Upcoming 35s question #2
Post: #1

The answer to question 1 was E. The early models did not have a lowered-ON key.

Question 2: In the spirit of guessing, how many full-precision real numbers can be stored in registers on the HP 35s?

No multiple choice this time.

Post: #2

Let me say, as much as can be represented by floating point numbers within the limits of the machine :^).

(I was right on q#1, I can afford to fail this time :-)

Edited: 12 July 2007, 7:19 a.m.

Post: #3

Answer is well over 2400 floating point, full precision numbers.

Post: #4

That isn't exactly a precise answer to the question...

- Pauli

Post: #5

Lol. Ok,

2514 is the actual, non-useful number.

801 x 3 + 26 x 3 + 6 x 3 + 5 x 3

which fills up all 801 indirect registers, all 26 lettered registers, all 6 stat registers (which have to be stored indirectly) and all 4 stack registers and lastx too.

Reality is that you can now have indirect registers 1 through 800 filled with 3-D vectors containing 3 full precision real numbers using the program supplied in the learning module.

That ought to do for now. :-)

Post: #6

Indeed, my answer was way better. You just have to read the question the right way ;-).

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