textbook into HP35s, forbidden on a closed-book-exam; but is this really the reason to omit I/O?

Another important issue is backup. OK, there is plenty of space in HP35s for many everyday necessary programs one could need, but what if I somehow lose what I have been entering for a long time? The reason may be a simple human error: somebody inexperienced presses some combination of "hard reset"; or similar.

Should we wait for HP35s+ or HP35sx: may be the same as HP35s, but with I/O?


The next generation will be the HP-41S series -

Keystroke programming
Unit conversion 48 style
42 menu style
External Program Storage/Backup

Released on the 30th Anniversary of the 41C series - 2009!

So you will have to wait a bit longer...


I'd like to see a 42s+ to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the 42S in 2008 already. External I/O via USB or SD cards. Shape of keys taken over form 35s. LCD size 150% of 35s. Dot matrix considerably larger than 35s. Drafts of such a calculator have been shown here some times already.

Edited: 13 July 2007, 11:09 a.m.


Boy are you greedy!


Dreams are fun.

Don't let them distract you from reality. :-)


The next generation will be the HP-41S series -

First time when I saw the photo of HP35s my first thought was: "This is a 21st century HP41".


I'd like to see a 42s+ to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the 42S in 2008 already.

I dunno. We're getting a 35th anniversary 35, so shouldn't we expect a 42nd anniversary 42 in 2030? I think I'm going to hold out for a 71st anniversary 71B in 2055.


Fortunately I've never used a 9100A.....


After all, all the parts necessary are available already: take the LCD of any HP graphic calc, the SD port of 49/50, key molds of 35s, even the keyboard PCB layout may be taken over from the 35s. It may need a bit longer housing for the higher LCD and larger batteries - not too time consuming. And an extended function set, of course. But, as one of my bosses used to say, "that's only software"! So, if the 35s will sell well, why not?


The hardware seems to be there, see the reincarnation of the 17bII+ ...


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