Short & Sweet Math Challenge #19: Surprise ! [LONG]

Hi all,

    Almost 3 months have passed by since my latest S&SMC #18: April 1st's Spring Special, so it's
    high time to indulge in a new Short & Sweet Math Challenge(tm), this time's S&SMC#19: "Surprise !",
    where an assortment of individual subchallenges are issued, all of them having in common
    a most unexpected, surprising result, and further they're graded according to their difficulty,
    from the easiest (F) to the hardest (A), so that all of you may try your hand to at least
    some of them, if not all.

    Three optional variants are suggested to allow you to upgrade your mark to a C+, B+, or A+.
    I'll provide my original solutions plus extensive comments to all graded problems A-F (but not for A+, B+, C+,
    these are truly left as an exercise for the reader, though I'll provide the final results and some comments as well).

    The usual rules do strictly apply, briefly:

    • Do not google for the answers, that's pathetically lame and unworthy of you

    • Giving just the numeric result is worthless as well and gets you no grade at all:
      you must supply code for your favorite HP handheld (other makes also
      allowed), which must be a calculator/handheld computer or emulator/simulator,
      no code for desktop/laptop PC-class machines or PDAs.

    I'll post my original solutions within a week of sorts, so you'll have plenty
    of time to concoct and post your solutions. Enjoy ! :-)

    The Graded Challenge

    Grade F:

      Write a program to compute (but not output) the Nth term for the following sequences:
        Sequence 1: u1 = 0, u2 = 1, un+2 = un+1 + un/n

        Sequence 2: u1 = 0, u2 = 1, un+2 = un + un+1/n

      where the number of terms N (which can be distinct for each sequence) is either
      hardcoded or input, your choice. After computing (but not outputting) the Nth term, uN,
      your program must then compute and output just the following values:
        Sequence 1: L = N*1 / (uN)1

        Sequence 2: L = N*2 / (uN)2

      Now use your program to help you try and predict, for each sequence, the corresponding
      theoretical exact limit of L when the number of terms N tends to infinity

      I'll give my solution for the HP-71B which is a 2-line program which computes and outputs the
      corresponding values of L for N = 13 and N = 13000, respectively.

    Grade D:

      Using a model which either has built-in graphics capabilities or else can
      send output to a (perhaps emulated) printer (not necessarily graphical,
      alphanumeric output will do just fine), write a program which, given N, will autoscale,
      label, and plot the ISin(X, N) function, for arguments X belonging to the
      fixed interval [0, 2*Pi] at increments of Pi/40, say, where

               ISin(X, N)  is defined as   Sin(Sin(Sin( ... Sin(X) ... )))
      i.e., the iterated Sine of X, where X is assumed to be in radians, and N is a positive integer, which is the number of iterations
      For instance, this could be the resulting output in an alphanumeric-only printer for the case of N=1:
        Maxim = 1.000
        0.000 0.000 *
        0.157 0.156 : *
        0.314 0.309 : *
        0.471 0.454 : *
        0.628 0.588 : *
        0.785 0.707 : *
        0.942 0.809 : *
        1.100 0.891 : *
        1.257 0.951 : *
        1.414 0.988 : *
        1.571 1.000 : *
        1.728 0.988 : *
        1.885 0.951 : *
        2.042 0.891 : *
        2.199 0.809 : *
        2.356 0.707 : *
        2.513 0.588 : *
        2.670 0.454 : *
        2.827 0.309 : *
        2.985 0.156 : *
        3.142 0.000 *
        3.299 -0.156 * :
        3.456 -0.309 * :
        3.613 -0.454 * :
        3.770 -0.588 * :
        3.927 -0.707 * :
        4.084 -0.809 * :
        4.241 -0.891 * :
        4.398 -0.951 * :
        4.555 -0.988 * :
        4.712 -1.000 * :
        4.869 -0.988 * :
        5.027 -0.951 * :
        5.184 -0.891 * :
        5.341 -0.809 * :
        5.498 -0.707 * :
        5.655 -0.588 * :
        5.812 -0.454 * :
        5.969 -0.309 * :
        6.126 -0.156 * :

      which, of course, is ISin(X, 1) i.e, just Sin(X). Notice the auto-scaling so that the plot
      takes the whole width of the output, the labeled and properly rounded X and Y coordinates,
      and the labeled Maxim, which is the maximum absolute value of the Y coordinate:
      you need to know it in order to autoscale the plot, so you might as well output it.

      Once you've succeeded, run your program for various values of N such as 10, 100, 1000, ..., (or 2, 4, 8, ...),
      and, just by looking at the plots themselves and the values of Maxim, try and describe what happens
      for increasing values of N
      and predict what happens in the limit when N tends to infinite.

      I'll give my solution for the HP-71B which is an 8-line program which produces
      sample output like the above for any N.

    Grade C:

      Find and output all values of N < 10000 such that N is prime and
                   P(N) = S(N)
      where P(N) gives the number of primes <= N and S(N) gives the sum
      of the factorials of the digits of N

      For instance:

            P(7) = 4, because there are 4 primes <= 7, namely 2,3,5,7

      S(1234) = 33, because 1! + 2! + 3! + 4! = 33

      Your program must be optimized primarily for speed, then for program size, and it must exhaust the range, not stop altogether upon finding a solution.

      I'll give my solution for the HP-71B, which is a simple 6-line program
      which delivers the goods very quickly.

      Note: Get a C+ !

      Among the infinity of positive integers N >= 10000, there's just one and only one additional solution. Find it !

    Grade B:

      Given a positive integer N, write a program to compute and ouput the value of S, defined as

                 n = N
      \ 1
      S = > -----
      / (rn)2
      n = 1

      where rn is the nth positive root of Tan(x) = x, where x is
      expressed in radians.

      Your program must be optimized primarily for speed, then size, and
      must be efficient enough to allow you to compute S for large values
      of N in reasonable times. It must also take special care not to miss
      any roots in range or misidentify a pole for a root.

      Once written, compute the value of S for N = 100, 200, ..., 1000, 2000, ..., then
      try and predict what the exact limit value should be when N tends
      to infinite.

      I'll give several very short and fast solutions for the HP-71B, to
      illustrate some important points. Running on Emu71, they can compute
      and process up to, say, 1,000,000 roots, in very reasonable times.

      Note: Get a B+ !

      If you manage to solve the above, you can get a B+ by computing
      and, most specially, identifying the exact sum but this time using

                      (rn)2 + 1
      in the denominators instead of simply (rn)2

    Grade A:

      As you may know, the limit of the sum of the reciprocals of the natural
      numbers 1 to N does diverge when N tends to infinite:

      \ 1
      S = > --- -> oo
      / N
      N = 1

      However, if we simply leave out of the sum just those terms whose denominators
      include the digit 9
      (such as 199, 34343900132, ...), the infinite sum then
      nicely converges to a finite value.

      This said, you must write a program to compute as accurately as possible
      this finite value of the infinite sum. You must optimize your program for both accuracy and speed.

      I'll give my original solutions for the HP-71B, which are 6- and 10-line programs.
      Both of them do compute the limit to a full 12-digit accuracy fairly quickly,
      but the longer one does it 60+ times faster.

      Note: Get an A+ !

      Compute the limit value of the infinite sum excluding instead those terms which
      include the digit string '42', as in "HP42S" (i.e: 42, 78042998, 142883213044, etc). Also, see if you can predict the approximate value of the infinite sum when excluding terms which do include some given arbitrary non-periodic string of digits (say, 314, or 314159, or your phone number, etc)

    That's all. Hoping you'll enjoy this S&SMC and waiting for your clever solutions ...

Best regards from V.

Edited to correct a typo in the initial conditions of Grade F above, as pointed by Peter P. Thanks a lot, Peter ! :-)

Edited to add a C+ exercise for the reader

Edited: 20 June 2007, 4:27 a.m. after one or more responses were posted


Just got home and saw with great delight another S&SMC!

However, not surprisingly I stumble already on the first one. There is some slight hope for me that I don't fully understand the nomenclature of the challenge, but more likely I don't get it. Please give me kind nudge...

You write (replacing brackets for your subscript)

u(1) = 0; u(2) = 0; u(n+2) = u(n+1) + u(n)/n

Setting n = 1 I interpret this as: u(1+2) = u(1+1) + u(1)/1. Substituting u(1) and u(2) gives me a u(3) of 0 which then in consequence means u(n) is zero |n

Please someone be so kind and help me see what my mistake is!

Thanks for another challenge Valentin, I know my productivity level for tomorrow already (and thanks to my early stumble I will get some sleep tonight :-) )





Grade C:

Find and output all values of N < 10000 such that N is prime and
             P(N) = S(N)
where P(N) gives the number of primes <= N and S(N) gives the sum
of the factorials of the digits of N

Answer: 6521

Time to solution: ~15 minutes*

Time to completion: ~21 minutes*

UPDATE: Normal speed 15C time to solution: ~9 hours, 40 minutes.

UPDATE: Normal speed 15C time to completion: ~14 hours, 45 minutes.

The program below will count up to 9999 checking for primes along the way. All numbers < 10000 will have prime factors < 100. If prime and < 100, then cache the prime number for future checks. A matrix is used for the cache. As primes are discovered P(N) is incremented and S(N) calculated and compared to P(N). If S(N)=P(N) and prime then display N, R/S, repeat, end at 10000.

*NOTE: Do not input this in your 15C and run it. It will take a very long time. I used Nonpareil after increasing the frequency 4651 times (no, it does not run 4651 times faster, there are other factors). UPDATE: Measured ~38x faster with modified Nonpareil.

001  LBL A               ;LBL A
003 FIX 0
004 CF 0
005 f MATRIX 0
006 2
007 5
009 1
010 f DIM E
011 f MATRIX 1
012 3
013 STO E
014 5
015 STO 2
016 2
017 STO 3
018 LBL 0 ;LBL 0
019 4
020 10^X
021 RCL 2
022 X>=Y? ;TEST 9
023 RTN
024 f MATRIX 1
025 LBL 1 ;LBL 1
026 RCL E
027 X=0?
028 GTO 2
029 /
030 FRAC
031 X=0?
032 GTO 3
033 1
034 STO+ 0
035 RCL 2
036 GTO 1
037 LBL 2 ;LBL 2
038 F? 0
039 GTO 6
040 9
041 7
042 RCL 2
043 X=Y? ;TEST 5
044 SF 0
045 STO E
046 LBL 6 ;LBL 6
047 1
048 STO+ 3
049 GSB B
050 RCL 3
051 X!=Y? ;TEST 6
052 GTO 3
053 RCL 2
054 R/S
055 LBL 3 ;LBL 3
056 2
057 STO+ 2
058 GTO 0
059 LBL B ;LBL B
060 0
061 STO 5
062 RCL 2
063 LBL 4 ;LBL 4
064 X=0?
065 GTO 5
066 1
067 0
068 /
070 FRAC
071 1
072 0
073 *
074 x!
075 STO +5
076 X<>Y
077 INT
078 GTO 4
079 LBL 5 ;LBL 5
080 RCL 5
081 RTN

Edited: 20 June 2007, 5:47 p.m. after one or more responses were posted


Hi, Peter:

    Actually, it was a typo on my part: I was very busy keying in all of this rather long stuff late in the dark at 3 AM and despite my best efforts to ensure full correctness, a typo crept in.

    I've already edited it out in my main post above, so please resume your efforts with the now corrected initial conditions for both sequences featured in Grade F (there were a couple of 0's where 1's should have been).

    Thanks a lot for spotting it out and sorry for the inconvenience.

Best regards from V.

Hi Valentin,

Why not, for the next S&SMC, calculate the ideal rythmics on orabidoo ?


Okay, here is my clunky 71b code - the first try for an official SSMC on the 71b for me! (hey, one has to treasure the small pleasures in life, right?) And I readily admit that the recursive capability of the 71b made this one much easier to program on the 71b than a similar attempt on the 41c would have been.

Those two harmless looking sequences do indeed seem to converge to surprising numbers (e and pi).

First sequence:
10 Def FNV(n)
20 If n = 0 Then FNV = 0 Else if n = 1 then FNV = 1 Else FNV = FNV(n-1) + FNV(n-2)/(n-2)
30 End Def
40 Input "N=?";n @ Disp n/FNV(n) @ Beep

even resonably low n (e.g. 13 as suggested by Valentin) lead to fairly accurate representation of e.
for N=13 I get 2.71828182854

Second sequence:
10 Def FNV(n)
20 If n = 0 Then FNV = 0 Else if n = 1 then FNV = 1 Else FNV = FNV(n-2) + FNV(n-1)/(n-2)
30 End Def
40 Input "N=?";n @ Disp 2*n/(FNV(n))^2 @ Beep

This sequence seems to converge to pi, but MUCH much slower. I have not installed emu71 yet (I know, I know, sorry guys....) so I will not run it until 13000 in my physical 71b as Valentin seems to suggest, lest I miss my appointment with the end of the universe.

The max I dared was 13 again and that gave me 3.548026...
Being this is pretty far from pi, I might go ahead and install emu71... :-) and so how far we can get...


This sequence seems to converge to pi, but MUCH much slower. I have not installed emu71 yet (I know, I know, sorry guys....) so I will not run it until 13000 in my physical 71b as Valentin seems to suggest, lest I miss my appointment with the end of the universe.

Recursion can be a bit slow (even on EMU71). Try something like the following for sequence 2:

10 N=13000
30 U1=0 @ U2=1
40 FOR I=3 TO N
50 U3=U1+U2/(I-2)
60 U1=U2 @ U2=U3
80 DISP 2*N/U3^2;"IN";TIME-T;"SEC"

EMU71 output: 3.14171348646 IN 1.48 SEC
71B output: 3.14171348646 IN 618.29 SEC


Edited submission, a bit smaller/2x faster/a bit cleaner.


Thanks Egan, very nice! Another little trick learned, very much appreciated!




Another rather long program, which however works... And it brought me into contact with the JPC-rom...

the answer appears to be 6521, which is a prime number, has 843 as the sum of the factorials and there are 843 prime numbers lower than 6521.

the code below first generates p(x) up until the maximum relevant number <10000 (which is 6543, see below). It then loops through all possible numbers, calculates S, checks if N is prime and if s=p(n), taking advantage of a few things.

Generally a digit needs to be 'worth' more than its factorial. So say 5! is 120 yet that 5 occupies the first digit in the number n. it provides only p(5) <=5 number of primes but contributes 120>5 to the S, the sum of the factorials. based on this general observation and the the handy function nprim(1,n) from the JPC-Rom we can quickly say that

a) no digits >6 are allowed, as they 'contribute' too much via n! to S than what they can contribute to N, even if they are the highest digit in N

b) for similar reasons, the second lowest digit can only go until 4 and the third lowest until 5.

c) the lowest digit can only go until 3. However, as N has to be prime we can also eliminate 2 here.
this leaves us with (0->6)*(0->5)*(0->4)*(1,3) = 7*6*5*4*2 or 1680 test we have to make.

d) given that this is much less than 10000 one could have also replaced the first loop which generates p(x) with the function nprim(1,N) for those 1680 iterations. It turns out that this is slower than generating p(x) for all 6543 numbers.

anyway, here is the listing

10 destroy all
20 dim p(6543) @ c=0
30 for j=1 to 6543
40 if prim(j)=0 then c=c+1
50 p(j)=c
60 next j
70 disp j;c @ beep !just for feedback
80 for b=0 to 6
90 if b>0 then b2=b*10^3 @ b3=fact(b) else b2=0 @ b3=0
100 for c=0 to 5
110 if b+c>0 then c2=c*10^2 @ c3=fact(c) else c2=0 @ c3=0
120 for d=0 to 4
130 if a+b+c+d>0 then d2=d*10 @ d3=fact(d) else d2=0 @ d3=0
140 for e = 1 to 3 step 2
150 n=b2+c2+d2+e @ s=b3+c3+d3+fact(e)
160 if p(n)<>s then 190
170 if prim(n)<>0 then 190
180 disp n;s;p(n)
190 next e
200 next d
210 next c
220 next b
230 destroy all
240 disp "Done!" @ beep 880

It runs approximately 5 sec on EMU71 (i got inspired and did install it. What a NICE piece of software!!!) and approximately 5 minutes on my real hp71 (side question: is there a similar speed-hack for the 71b as there is for the 41C?) One interesting side comment: I remember that there sometimes is a debate if 1 is a prime number or not. even the JPC-rom has different opinions here (i think the x-version says no, the e version says yes). If one were to claim 1 as a prime number, the solution would be 13, which has a factorial sum s(13)=7 and 7 prime numbers (1,2,3,5,7,11,13).

This is fun!



Edited: 20 June 2007, 1:22 p.m. after one or more responses were posted


1 is not a prime number.


Hi, Peter:

Peter wrote:

    "Another rather long program, which however works... And it brought me into contact with the JPC-rom..."

      My, my, you're learning a lot, aren't you ? And having fun
      while at it ! :-)

    "the answer appears to be 6521, which is a prime number, has 843 as the sum of the factorials and there are 853 prime numbers lower than 6521."

      He, he, my time to correct your typo: you mean "there are 843 prime numbers lower than 6521", not 853.

    "It runs approximately 5 sec on EMU71 (i got inspired and did install it. What a NICE piece of software!!!) and approximately 5 minutes on my real hp71"

      There's something weird about those timings. I've found that a properly installed instance of Emu71 runs 250-350 times faster than a real HP-71B, so if it takes 5 minutes in the physical 71B, it should take approximately just one second when running under Emu71, not five, assuming you're using a 2 Ghz CPU or so. Perhaps you should check your installed Emu71 or stop other tasks while timing it, or check different hardware.

    "If one were to claim 1 as a prime number [...]"

      ... you could claim as well that 3 is even, i.e., you can't.
      1 is neither composite nor prime, it's a unit and that allows it an special status as regards to primality or compositeness. As such, 1 is never counted as a primer number.

    "This is fun!"

      I'm truly glad you're enjoying it. I've added a C+ variant to the challenge above, see if you dare to conquer it as well. It's not that easy, you know ... :-)

Best regards from V.


Hi, Egan:

    Nice effort ! I've added a C+ extension to the challenge above, perhaps you might want to conquer that as well, though it's far more challenging.

    Thanks a lot for your interest and very nice solution (for the HP-15C no less), and

Best regards from V.

Hi Thibaut,

Thibaut posted:

    "Why not, for the next S&SMC, calculate the ideal rythmics on orabidoo ?"

      ... Meaning !?

Best regards from V.

Nice effort ! I've added a C+ extension to the challenge above, perhaps you might want to conquer that as well, though it's far more challenging.

Thanks, I'll work it if I have the time. All my spare time (what little I have) is being used for A/A+.

BTW, I updated my entry with a normal speed 15C. 9 hours, 40 minutes.

Edited: 20 June 2007, 12:46 p.m.


Thanks Valentin, I corrected my post. Turns out it was even worse, there was a slight typo in the listing as well...

C+ sounds daring, your looong time ago post about how to teach a 71 or 41 large number/high precision arithmetic rears its ugly head...




Learned some more about string-handling, yet do not have the patience to make it as pretty as VA's plot. However, from running the pgm it would seem that the curve becomes more and more a rectangular step function with n increasing. The question is, if that 'rectangle' will eventually become a flat line. Here is my amateurs guess: sin(x)=x-x^3/3. In the limit, x^3 should converge faster to 0 than x so I'd say it stays a rectangle (meaning the integral of ISin(x,n) over [0,Pi] is >0 for lim n->infinity). But that's just a guess.

Here is the rather boring and un-elegant code. (Side-comment: as a beginner/novice the 71b is so much easier to program that I see I do significantly less fiddling than when working with the 41. The outcome is that I gets results faster, yet the code is often less elegant or intriguing, more straight forward, yet easier to follow. Unless it is authored by VA, naturally... :-)

10 Destroy N,Y,P,D$,I,J,C @ Radians
20 Input "N=?";N @ Dim y(80) @ p=0 @ c=80 @ dim d$[80]
30 Def fns(x,n)
40 t=x
50 for j=1 to n @ t=sin(t) @ next j
60 fns=t
70 end def
80 m1=100 @ m2=-100
90 for i=0 to 80
100 y(i) = fns(i*pi()/40,n)
110 m1 = min(m1,y(i)) @ m2 = max(m2,y(i))
120 Next i
130 d=m2-m1 @ s=d/c
140 disp "Min=";m1;'Max=";m2
150 for i=0 to 80
160 d$=space(c)
170 p=int((y(i)-m1)/s+0.5)
180 p=max(0,p) @ p=min(p,80)
190 d$[p]="x" @ Disp d$
200 disp keywait$
210 Next i
220 Disp "Done!"


    "Why not, for the next S&SMC, calculate the ideal rythmics on orabidoo ?"

      ... Meaning !?

Best regards from V.

... meaning that it would be nice to make a cross-over between 2 passion. It happens that both of us enjoy HP calcs AND Mike Oldfield... So I'm looking forward to seeing a S&SMC combining maths AND Mike's music.

Any inspiration ?


[Caveat reader: Off topic]

Hi, Thibaut:

Thibaut posted:

    "It happens that both of us enjoy HP calcs AND Mike Oldfield..."

      That's correct, last time I checked I had 100+ CD/DVD (about 2% of my whole CD/DVD collection) of his music, counting official releases, bootlegs, really really rare 'rarities', fan-made releases, the works !

    "So I'm looking forward to seeing a S&SMC combining maths AND Mike's music. Any inspiration ?"

      Intriguing request ... I think it might be possible, but would require people to also be aware of and pretty knowledgeable about specific works of Mike (say "Amarok", for instance) but the hard fact is he isn't known that well (if at all) in the US or most any other place in the world save Spain, UK, and some European countries, most regrettably.

      100+ years from now, when he gets recognition as a true 'classic' genius 'a la Mozart' the situation will improve, hopefully.

      Thanks for your appreciation of both my math efforts and most specially Mike's music, and

Best regards from V.

Hi again, Peter:

Peter wrote:

    "C+ sounds daring, your looong time ago post about how to teach a 71 or 41 large number/high precision arithmetic rears its
    ugly head..."

      Not so, fortunately. The only other solution is well within the normal range for REAL numbers in the HP-71B and, matter of fact, any other HP calculator ever produced.

      A little sleuthing will allow you to easily set an upper limit and useful, time-reducing heuristics for the search.

Best regards from V.

EMU71 output: 3.14171348646 IN 1.48 SEC
71B output: 3.14171348646 IN 618.29 SEC

For fun I fabricated a fast 71B FORTH follow up. Given that this is a stack-based solution you could easily use a forty one.

I must say that the 71B + Math ROM + JPCx + 41/FORTH ROM is becoming my favorite calc. RPN/FORTH/BASIC + I/O--very nice.

The code below works like my small basic post above, but ~2x faster.

: F1
0. 1.
13001 3 DO
I 2 - ITOF
13000 ITOF Y RCL F/ F.
." IN "
SWAP - . ." SEC"

OUTPUT: 2.71828183554 IN 331 SEC

: F2
0. 1.
13001 3 DO
I 2 - ITOF
FENTER F* 2 13000 * ITOF Y RCL F/ F.
." IN "
SWAP - . ." SEC"

OUTPUT: 3.14171348646 IN 324 SEC



I new that my original approach to C would not work, so I changed it around. The following code delivers the first solution in ~1sec in EMU71 and a second solution(?) in ~14min.

5,114,903 seems to be another solution. There are 363035 prim numbers until it and the sum of its factorials is also 363035 unless I made a mistake, which is, alas, very likely.

The code below uses fprim from the JPC-rom to move from one prime to the next and then calculates the sum of the factorial using the string-access brackets. Given that for the second solution we knew we had to look for higher numbers it made sense to let the prim numbers lead the way rather than the factorials as in my original solution.

The nice thing is that this code is even shorter. If one were to take out the niceties like giving it a start-number, measuring the time etc it would be down to about 7 lines... (30,40+50,60,70,80,90,150)

10 Input "Start=?";S @ P=Nprim(1,S) @ C=0
20 A$=Time$
30 Loop
40 T=Fprim(S+1) @ P=P+1 @ S=T
50 T$=STR$(T) @ L=Len(T$) @ X=0
60 For I=1 to L
70 X=X+Fact(Val(T$[I,I])) @ If X>P Then I=L+1
80 Next I
90 If X=P Then
100 Disp "Found a solution!! ";"Prim=";T;"FactSum=";X;"NumOfPrim=";P
110 Disp "StartTime=";A$;" EndTime=";Time$
120 Disp "Press key to continue...";Keywait$
130 Endif
140 C=C+1 @ C>500 then C=0 @ Disp "Cur Prim=";T;"P=";P
150 End Loop

5,114,903 seems to be another solution.

Actually I think its 5224903.

I have a 50g program that works the same way. A quick and dirty that runs slow.

Save this as 'DIGITFACT'

\<< 0 \-> X
\<< DUP

Save and run this:

\<< 843 \-> P
\<< 6521

Edited: 21 June 2007, 2:21 a.m.


yes, sorry, my typo. As you can tell from the time I run it, it was rather late....I even ran it twice and wrote down the result on a notepad here next to my computer. It says in big happy letters 5224903. Did'nt know I am that dyslexic (see the above type in my original solution of 853 instead of 843...)
Thanks for pointing it out.



Edited: 21 June 2007, 9:53 a.m.



my original post had an error in the if-then clause in Def FN due to a misunderstanding on my part on how the if-then with a followin @ works.

Now things are more 'surprising'. A little nifty free graphic package (its free, super easy and allows all sorts of graphs of functions, integrals, etc. It can be found here ) helped me see the periodicity in the roots (every pi() with the first one after 0 being between 1.25*pi and 1.5*pi) which I used for FNROOT.

The value for B seems to be 1/5th (I get 0.199989... for n=100000)

The value for B+ comes out to something like 0.194526... and I have no idea about the 'true' value.

Here is the now corrected code. However, WHY those are the correct answers, I could never figure out. I admit to cheating in the end and found the explanation - I would have NEVER found this one out!

10 Def FN(x)
20 f= tan(x)-x
30 if abs(f)<=1e-40 then f=0
35 fnf=f
40 end Def
50 Input "N=?";N @ S=0 @ Input "ad to square of root (0 or 1)",a
60 For i=1 to N
70 L=(i+0.25*PI() @ U=L+0.25*PI()
80 Y=FNROOT(L,U,FNF(FVAR)) @ S=S+1/(a+y^2) @ if mod(i,500)=0 then disp i,2*s
90 next i
100 s=s*2 @ Disp "Sum=";s



Edited: 21 June 2007, 7:06 p.m.


I, too, think you will approach a square wave (i.e. a line above and below zero, by the same distance). Whether it stays a square wave or goes to zero depends on precision limits on calculating sin(x) where x is small. If for x small enough, sin(x) exactly returns x, then the square wave amplitude will be the x value at which sin(x) no longer gets any smaller.

For example, on my 42S, I find that taking a sine starting at 0.0004 requires some 50 key presses of the sin button until you get an answer that is not 0.0004 but rather 0.000399999 (remember: sin(epsilon) ~= epsilon, for small epsilon). For larger values of x (i.e. where sin(x) was bigger to begin with), sin(x) will get smaller more quickly than for those values of x which gave a smaller value of sin(x) to begin with. Hence, the curve will flatten out more quickly where x was nearer to pi/2 or 3pi/2.


Hi, Peter:

Peter posted:


      Most unfortunately, the corrections fell short of perfection, there are still a considerable number of errors in your listing. Please take what follows as well-meaning advice, not criticism, given solely to allow you to improve your skills:

      First of all, there are many syntax errors in your listing:

            10 Def FN(x)
      |-- It should probably be FNF(x), the F is missing

      20 f= tan(x)-x
      30 if abs(f)<=1e-40 then f=0
      35 fnf=f
      40 end Def

      While correct, this is unnecessarily convoluted, and the simpler and obvious:
            10 DEF FNF(X)=TAN(X)-X  
      would be both shorter and faster, not being a multi-line user
      defined function and not needing to use an additional variable,
      not to mention the gains of supressing the unnecessary test.

      Which is more, you can simply use TAN(FVAR)-FVAR directly
      in FNROOT, thus getting rid of the user-defined function definition, which will again save bytes and be much faster, as invoking user-defined functions is costly in the HP-71B.

             50 Input "N=?";N @ S=0 @ Input "ad to square of root (0 or^
      |- this must be a ";" instead of a ","

      70 L=(i+0.25*PI() @ U=L+0.25*PI()
      |-- this parenthesis is never closed; besides,
      I don't quite get what PI() is intended to be,
      unless it's some ROM- or LEX keyword which
      does require that weird syntax; the built-in
      PI function does *not* admit "()"

      80 Y=FNROOT(L,U,FNF(FVAR)) @ S=S+1/(a+y^2) @
      if mod(i,500)=0 then disp i,2*s
      |-- Whence came this 2 ?
      Also, y*y would be much faster than y^2

      100 s=s*2 @ Disp "Sum=";s
      |- ditto, whence came this 2 ? No such 2 does
      appear anywhere in the challenge's infinite sum

      I think most of these errors are due to you painstakingly typing the listing into the posted message, either from your HP-71B display or from the Emu71 listing. As such, you're prone to typos, uneven casing, etc.

      May I suggest that you simply develop your solution in Emu71, then, once it runs fine, simply execute LIST to have the listing appear in Emu71's simulated 80-column display, then *copy* the listing from Emu71's display and *paste* it in your message's text area. That would ensure absolute correction, no typos whatsoever, and would be both much faster and less tiring for you.

      Now, I've corrected the above mentioned typos, but nevertheless the corrected listing does not produce the values you mention, far from it. I've traced it and it doesn't seem to properly generate the roots, as it generates and adds to the sum the same roots many times, omits others, and at times generates poles instead of roots.

      Perhaps my corrections weren't enough, or perhaps something else is missing from your listing. Please follow my advice on generating and copy/paste-ing listings directly from Emu71, and re-post your routine again. I hope that, in the end, this will be both fun and instructive for you.

    Thanks a lot for your interest, and

Best regards from V.

Here is my Grade D 71B BASIC submission. Since you already demonstrated a vertical plot, I opted for a horizontal plot. You'll need EMU71 or an 80 Column HP-IL video adapter.


1.00| *********
| ** **
| ** *
| * **
| * *
| * *
| * *
| * *
| * *
| * *
| * *
| * *i 2pi
| * *
| * *
| * *
| * *
| * *
| * *
| * *
| * *
| ** *
| * **
| ** **
-1.00| *********


0.48| *****************
| *** **
| * *
| * *
| * *
| *
| *
| *
| *
| *
| *
| *i 2pi
| *
| *
| *
| *
| *
| *
| *
| * *
| * *
| * *
| ** ***
-0.48| *****************


0.17| ***************************
| ** *
| *
| *
| *
| *
| *
| pi 2pi
| *
| *
| *
| *
| *
| * **
-0.17| ***************************


0.05| *********************************
| *
| *
| pi 2pi
| *
| *
-0.05| *********************************


0.02| ***********************************
| pi 2pi
-0.02| ***********************************

Clearly as N increases it is getting square as others have stated.


20 P=2 @ L=25 @ C=77
30 FIX P
40 DIM L$(L)[C+1]
50 N=1
60 M=PI/2
70 FOR I=1 TO N
80 M=SIN(M)
110 FOR I=0 TO 2*PI STEP 2*PI/(C-P-4)
120 Y=I
130 FOR J=1 TO N
140 Y=SIN(Y)
150 NEXT J
170 NEXT I
180 CALL PLOT(L$(),L)
190 END
210 FOR I=1 TO L
220 L$(I)[P+4,P+4]=CHR$(124)
230 NEXT I
240 FOR I=P+4 TO C
250 L$(L/2)[I,I]="-"
260 NEXT I
270 L$(L/2)[P+4,P+4]="+"
280 L$(1)[1,LEN(STR$(-M))]=STR$(-M)
290 L$(L)[2,LEN(STR$(M))+1]=STR$(M)
300 L$(L/2)[(C-P+4)/2+2,(C-P+4)/2+2]=CHR$(124)
310 L$(L/2+1)[(C-P+4)/2+2,(C-P+4)/2+3]="pi"
320 L$(L/2)[C,C]=CHR$(124)
330 L$(L/2+1)[C-1,C+1]="2pi"
350 SUB PLOT(L$(),L)
360 FOR I=L TO 1 STEP -1
370 DISP L$(I)
380 NEXT I
400 SUB DRAWPT(L$(),L,C,P,M,X,Y)
410 V=Y/(2*M)*L+L/2+.5
420 H=X/(2*PI)*(C-P-4)+(P+4)+.5
440 IF V<1 THEN V=1
450 L$(V)[H,H]="*"

Hi, Egan:

    What can I say !? Awesome idea, this video of yours ! :-)

    It nicely demonstrates in a vivid way just what's happening and it would certainly make an excellent material to show to a class.

    I do have a similar, video-producing script for Mathematica showing the same ongoing process (only in 3D), but I didn't entertain the idea of doing likewise for Emu71, way to go !

    Thanks for your continued interest in my challenges, kudos to your outstandingly clever contributions, and

Best regards from V.

Hello Valentin,

This is no solution and actually deserves an F--. It seems to converge indeed, but very slowly. I have tried to compute the summation for decades 2 through 6, that is, for N=100 through N=1000000. I am not sure this eliminates all occurrencies of digit 9. Anyway, this is not the way to go, as the HP-71B limits will be reached before the convergence is found. There has surely to be a clever way, but it is far beyond my very limited skills.

30 FOR D=2 TO 6
40 N=10^D
50 S=LOG(N)+.577215664902
60 FOR I=1 TO N/10
70 S=S-1/(10*(I-1)+9)
90 FOR I=N/10+90 TO 9*N/10 STEP 100
100 FOR J=0 TO 8
110 S=S-1/(I+J)
120 NEXT J
130 NEXT I
140 FOR K=2 TO LGT(N)
150 FOR I=9*10^(K-1) TO 10^K-10 STEP 10
160 FOR J=0 TO 8
170 S=S-1/(I+J)
180 NEXT J
190 NEXT I
200 NEXT K
220 NEXT D


The results above are approximate. For exact results line 50 should be replaced, but this makes the program even slower:

5O S=0 @ FOR I=1 TO N @ S=S+1/I @ NEXT I


As always, I am looking forward to your and other people's smart solutions.

Best regards,



hi gerson,
i too have an F- solution :-)

my first step was to write a simple, add up the terms without 9s program to see how it went and get a feel for any convergence.
however, it converges very slowly indeed. in fact, it looks like it grows just like the harmonic series, ie slowly but actually. but presumably it does converge.
the program below runs on the HP50 using hplua and after 10 million terms it's up to 13.65 and still growing fairly well.

i think i need a more cunning idea to get further.

tens = {1,10,100,1000,10000,100000,1000000,10000000,100000000}
nines = {9,90,900,9000,90000,900000,9000000,90000000,900000000}
function inc(n)
local v
local i
local l = #n
for i = 1,l do
v = n[i] + tens[i]
if v != nines[i] then
n[i] = v
for i = i + 1,l do
v = v + n[i]
return v
n[i] = 0
i = l + 1
v = tens[i]
n[i] = v
return v
function sum()
local s = 1
local n = { 1 }
for i = 1,100 do
for j = 1,1000000 do
s = s + 1/inc(n)
print(i, s)
function go()

Hi Hugh,

Looks like there's something wrong with my program. It's correct for N=100 and N=1000 but I am not sure about the rest. Perhaps some 9s have escaped. For N=10,000,000 I obtained 14.47; 13.65 seems to be more plausible. Since I am unable to find the solution, I thought of at least estimating the value the sum converges to by means of curve fitting:

          x  |   y
2 | 4.78
3 | 6.59
7 | 13.65

I would need more data, though.




oops, i missed a zero. the 13.65 is for 100 million terms, each main loop of the program is 1 million.

out of interest, here's a listing in 10s of millions of the total compared to the normal harmonic series' sum.

1 12.569954 16.695311
2 12.907506 17.388459
3 13.103535 17.793924
4 13.242197 18.081606
5 13.342811 18.304749
6 13.423368 18.487071
7 13.492294 18.641221
8 13.552527 18.774753
9 13.605026 18.892536
10 13.650922 18.997896
11 13.692797 19.093207
12 13.731294 19.180218
13 13.766824 19.260261
14 13.798917 19.334369
15 13.828992 19.403362
16 13.857288 19.467900
17 13.884003 19.528525
18 13.908823 19.585683
19 13.932289 19.639750
20 13.954658 19.691044
21 13.976028 19.739834
22 13.996292 19.786354
23 14.015530 19.830806
24 14.034024 19.873365
25 14.051829 19.914187
26 14.068947 19.953408
27 14.085249 19.991148
28 14.101013 20.027516
29 14.116275 20.062607
30 14.131064 20.096509
31 14.145235 20.129299
32 14.158972 20.161047
33 14.172325 20.191819
34 14.185315 20.221672
35 14.197874 20.250659
36 14.210045 20.278830
37 14.221914 20.306229
38 14.233496 20.332897
39 14.244486 20.358873
40 14.254336 20.384191
41 14.263987 20.408883
42 14.273447 20.432981
43 14.282724 20.456511
44 14.291746 20.479501
45 14.300597 20.501974
46 14.309288 20.523953
47 14.317823 20.545459
48 14.326163 20.566512
49 14.334337 20.587132
50 14.342373 20.607334
51 14.350277 20.627137
52 14.358032 20.646555
53 14.365625 20.665603
54 14.373099 20.684295
55 14.380458 20.702645
56 14.387703 20.720663
57 14.394792 20.738363
58 14.401777 20.755754
59 14.408661 20.772849
60 14.415448 20.789656
61 14.422108 20.806185
62 14.428664 20.822446
63 14.435132 20.838446
64 14.441513 20.854194
65 14.447794 20.869699
66 14.453971 20.884966
67 14.460070 20.900004
68 14.466091 20.914819
69 14.472034 20.929418
70 14.477873 20.943807
71 14.483642 20.957991
72 14.489342 20.971977
73 14.494975 20.985771
74 14.500518 20.999376
75 14.505991 21.012799
76 14.511403 21.026045
77 14.516754 21.039117
78 14.521896 21.052020
79 14.526845 21.064759
80 14.531743 21.077338
81 14.536591 21.089760
82 14.541386 21.102031
83 14.546116 21.114152
84 14.550799 21.126128
85 14.555437 21.137963
86 14.560031 21.149659
87 14.564562 21.161219
88 14.569049 21.172648
89 14.573494 21.183948
90 14.577898 21.195121
91 14.582250 21.206171
92 14.586556 21.217100
93 14.590823 21.227911
94 14.595053 21.238606
95 14.599240 21.249188
96 14.603379 21.259660
97 14.607482 21.270022
98 14.611551 21.280279
99 14.615585 21.290431
100 14.619570 21.300482


Thanks for your thoughtful comments and teaching, please know that yours (and all the others) kind advice is very much appreciated by me! I knew that I will open myself up to public failure when I decided to participate in this S&SMC with the 71b, where I can barely manage the 'novice' grade as of now. However, pretty much all in live for me is about learning so I'm just fine with 'failing' on the way.

Please find below some comments with regards to your advice. As you inducted already, there are a good many errors which happen due to me trying to type it in form my 71b. I took me a little while to figure out how to copy from a dos window (haven't used DOS in ages) but towards the end you will find the copy&paste original code from me (which actually does seem to produce the results mentioned). Using your suggestions, however, makes the code not only shorter but also run about twice as fast!!

Which is more, you can simply use TAN(FVAR)-FVAR directly in FNROOT, thus getting rid of the user-defined function definition, which will again save bytes and be much faster, as invoking user-defined functions is costly in the HP-71B

This is an awesome trick, thanks a lot! On a general level (you also mention later on that y*y is faster than y^2) is there anywhere a reference which shows the timing for various commands of the 71b and suggestions on how to improve execution speed. We had quite detailed lists for the 41 and knowing them makes a huge difference in final execution speed. Maybe you can point me in the right direction if there were such a list. Also, we could double the speed of the 41c on the hardware side and I wonder if there is a similar hack for the 71b available.

I don't quite get what PI() is intended to be, unless it's some ROM- or LEX keyword which does require that weird syntax; the built-in PI function does *not* admit "()"

Thanks for pointing this one out. Funnily enough my 71b does not complain at all when I type pi(). When reading Joe Horn's book I misinterpreted the discussion he briefly has about PI and RES that PI is a function and hence needs the brackets. Clearly I was mistaken but as my 71b (or EMU71) did not complain I was never made aware of my mistake. Until VA came along to the rescue :-)

Whence came this 2 ?

I over-read the word "positive" in your challenge. As the code only sums up the right hand (positive) side, I multiplied by 2 to get the total. Clearly, as in first grade, reading the question properly is 50% of the battle to getting the answer right...

May I suggest that you simply develop your solution in Emu71, then, once it runs fine, simply execute LIST to have the listing appear in Emu71's simulated 80-column display, then *copy* the listing from Emu71's display and *paste* it in your message's text area. That would ensure absolute correction, no typos whatsoever, and would be both much faster and less tiring for you.

Oh yes indeed, you may! It is not only buggy (as figura shows) but bloody damn annoying, too! Please find below a copy and paste version of my original code, which runs and brings the mentioned results, but does not include all your other corrections and suggestions.

30 F=TAN(X)-X
60 INPUT "N=?";N @ S=0 @ INPUT "ad to square root of (0 or 1)";A
70 FOR I=1 TO N
80 L=(I+.25)*PI() @ U=L+.25*PI()
90 Y=FNROOT(L,U,FNF(FVAR)) @ S=S+1/(A+Y^2) @ IF MOD(I,500)=0 THEN DISP I;2*S
100 NEXT I
110 DISP "Sum=";2*S

This code takes about 1min26sec for N=10000 while a code with your suggestions takes only 46sec! Thats an awesome improvement, thanks for sharing it with me. This is especially interesting, as the only reason to do the multiline Def FN was the advice that can be found in the manual for the math-rom when discussing FNROOT. They suggest this if statement to avoid 'overly long' run times. Did you ever find an application where their statements is correct and how does one best decide when to use it and when to ignore?

Again, thanks a lot for your kind advice. Unfortunately I will be out of a computer for the rest of the weekend, but I will see what I can do for A on Monday. And I'm looking forward to more learning ;-)




Hmm, I used a much shorter and much dumber code which takes about 13min for a sum of 10m terms. However it seems to be wrong as it gives a slightly different value than what you have posted. I was wondering though if your n=10m means a) that you summed up 10m terms or b) summed up all terms that exclude 9 and are <=10m? Clearly a) would be a larger number than b).

My code is trying to compute b) and gives 12.2061531537 for n=10m which is slightly smaller than your value. Can you spot the error in my code?

10 INPUT "n=?";N @ S=0 @ C=0 @ T$=TIME$
20 FOR X=1 TO N @ IF POS(STR$(X),"9")<>0 THEN 40
30 S=S+1/X
50 DISP "Done! ";"Sum=";S;"X=";X;"Start=";T$;", End=";TIME$

Clearly I have no clue about the final value. One way I was contemplating for a while but would have no chance of finishing without google (and even then it is doubtful) is to first calculate the value of 1/n for all n (maybe there is a good way to get the value of the rieman function for integers only, s=1 and up to a certain n in a smart way. There should be something like this around. And - wasn't Euler who originally came up with it in integer space??) and then subtract all values that have a 9 in it. But without a good idea to get sum(1/n) that is not very helpful.

The only good thing about my code (if it is correct) is that it can be easily adapted to A+ by changing the string we search for in line 20. So, for example, the value for n=10000000 excluding all numbers that have '42' in them is 16.2113166917. This is, not surprisingly, much closer to the simple sum(1/n) than when we exclude all numbers with a 9.

As an adendum and maybe it is useful for others my idea mentioned above came about when I calculated the number of terms one has to exclude from the simple 1/n sum with N increasing. THis percentage is steadily increasing and seems to tend to 100% in the limit so the series does indeed seem to converge. yet to what number, I would not know. The first column is N. The second column is the 10% exclusion from having a 9 at the second place (e.g. 9000 for n=10,000) which excludes 10% of all terms(not necessarily 10% of the value though...) The third column is the discount from the previous max N times the 90% and the fourth column is the total discount. Maybe in an example I can better explain what I tried to calculate:

N1=10. We only ignore 1 number (9) which is 10%
N2=100. We ignore all number from 90-99, which is 10%. From the remaining 90% we ignore every one with 9 which is 10% (the final number from N1) for a total of 10% + 90%*10% = 19%
N3=1000. We ignore all numbers from 900-999, which is 10%. from the remaining 90% we exclude 19% (see above from N2) for a total of 10%+90%*19%=27%
and so on and so forth

maybe this is helpful to people smarter than me to come up with a clever code idea...

  N    9 in 2nd  prev    final
place disc disc
1.E+01 0.10 - 0.10
1.E+02 0.10 0.09 0.19
1.E+03 0.10 0.17 0.27
1.E+04 0.10 0.24 0.34
1.E+05 0.10 0.31 0.41
1.E+06 0.10 0.37 0.47
1.E+07 0.10 0.42 0.52
1.E+08 0.10 0.47 0.57
1.E+09 0.10 0.51 0.61
1.E+10 0.10 0.55 0.65
1.E+11 0.10 0.59 0.69
1.E+12 0.10 0.62 0.72
1.E+13 0.10 0.65 0.75
1.E+14 0.10 0.67 0.77
1.E+15 0.10 0.69 0.79
1.E+16 0.10 0.71 0.81
1.E+17 0.10 0.73 0.83
1.E+18 0.10 0.75 0.85
1.E+19 0.10 0.76 0.86
1.E+20 0.10 0.78 0.88



Edited: 24 June 2007, 12:39 a.m.


hi peter,

your code looks good. the discrepancy, as you pointed out, is that my code does, in fact, calculate (a) and yours calculates (b).

yes, i am summing 10M terms of 1/X without 9s and you are summing 1/X for the first 10M integers without 9s :-)


Hello Peter,

Hmm, I used a much shorter and much dumber code which takes about 13min for a sum of 10m terms.

13 minutes at what clock? On my jurassic computer your program takes 7 minutes for the first one million terms. But at least your program works and has proved helpful for an estimate of the answer (unlike mine, which was wrong for decades greater than 3).

Clearly I have no clue about the final value.

Well, we can use data from your program to get an estimate of the result. The idea is getting the sum up to the first decades. I was intending to compute until the eighth decade (100,000,000), but no result past nearly two hours... I use your program to calculate the first six decades sums and used your result for the seventh decade. I put the date on a spread sheet and did an exponential fit of the differences between successive sums. Then I used the fit equation to calculate the differences and from those I calculated the next sums. As you can see, the differences tend to zero as the decades grow and the sum appears to converge to something close to 22.9. The correlation factor is excellent, but some additional data might be necessary to confirm this result. You can noticed I discarded the first two somes to get a better correlation factor.

From the table, it's evident the direct summation would take ages to complete. Even if we went up to 10^100, we would get four or five significant figures at most. So, there has to be another way...

Best regards,



         D            Sn          Difference  

(from Peter's program)

1 2.81785714286
2 4.78184876505 1.96399162219 x (D) | y (Difference)
3 6.59072019014 1.80887142509 ------------------------
4 8.22318440268 1.63246421254 4 | 1.63246421254
5 9.69287779213 1.46969338945 5 | 1.46969338945
6 11.01565186020 1.32277406807 6 | 1.32277406807
7 12.20615315370 1.19050129350 7 | 1.19050129350

D Sn Difference

(from the exponential fit)
Exponential fit:
8 13.27779798383 1.07164483013
9 14.24238769904 0.96458971522 y = 2.4872351255 * exp(-0.1052471262 * x)
10 15.11061688519 0.86822918615
11 15.89211176098 0.78149487579 r^2 = 0.9999994812
12 16.59553690567 0.70342514469
13 17.22869132486 0.63315441918
14 17.79859491952 0.56990359466
15 18.31156631696 0.51297139745
16 18.77329292663 0.46172660966
17 19.18889399743 0.41560107081
18 19.56297737587 0.37408337843
19 19.89969059402 0.33671321815
20 20.20276685406 0.30307626004
21 20.47556641894 0.27279956488
22 20.72111386825 0.24554744931
23 20.94213163229 0.22101776404
24 21.14107017618 0.19893854389
25 21.32013516861 0.17906499243
26 21.48131193651 0.16117676790
27 21.62638747672 0.14507554021
28 21.75697026878 0.13058279206
29 21.87450810844 0.11753783965
30 21.98030415960 0.10579605117
31 22.07553140281 0.09522724320
32 22.16124564023 0.08571423742
33 22.23839720159 0.07715156136
34 22.30784148061 0.06944427902
35 22.37034841896 0.06250693835
36 22.42661104270 0.05626262374
37 22.47725314602 0.05064210332
38 22.52283620736 0.04558306133
39 22.56386561459 0.04102940724
40 22.60079626842 0.03693065383
41 22.63403762587 0.03324135745
42 22.66395824006 0.02992061419
43 22.69088984642 0.02693160636
44 22.71513104069 0.02424119427
45 22.73695058949 0.02181954881
46 22.75659041024 0.01963982075
47 22.77426825328 0.01767784304
48 22.79018011615 0.01591186287
49 22.80450241664 0.01432230049
50 22.81739394876 0.01289153212
51 22.82899764333 0.01160369457
52 22.83944215268 0.01044450934
53 22.84884327702 0.00940112434
54 22.85730524837 0.00846197135
55 22.86492188618 0.00761663781
56 22.87177763753 0.00685575136
57 22.87794851342 0.00617087589
58 22.88350293150 0.00555441808
59 22.88850247464 0.00499954314
60 22.89300257370 0.00450009906
61 22.89705312211 0.00405054841
62 22.90069902907 0.00364590696
63 22.90398071742 0.00328168835
64 22.90693457185 0.00295385443
65 22.90959334230 0.00265877045
66 22.91198650704 0.00239316475
67 22.91414059955 0.00215409251
68 22.91607950265 0.00193890310
69 22.91782471332 0.00174521067
70 22.91939558102 0.00157086771
71 22.92080952228 0.00141394125
72 22.92208221371 0.00127269143
73 22.92322776588 0.00114555217
74 22.92425887975 0.00103111387
75 22.92518698746 0.00092810771
76 22.92602237912 0.00083539166
77 22.92677431687 0.00075193775
78 22.92745113759 0.00067682072
79 22.92806034531 0.00060920772
80 22.92860869443 0.00054834912
81 22.92910226460 0.00049357017
82 22.92954652812 0.00044426353
83 22.92994641064 0.00039988251
84 22.93030634571 0.00035993507
85 22.93063032401 0.00032397830
86 22.93092193754 0.00029161353
87 22.93118441948 0.00026248194
88 22.93142068001 0.00023626053
89 22.93163333861 0.00021265859
90 22.93182475304 0.00019141444
91 22.93199704557 0.00017229253
92 22.93215212643 0.00015508086
93 22.93229171503 0.00013958860
94 22.93241735901 0.00012564399
95 22.93253045142 0.00011309241
96 22.93263224613 0.00010179471
97 22.93272387176 0.00009162563
98 22.93280634418 0.00008247242
99 22.93288057777 0.00007423359
100 22.93294739558 0.00006681781


Hi, Gerson:

    "[...] it's evident the direct summation would take ages to complete. Even if we went up to 10^100, we would get four or five significant figures at most."

      Yes, it would take geological ages to get a few correct digits, and probably more than the whole life of the Universe to get 12 correct figures, which is what we must expect from 12-digit HP models.

      Matter of fact, your last result from the exponential fit, 22.9329+, is about correct to just the four leftmost figures (22.93). Your fit overshoot the mark about D=71, which was closest to the actual sum even if still a little too high.

    "So, there has to be another way..."

      Indeed, there is. It is very easy to demonstrate that the sum of the harmonic series after taking out those terms including any given digit or sequence of digits, in any numerical base, always converges, if incredibly slowly.

      But accurately finding the actual value of the sum to high precision is entirely another matter and the naive approach of simply adding up enough terms is doomed to fail. For this particular series, for instance, adding up all terms up to 1029 (which would takes ages even on a very fast computer, if at all possible) still gets short of the final sum by more than 1.

    Thanks for your interest in this challenge of mine, and most specially for your hard work, keen ideas, and very worthy results.

Best regards from V.

I didn't have much time as I am just moving into a new flat but I recognised that Grade F could be solved by a hp55. I had been waiting for along time for a SSMC that could be handled by the 55 so here it is:

This program takes the number of iterations as argument:

13 RCL 1
X=Y 36
GTO 13
36 2
GTO 00

For N=13, it takes about 20s to approximate e with a value of 2.944805312.

I knew I could not get N=13000 in a reasonable time so for the other serie I used SysRPL on my hp49g+


This comes close to Pi (3.14219691996) in about 50s for N=13000.
A very similar program gives 2.71849095023 for the first serie (N=13000).

Unfortunately I had no time for the other challenges for now. I will look later.


Edited: 26 June 2007, 9:33 a.m. after one or more responses were posted


Thanks, Arnaud !

    Would you please edit your post to include the actual numbers
    you got as approximations to Pi and E ?

Best regards from V.


Hi Valentin,

Yes, it would take geological ages to get a few correct digits, and probably more than the whole life of the Universe to get 12 correct figures, which is what we must expect from 12-digit HP models.

Yes, it appears we'd have to go as far as 10280 to get 12 digits. How long would take this to be done on the HP-71B (or even on Emu71) and how much energy would be required for this task ? :-)

For this particular series, for instance, adding up all terms up to 1029 (which would takes ages even on a very fast computer, if at all possible) still gets short of the final sum by more than 1.

You're right! And even if we summed every term up to 1050 we'd be still one tenth of a unit away from the answer, as we can see in the table.

Thanks for your encouraging words, but I think this was just an engineering approach to get an estimation of the result. I hope someone comes up with a really beautiful mathematical way of tackling the problem before you post the solution.

Best regards,



pathetically lame googlers present.... Fischer's algorithm for the harmonic 9's

hplua on the hp50g in 11 seconds, transcript:

hplua -i valentina2.lua
Lua 5.1.2 Copyright (C) 1994-2007, PUC-Rio
HPLua version 0.4

> 22.92067661926415034816367


function ncr(n, r)
-- combinations nCr
local v = 1
local rr = 1
while r > 0 do
v = v * n
rr = rr * r
r = r - 1
n = n - 1
return v/rr

function nextBeta(bl)
local n = #bl + 1
local k;
local tn = 10^n;
local t = ((11^n) - tn)*10
for k = 2,n do
local a = (tn*(10^(1-k)) - (10^k) + 1)*bl[n-k+1]
t = t - a * ncr(n,k);
bl[n] = t /(tn - 9)/n;
return bl[n];

function zetaConstant(n, eps)
-- riemann zeta function for integers 2...
local s = 1
local t = 2;
local s1;

if n == 2 then
t = math.pi;
s = t*t/6;
elseif n == 4 then
t = math.pi;
t = t*t;
s = t*t/90;
elseif n == 3 then
-- apery's constant
s = 1.2020569031595942853997382
s1 = s
s = s + 1/(t^n)
t = t + 1;
until (math.abs(s - s1) < eps)
return s;

function harmonic9(n)
-- method of Fischer
local v = 10*math.ln(10)
local bl = {}

-- b0
for i = 2,n do
-- try for 20 digits with eps = 10^-22
v = v - (10^(-i))*nextBeta(bl)*zetaConstant(i,1e-22);
return v;

i would prefer a nice way to calculate Apery's constant. ie zeta(3), but it didnt converge quick enough, so i settled for the ugly constant


intrigued by the 0.57... number I went to google to find out what it means. Ahh! (light bulb going off) There is indeed a fast way to calculate/estimate s(1/n) as I had thought and you have used that way. Thanks for showing me, Gerson!


PS: BTW - my laptop is not that powerful - 1.7ghz Pentium M I believe... Not sure why it would run longer on yours...


Hi, Hugh:

Hugh posted:

    "pathetically lame googlers present...."

      That's what you say!

    "I would prefer a nice way to calculate Apery's constant. ie zeta(3), but it didnt converge quick enough, so i settled for the ugly constant"

      You can get rid of it by the usual trick of improving convergence by subtracting the slowly-convergent part and applying a exponentially fast-converging series to what's left. Tatoeba, try an RPL-version of this one-liner:

        10 SUB APERY(A) @ A=7*PI^3/180 @ FOR K=1 TO 3 @ A=A-2/K^3/(EXP(2*PI*K)-1) @ NEXT K



      where you can increase the upper limit (3) to achieve whatever numeric precision you want in negligible time. The given value, 3, is enough to get you 12 correct digits in just 3 iterations.

    Thanks for you interest and

Best regards from V.


Fischer's algorithm for the harmonic 9's

The cat is out of the bag now. I assume you got this from the same paper that I have been using to work on A+.


Hi Peter,

intrigued by the 0.57... number I went to google to find out what it means.

If you google for EulerGamma you'll find this has been discussed here recently. Just a few months ago I wasn't aware of it either (not that I have become an expert, but at least now I can recognize it when I see it :-)

You might find this book interesting:

Havil, J. Gamma: Exploring Euler's Constant

I haven't read it yet. The introduction in pdf format is available there. The rest seems to be worth reading.

There is indeed a fast way to calculate/estimate s(1/n) as I had thought and you have used that way.

I guess you hadn't seen Hugh Steer's post (on 25 June 2007, 6:06 p.m) when you wrote this :-)

Best regards,



Egan, Gerson et all,

Are you guys talking about this paper? I was just following your threads (having decided that without google I will not be able to do anything further. And in my little black book I already got further than I could have hoped for my first 71b challenge) when I saw you mentioning the 'fisher paper'. Could not find that one but the paper linked above has a good resemblance with the challenge we were faced, missing '9s', '42' and 314159 and all.

Please let me know if you have identified a better source to understand the challenge. Quite honestly, given the wide area of mathematicians that according to the paper have gnawed at this and only very recently, I did not feel too bad to not have come up with any idea...

The thing that I enjoy the most about this challenges is the tid-bits of mathematics that Valentin and you others allow me to learn. And in such a nice interactive environment. Really cool! Can't wait for Valentin to lift the veil even further for me!



PS:Gerson - thanks for the tip on the Euler constant book - it has already made its way into an Amazon shopping basket :-)




yes, same here. the Fischer's part was the first and easier bit. i had got stuck on my own.


nice!, 7 seems to be enough,

> =apery(7)

function apery(n)
local a = 7*(math.pi^3)/180
for k = 1,n do
a = a - 2/(k^3)/(math.exp(2*math.pi*k)-1)
return a;

You might find this book interesting:

Havil, J. Gamma: Exploring Euler's Constant

I haven't read it yet. The introduction in pdf format is available there. The rest seems to be worth reading.

Definitely recommended. I read it when it came out, and IMHO it's one of the best college-level pop math books. In the same style, and also worth checking out, is Paul Nahin's Dr. Euler's Fabulous Formula about Fourier series and more.


Thanks for the book recommendation, Paul. It's been quite a long time since the last time I ordered something from Amazon. Now that the Brazilian Real to American Dollar exchange rate is below 2 (1 USD = 1.94 BRL), after having gone as high as 3.3 just a couple of years ago, it's time to go shopping :-)

Peter, for the same reason, I'm going to get a 2GHz+ notebook. They have never been so cheap here. I will only have to choose between HP and Dell. My desktop Pentium III 500Mhz is getting tired of running all those nice emulators and simulators :-)


Edited: 26 June 2007, 7:27 a.m.



IMHO I would avoid Dell. There has been a steady decline in customer support with Dell computers (there was a big blog story recently where a very disappointed customer started blogging his interactions with Dell - it got nicknamed Dell Hell and he became quite famous and Dell under a lot of pressure). I also do not like their keyboards (nothing beats the IBM/Lenovo keyboards for me, but that's just me and keyboard feel is something very personal.

For me, good sources of rankings and research can be found here at PC World and here at PC Magazine . My favorite place to buy, but I do not know if they ship to Brazil is Newegg where you can also find lots of customer reviews.

Thanks for all your tips, I always enjoy reading your posts here.




Thanks Paul, appreciate the info!




Note: Get an A+ !

Compute the limit value of the infinite sum excluding instead those terms which
include the digit string '42', as in "HP42S" (i.e: 42, 78042998, 142883213044, etc). Also, see if you can predict the approximate value of the infinite sum when excluding terms which do include some given arbitrary non-periodic string of digits (say, 314, or 314159, or your phone number, etc)

Unlike A I do not see a requirement for full 12-digit accuracy. I can provide 10/11 digits however for any given arbitrary non-periodic string of digits. Well almost any, there is a memory/speed trade off. I.e. more digits = more memory = more speed. Each digit consumes ~1800 bytes of memory. You'll need extra memory in your 71B for strings > 8 digits.

I lost a lot of development time due to issues with DEF FN and scope. After switching to CALL SUB my mystery problems went away. This 164 line/2792 byte program is far from optimal or clean, and it is littered with hacks in the interest of my time.

The algorithm is based solely on Accuracy is approx 2/3 of machine accuracy. I.e. 10 of 15 digits on a 71B.


   N           71B           Actual        Difference    Rel Diff
------- ------------- ------------- ------------ --------
9 22.9206766194 22.9206766193 0.0000000001 4.36E-12
42 228.446304138 228.446304159 0.0000000021 9.19E-12
314 2299.82978273 2299.82978278 0.0000000005 2.17E-13
314159 2302582.33377 2302582.33386 0.0000000009 3.91E-16
phone 23025850932.6 23025850929.6 3.0000000000 1.30E-10

If you increase D0 (line 30) the output will be more verbose. Example output with D0=1 (unless specified all output is from EMU71):

.- -.
| | 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 |
T = | ---+-------------------- |
| 1 | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 |
`- -'
Z(9)= 22.9206766194 IN 4.1 SEC USING 1883 BYTES

.- -.
| | 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 |
T = | ---+-------------------- |
| 1 | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 |
`- -'
A = | .9 |
Z(9)= 22.9206766194 IN 1262.74 SEC USING 1886 BYTES (71B, D0=2)

.- -.
| | 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 |
T = | ---+-------------------- |
| 1 | 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 |
| 2 | 1 1 0 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 |
`- -'
Z(42)= 228.446304138 IN 11.6 SEC USING 3600 BYTES

.- -.
| | 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 |
T = | ---+-------------------- |
| 1 | 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 |
| 2 | 1 1 0 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 |
`- -'
A = | .9 .8 |
| .1 .1 |
Z(42)= 228.446304138 IN 4451.03 SEC USING 3598 BYTES (71B, D0=2)

.- -.
| | 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 |
T = | ---+-------------------- |
| 1 | 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 |
| 2 | 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 |
| 3 | 1 1 1 2 0 1 1 1 1 1 |
`- -'
Z(314)= 2299.82978273 IN 27.78 SEC USING 5350 BYTES

DEPLETE: 314159
.- -.
| | 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 |
T = | ---+-------------------- |
| 1 | 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 |
| 2 | 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 |
| 3 | 1 1 1 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 |
| 4 | 1 5 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 |
| 5 | 1 1 1 2 1 6 1 1 1 1 |
| 6 | 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 0 |
`- -'
A = | .9 .8 .8 .8 .8 .8 | <= added with D0=2
| .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 |
| 0 .1 0 0 0 0 |
| 0 0 .1 0 0 0 |
| 0 0 0 .1 0 0 |
| 0 0 0 0 .1 0 |
Z(314159)= 2302582.33377 IN 222.31 SEC USING 10798 BYTES

DEPLETE: phone
.- -.
| | 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 |
T = | ---+-------------------- |
| 1 | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 |
| 2 | 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 |
| 3 | 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 |
| 4 | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 5 |
| 5 | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 2 1 |
| 6 | 1 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 |
| 7 | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 8 |
| 8 | 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 9 |
| 9 | 1 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 |
| 10 | 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 |
`- -'
Z(phone)= 23025850932.6 IN 729.86 SEC USING 18507 BYTES

Code (Update):

20 T0=TIME @ M0=MEM
30 D0=2
50 B0=10
60 P0=20
70 INTEGER T(LEN(N$)-1,10)
80 REAL A(LEN(N$)-1,LEN(N$)-1)
90 REAL B(LEN(N$)-1,LEN(N$)-1)
100 CALL T(T(,),N$)
110 IF D0>0 THEN DISP @ CALL PT(T(,),N$) @ DISP
120 CALL A(A(,),N$)
130 IF D0>1 THEN CALL PA(A(,),N$) @ DISP
140 CALL B(B(,),A(,),N$)
150 DIM I0$(90*LEN(N$))[8]
160 REAL I0(90*LEN(N$))
170 C0=0
180 FOR I=1 TO P0+1
190 FOR J=1 TO LEN(N$)
200 CALL PSI(I,J,1,N$,T(,),P0,I0(),I0$(),C0,R)
210 Z=Z+R
220 IF D0>2 THEN DISP "R[";I;",";J;",1]=";R
230 IF D0>2 THEN DISP "Z[";I;",";J;",1]=";Z
250 REAL Q(LEN(N$)-1)
260 REAL U(LEN(N$)-1)
270 FOR J=1 TO LEN(N$)
280 CALL PSI(P0+1,J,1,N$,T(,),P0,I0(),I0$(),C0,R)
290 Q(J-1)=R
300 NEXT J
310 MAT U=B*Q
320 Z=Z+CNORM(U)
330 DISP "Z(";N$;")=";Z;"IN";TIME-T0;"SEC USING";M0-MEM;"BYTES"
340 DISP "L(";N$;")=";B0^LEN(N$)*LOG(B0);"L(N)=";STR$(B0);"^LEN(N)*LOG(";STR$(B0);")"
350 END
360 SUB S(I,J,K,T(,),N$,X,A,H)
370 H=0
380 IF I>1 THEN 430
390 FOR D=1 TO 9
400 IF T(0,D)=J THEN H=H+1/(X*D+A)^K
410 NEXT D
420 GOTO 500
430 FOR L1=1 TO LEN(N$)
440 FOR M1=1 TO 10
450 IF T(L1-1,M1-1)<>J THEN 480
460 CALL S(I-1,L1,K,T(,),N$,10*X,M1-1+A,H1)
470 H=H+H1
480 NEXT M1
490 NEXT L1
500 !
520 SUB PSI(I,J,K,N$,T(,),P0,I0(),I0$(),C0,R)
530 I$=STR$(I)&","&STR$(J)&","&STR$(K)
540 FOR J0=0 TO C0
550 IF I0$(J0)=I$ THEN R=I0(J0) @ GOTO 880
560 NEXT J0
570 DEF FNC(K,W)
580 FNC=(-1)^W*(FACT(K+W-1)/(FACT(W)*FACT(K-1)))
600 DEF FNA(K,W,M)
610 IF M=0 AND W=0 THEN X=1 ELSE X=M^W
620 FNA=10^(-K-W)*FNC(K,W)*X
640 DEF FNW(I,K)
650 FNW=MAX(FLOOR((P0+1)/(I-1)+1-K)+1,0)
670 ! IF I>3 THEN 710
680 IF I>2 THEN 720
690 CALL S(I,J,K,T(,),N$,1,0,H)
700 Z1=H
710 GOTO 830
720 Z1=0
730 FOR W=0 TO FNW(I,K)
740 FOR L=1 TO LEN(N$)
750 CALL PSI(I-1,L,K+W,N$,T(,),P0,I0(),I0$(),C0,Z0)
760 ! DISP Z0
770 FOR M=0 TO 9
780 ! DISP FNA(K,W,M)
790 IF T(L-1,M)=J THEN Z1=Z1+FNA(K,W,M)*Z0
800 NEXT M
810 NEXT L
820 NEXT W
830 R=Z1
840 I0$(C0)=I$
850 I0(C0)=R
860 C0=C0+1
870 ! DISP "[";I;",";J;",";K;"]=";Z1
890 SUB T(T(,),N$)
900 IF LEN(N$)>1 THEN 960
910 FOR C=0 TO 9
920 T(0,C)=1
930 IF VAL(N$)=C THEN T(0,C)=0
940 NEXT C
950 GOTO 1240
970 DIM S$(LEN(N$)-1)[80]
980 S$(0)=""
990 FOR I=1 TO LEN(N$)-1
1000 S$(I)=N$[1,I]
1010 NEXT I
1020 FOR R=0 TO LEN(N$)-1
1030 FOR C=0 TO 9
1040 T(R,C)=1
1050 NEXT C
1060 NEXT R
1070 FOR I=0 TO LEN(N$)-1
1080 S2$=S$(I)
1090 FOR J=0 TO 9
1100 A$=S2$&STR$(J)
1110 IF N$=STR$(J) THEN T(I,J)=0 @ GOTO 1220
1120 IF A$=N$ THEN T(I,J)=0 @ GOTO 1220
1130 IF POS(A$,N$)>0 THEN T(I,J)=0 @ GOTO 1220
1140 L=0 @ M=0 @ F=0
1150 FOR K=1 TO LEN(N$)-1
1160 IF LEN(A$)<LEN(S$(K)) THEN 1210
1170 IF A$[LEN(A$)-LEN(S$(K))+1,LEN(A$)]<>S$(K) THEN 1210
1180 F=1
1190 IF LEN(S$(K))>M THEN M=LEN(S$(K)) @ L=K+1
1200 IF F=1 THEN T(I,J)=L
1210 NEXT K
1220 NEXT J
1230 NEXT I
1240 END SUB
1250 SUB PT(T(,),N$)
1260 DIM A$[80]
1270 V$=CHR$(124)
1280 DISP " .- -."
1290 DISP " "&V$&" "&V$&" 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 "&V$
1300 DISP "T = "&V$&" ----+------------------------------ "&V$
1310 FOR R=0 TO LEN(N$)-1
1320 IF LEN(STR$(R+1))=1 THEN E$=" " ELSE E$=""
1330 A$=" "&V$&" "&E$&STR$(R+1)&" "&V$&" "
1340 FOR C=0 TO 9
1350 IF LEN(STR$(T(R,C)))=1 THEN E$=" " ELSE E$=""
1360 A$=A$&E$&STR$(T(R,C))&" "
1370 NEXT C
1380 DISP A$&CHR$(124)
1390 NEXT R
1400 DISP " "&CHR$(96)&"- -'"
1410 END SUB
1420 SUB A(A(,),N$)
1430 FOR R=0 TO LEN(N$)-1
1440 FOR C=0 TO LEN(N$)-1
1450 IF R=0 THEN A(R,C)=.8
1460 IF R=1 THEN A(R,C)=.1
1470 IF R=0 AND C=0 THEN A(R,C)=.9
1480 IF R>1 AND C=R-1 THEN A(R,C)=.1
1490 NEXT C
1500 NEXT R
1510 END SUB
1520 SUB PA(A(,),N$)
1530 DIM A$[80]
1540 FOR R=0 TO LEN(N$)-1
1550 IF R=0 THEN A$="A =" ELSE A$=" "
1560 A$=A$&" "&CHR$(124)&" "
1570 FOR C=0 TO LEN(N$)-1
1580 IF A(R,C)=0 THEN A$=A$&" "
1590 A$=A$&STR$(A(R,C))&" "
1600 NEXT C
1610 A$=A$&CHR$(124)
1620 DISP A$
1630 NEXT R
1640 END SUB
1650 SUB B(B(,),A(,),N$)
1660 REAL I(LEN(N$)-1,LEN(N$)-1)
1670 MAT I=IDN
1680 MAT B=I-A
1690 MAT B=INV(B)
1700 MAT B=B-I
1710 END SUB

Edited: 28 June 2007, 11:43 a.m. after one or more responses were posted


Note that your largest value (23025850929.6 for the phone number) appears to be a power-of-10 multiple of the value of ln(10). My '41CX gives ln(10) = 2.302585093 and QuattroPro gives 2.302585092994 .

It appears that the longer the sequence of omitted numbers, the closer the sum gets to a multiplied value of ln(10). In fact, it looks like if you omit a sequence of numbers that is n digits long, the result approaches 10^n times ln(10). Incredibly fascinating, and for which I have NO explanation!

What happens if you try this in a different base number system (such as octal, hexadecimal, ...)?


It appears that the longer the sequence of omitted numbers, the closer the sum gets to a multiplied value of ln(10). In fact, it looks like if you omit a sequence of numbers that is n digits long, the result approaches 10^n times ln(10). Incredibly fascinating, and for which I have NO explanation!

That's the 2nd part of A+, I forgot to point that out.

Read the PDF link above section 6 for an explanation.

Edited: 27 June 2007, 8:05 p.m.


What happens if you try this in a different base number system (such as octal, hexadecimal, ...)?

Same, e.g.:
z(123456(base8)) = 545107.239019
8^6 * ln(8) = 545113.123502

z(123456654321(base8)) = 142898134658
8^12 * ln(8) = 142898134647


Hi Egan,

Excellent stuff! i didnt have the time to go on and implement the full general algorithm, but im impressed with your 71b version.

so valentin, do you claim to also have a version of this for the 71b or do you have a completely different method?


I came up with something so similar it is spooky. Just I use STO+ and INCR and my functions are called S and N.

If I have time this weekend I want to put some Assembly and sysRPL in there.



Really impressive work, Egan!

I am amazed at your understanding of the paper and your being skillful enough to provide a code for the HP-71B. A++ IMVHO :-)

Best regards,



Hello Hugh,

I tried to port your code to RPL on my HP-28S, just to have an idea of the running time on a vintage calculator, but I got stuck at this part:

  local bl = {}
-- b0

Perhaps I ought to learn a little Lua first. So far the only thing I know it is the Portuguese word for Moon (Spanish & Italian: Luna, French: Lune) :-)

As of the apery or zeta3 constant, the algorithm provided by Valentin in fact requires only three terms for 12 digits. But it this case I'd simply type in the contant.

Congratulations for your nice work!



hi gerson,

lua has untyped variables. foo = {}, assigns the empty list to foo. you have to have a list to start inserting, otherwise foo is null.

some examples:

-- this is a comment
foo = {}
foo[1] = 12
foo[2] = "hello"
foo[3] = {}

moo = #foo -- gets length which is 3.

foo[#foo + 1] = 7 -- add to end, lists expand automatically

function addSomething(list)
-- lists passed by reference, we can modify it
list[#list + 1] = 42


annoyingly lua lists start from 1 not zero. this is my biggest lua pet hate. so much that im thinking of adding a base mode (like 71b basic) for hplua.

so, the following, sets bl to be the empty list and the nextBeta
function computes the next beta and adds it to the list.

local bl = {}
-- b0

hope this helps,

Edited: 28 June 2007, 9:43 a.m.


what i'd suggest for the 71b is to simply have a pre-sized array for the beta values because, for a given precision, you know how many you need.

in 71b basic, i'd just have a global array b[] and nextBeta filled in the next slot using the preceeding values.


Thanks. It took a lot longer than I expected. My BASIC/71B skills are weak, in hindsight I should have used UserRPL or Lua.

I am looking forward to Valentin's solution. I am sure it will be properly structured, efficient, and easier to read.


I found a fixed a few minor bugs with digit strings > 10 digits. I also fixed the formating of T to look better with > 9 digits. Lastly I added 10^LEN(N)*LOG(10) as a comparison.

New code replaced old code in above post. New output:

DEPLETE: 123456789012

.- -.
| | 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 |
T = | ----+------------------------------ |
| 1 | 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 |
| 2 | 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 |
| 3 | 1 2 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 |
| 4 | 1 2 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 |
| 5 | 1 2 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 |
| 6 | 1 2 1 1 1 1 7 1 1 1 |
| 7 | 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 |
| 8 | 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 1 |
| 9 | 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 |
| 10 | 11 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 |
| 11 | 1 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 |
| 12 | 1 2 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 |
`- -'

A = | .9 .8 .8 .8 .8 .8 .8 .8 .8 .8 .8 .8 |
| .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 |
| 0 .1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
| 0 0 .1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
| 0 0 0 .1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
| 0 0 0 0 .1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
| 0 0 0 0 0 .1 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
| 0 0 0 0 0 0 .1 0 0 0 0 0 |
| 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .1 0 0 0 0 |
| 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .1 0 0 0 |
| 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .1 0 0 |
| 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .1 0 |

Z(123456789012)= 2.30258509312E12 IN 1181.09 SEC USING 22560 BYTES
L(123456789012)= 2.30258509299E12 L(N)=10^LEN(N)*LOG(10)


I just wish I understood 71B/BASIC better. This was the longest BASIC program I have ever done.

Edited: 28 June 2007, 11:47 a.m.


Hi all,

    Thanks to all of you who were interested in this S&SMC#19, most specially to the ones
    who worked really hard at the individual Grades and posted solutions. I'll give now my original
    solutions for the HP-71B (very easy to convert to other similarly capable models), plus additional comments.

    Grade F:

      Write a program to compute the Nth term for the following sequences:

        Sequence 1: u1 = 0, u2 = 0, un+2 = un+1 + un/n

        Sequence 2: u1 = 0, u2 = 0, un+2 = un+1/n + un

      where the number of terms N (which can be distinct por each sequence) is either
      hardcoded or given, your choice. After computing the Nth term, uN,
      your program must then compute and output the following values:

        Sequence 1: L = N*1 / uN1

        Sequence 2: L = N*2 / uN2

      Now use your program to help you try and predict, for each sequence, the corresponding
      theoretical exact limit of L when the number of terms N tends to infinity.

      My original solution for the HP-71B is the following trivial 3-line (135 byte) program
      which computes and outputs the corresponding values of L for N = 13 and N = 13000, respectively.

            1  DESTROY ALL @ STD @ K1=13 @ K2=13000
      2 U=0 @ V=1 @ FOR N=1 TO K1 @ W=U/N+V @ U=V @ V=W @ NEXT N @ DISP N*1/U^1
      3 U=0 @ V=1 @ FOR N=1 TO K2 @ W=V/N+U @ U=V @ V=W @ NEXT N @ DISP N*2/U^2



      As you may see, the sequences (very quickly) converge to
      e = 2.71828182846 and (very slowly) to Pi = 3.14159265359,

      The Surprise ! factor comes from the fact that both
      sequences are very, very similar (as can be seen both from their definitions and
      from the program listing above, where lines 2 and 3 are almost a slightly
      particularized copy-paste version of one another), yet one converges to the
      uber-important constant Pi, the other to the
      no-less-important constant e, suggesting a certain
      symmetry, a relationship, a "common origin" for both constants.

      Some of you went to also compute 13,000 terms for the first sequence. This does no
      good, as 13 terms are all that is needed to achieve full 12-digit precision. After
      that, rounding errors do accumulate and by the time the 13,000-th term is reached,
      most of the precision is gone.

    Grade D:

      Write a program which, given N, will autoscale,
      label, and plot the ISin(x, N) function, for arguments X in radians belonging to the
      fixed interval [0, 2*Pi] at increments of Pi/40, say, where

               ISin(x, N) = Sin(Sin(Sin( ... Sin(x) ... )))
      i.e., the iterated Sine of X, where N, a positive integer, is the number of iterations

      Looking at the plot itself and the value of Maxim, try and predict what happens
      for increasing values of N and in the limit when N tends to infinite.

      Given this challenge's nature, I was absolutely expecting that HP graphics models would
      be put to good use here, much more so than non-graphics ones, so I was utterly
      surprised that not a single RPL solution was posted at all. Go figure ! ...

      My original solution for the (non-graphics) HP-71B is the following simple 8-line (268-byte) program:

      20 K=FNS(PI/2,N) @ DISP "Maxim =";K @ FOR X=0 TO 2*PI STEP PI/20
      30 Y=FNR(FNS(X,N)/K,D) @ U=45 @ V=FNR(Y*25+45,0) @ DISP X;Y;
      40 IF V>U THEN DISP TAB(U);":";TAB(V);"*" ELSE DISP TAB(V);"*";
      60 NEXT X
      70 DEF FNR(X,N)=INT(X*10^N+.5)/10^N
      80 DEF FNS(X,N) @ FOR N=N TO 1 STEP -1 @ X=SIN(X) @ NEXT N @ FNS=X

      where FNS(X, N) is a user-defined function that can be used from the program itself or
      directly from the command line to compute the Iterated Sine of X with N iterations, for instance


      .841470984808 ( = SIN(1) )


      .594535945122 ( = SIN(SIN(SIN(SIN(SIN(PI/3))))) )

      and FNR(X, N) is a convenience function that returns X rounded to N digits
      (where N can be negative to achieve rounding to the left of the decimal
      point), for instance:





      Running the program for increasing values of N we get plots like the following for N = 10:

      Maxim = 0.481
      0.000 0.000 *
      0.157 0.314 : *
      0.314 0.565 : *
      0.471 0.737 : *
      0.628 0.845 : *
      0.785 0.911 : *
      0.942 0.951 : *
      1.100 0.976 : *
      1.257 0.990 : *
      1.414 0.998 : *
      1.571 1.000 : *
      1.728 0.998 : *
      1.885 0.990 : *
      2.042 0.976 : *
      2.199 0.951 : *
      2.356 0.911 : *
      2.513 0.845 : *
      2.670 0.737 : *
      2.827 0.565 : *
      2.985 0.314 : *
      3.142 0.000 *
      3.299 -0.314 * :
      3.456 -0.565 * :
      3.613 -0.737 * :
      3.770 -0.845 * :
      3.927 -0.911 * :
      4.084 -0.951 * :
      4.241 -0.976 * :
      4.398 -0.990 * :
      4.555 -0.998 * :
      4.712 -1.000 * :
      4.869 -0.998 * :
      5.027 -0.990 * :
      5.184 -0.976 * :
      5.341 -0.951 * :
      5.498 -0.911 * :
      5.655 -0.845 * :
      5.812 -0.737 * :
      5.969 -0.565 * :
      6.126 -0.314 * :

      and for N = 1000:

      Maxim = 0.055
      0.000 0.000 *
      0.157 0.946 : *
      0.314 0.987 : *
      0.471 0.995 : *
      0.628 0.998 : *
      0.785 0.999 : *
      0.942 0.999 : *
      1.100 1.000 : *
      1.257 1.000 : *
      1.414 1.000 : *
      1.571 1.000 : *
      1.728 1.000 : *
      1.885 1.000 : *
      2.042 1.000 : *
      2.199 0.999 : *
      2.356 0.999 : *
      2.513 0.998 : *
      2.670 0.995 : *
      2.827 0.987 : *
      2.985 0.946 : *
      3.142 0.000 *
      3.299 -0.946 * :
      3.456 -0.987 * :
      3.613 -0.995 * :
      3.770 -0.998 * :
      3.927 -0.999 * :
      4.084 -0.999 * :
      4.241 -1.000 * :
      4.398 -1.000 * :
      4.555 -1.000 * :
      4.712 -1.000 * :
      4.869 -1.000 * :
      5.027 -1.000 * :
      5.184 -1.000 * :
      5.341 -0.999 * :
      5.498 -0.999 * :
      5.655 -0.998 * :
      5.812 -0.995 * :
      5.969 -0.987 * :
      6.126 -0.946 * :

      and we see that the limiting waveform of nested SIN is identically 0, but if we keep
      scaling the function up,
      we get in the limit a square wave. If you've got a copy of
      you can see it very clearly by looking at the "animation" created by this one-liner:

          Do[ Plot[ Nest[Sin, x, n], {x, -2Pi, 2Pi}, PlotRange -> {-1, 1}, PlotLabel -> n ], {n, 1, 50} ]
      where it's clear that what's happening is that the whole plot slowly collapses towards zero but
      different parts collapse at different rates, making the plot get more and more square. This is not
      difficult to prove by using a well-known theorem from real analysis that states that every bounded
      monotonic sequence approaches a finite limit.

      The convergence to 0 is dreadfully slow, because for small arguments, we have with
      high accuracy:

          Sin(x) =>  x - x3/6
      which means that when we replace x by Sin(x), the only thing that
      gets us any closer to 0 is the term x3/6, which, if x
      itself is small, it is a much smaller decrement indeed.

    Grade C:

      Find and output all values of N < 10000 such that both N is prime and
                   P(N) = S(N)
      where P(N) gives the number of primes <= N and S(N) gives the sum
      of the factorials of the digits of N.

      Your program must be optimized primarily for speed, then for program size.

      The following is my original solution for the bare-bones HP-71B, a plain-vanilla 6-line (220 byte) program
      which doesn't require any ROMs or LEX add-ons and trades RAM usage for speed to deliver
      the goods rather quickly:

          10  DESTROY ALL @ OPTION BASE 0 @ M=5000 @ INTEGER P(M) @ P(1)=1
      20 FOR N=2 TO (SQR(2*M)+1)/2 @ IF P(N) THEN 40
      30 FOR K=2*N*(N-1)+1 TO M STEP 2*N-1 @ P(K)=1 @ NEXT K
      40 NEXT N @ T=1 @ FOR N=2 TO M @ IF P(N) THEN 60 ELSE K=2*N-1 @ S=0 @ T=T+1
      50 S=S+FACT(MOD(K,10)) @ K=K DIV 10 @ IF K THEN 50 ELSE IF S=T THEN DISP 2*N-1
      60 NEXT N @ DISP "OK"



      Lines 10-40 perform a fast sieving procedure to flag all odd numbers < 10000 as
      either prime or composite, recording the results in P, an integer array of adequate

      This allows lines 40-60 to quickly scan the array, skipping all
      non-prime entries, and computing the Pi(N) function effortlessly by simply
      updating the prime count each time an element is flagged as a prime. This
      running value of Pi(N) is compared to the sum of the factorials of the
      digits of the current N (which is computed in a tight loop at line 50) and any
      solution found is then immediately output, resuming the search afterwards.

      As it happens, 6521 is the only solution < 10,000, but there's just another one
      (and no more) in the range from 10,000 to infinity which some of you correctly
      and cleverly located, namely 5224903.

      If composite numbers were also allowed as solutions, there would be 23 solutions in
      all, starting at 6500 and ending at 11071599. Among these,
      I find it interesting that 5854409, 5854419, and 5854429
      happen to be both consecutive and in arithmetic progression.

      This problem can be generalized to numerical bases other than 10, for example
      671910 is a solution in base 7 and
      537843710 is a solution in base 15.

    Grade B:

      Given a positive integer N, write a program to compute and ouput the value of S, defined as
                         n = N
      \ 1
      S = > -----
      / (rn)2
      n = 1
      where rn is the n-th positive root of Tan(x) = x, where x is
      expressed in radians, as usual.

      Regrettably, this very interesting challenge, which has a truly surprising result,
      didn't seem to catch the eye of the vast majority of you for whatever reason and
      was left largely untouched.

      PeterP made a brave attempt at dealing with it, but his final version still has
      a number of fatal flaws (such as the fact that it doesn't properly separate the
      roots from the poles and mixes them at times while computing the sum, etc), and
      so the numerical result isn't accurate. As is my policy in these cases, when a challenge
      gets essentially no acceptable responses I simply forfeit it as well, lest its appeal would be wasted.

      The "surprise" factor of this challenge is the extremely unexpected result you get.
      Having an infinite sum of the roots of a transcendental trigonometric equation with
      arguments in radians, one would expect to get some weird no-name irrational, possibly transcendental number related to Pi in some way, say PI3/310 or some such value.
      But nothing could be further from the truth because what you actually get absolutely defies intuition, and paradoxically enough, it is fairly easy to concoct a purely formal proof "a la Euler"
      to prove that this unexpected result is mathematically exact and correct. The value
      you get for the B+ variant isn't that big a surprise, but is also most
      unexpected in its very unique way.

      By the way, one of the main difficulties of this
      challenge lies in the fact that you must compute a lot of roots (possibly thousands), very quickly,
      and very accurately, in the sense that all roots should be accounted for with no
      missing entries, in their proper order, and that no poles are mistaken for roots.
      This requires a very precise separation between poles and roots and, as it happens,
      they tend to become extremely close for larger values, which enormously increases
      the difficulty of separating them. Besides, as you know, HP built-in solvers have
      a very hard time telling apart a pole from a root !

    Grade A:

      The limit of the sum of the reciprocals of the natural numbers 1 to N does diverge when N tends to infinite:

      \ 1
      S = > --- -> oo
      / N
      N = 1
      However, if we simply leave out of the sum just those terms whose denominators
      include the digit 9 (such as 199, 34343900132, ...), the infinite sum then
      nicely converges to a finite value.

      You must write a program to compute as accurately as possible
      this finite value of the infinite sum. You must optimize your program for both
      accuracy and speed.

      This has been the grade of choice for many of you, with excellent results. This series
      converges far too slowly for direct summation, as has been extensively commented in the thread,
      so better algorithms are definitely required.

      As some of you pointed out, there's a PDF document titled "SUMMING A CURIOUS, SLOWLY CONVERGENT
      SERIES" by Schmelzer and Baillie, freely downloadable from various web locations, which discusses the problem at length and gives in sufficient detail a couple
      of algorithms: the simpler Fischer algorithm, which can give the sum for the original Grade A
      problem to high accuracy in very fast times (but which can't be used for the A+ variant as
      it does not generalize to other digits or sequences of digits), and a more convoluted but
      extremely general algorithm by the authors, which can be used for the generalized sum. See
      the paper for the details.

      I'll give now my two original A solutions, both implementing the Fischer algorithm but
      one of them optimized mainly for size, the other for speed.

      This is my shorter original solution, a 6-line (265-byte) HP-71B program:

          1  DESTROY ALL @ OPTION BASE 0 @ M=11 @ D=10 @ DIM B(M) @ B(0)=D @ FOR N=2 TO M
      2 S=0 @ FOR K=N TO 2 STEP -1 @ S=S+FNC(N,K)*(D^(N-K+1)-D^K+1)*B(N-K) @ NEXT K
      3 B(N-1)=(D*(11^N-D^N)-S)/N/(D^N-9) @ NEXT N @ H=D*LN(D)
      4 FOR K=2 TO M-1 @ H=H-B(K-1)*FNZ(K)/D^K @ NEXT K @ DISP H
      6 DEF FNZ(X)=INTEGRAL(0,100,0,IVAR^(X-1)/(EXP(IVAR)-1))/GAMMA(X)


      22.9206766192 ( 6.83 seconds, Emu71 @ 2.4 Ghz, about 20 min in a real HP-71B )

      and this is my longer (but 60+ times faster !) original solution, a 10-line (443-byte)
      solution for the HP-71B:

          1  DESTROY ALL @ OPTION BASE 0 @ M=11 @ D=10 @ DIM B(M) @ B(0)=D @ FOR N=2 TO M
      2 S=0 @ FOR K=N TO 2 STEP -1 @ S=S+FNC(N,K)*(D^(N-K+1)-D^K+1)*B(N-K) @ NEXT K
      3 B(N-1)=(D*(11^N-D^N)-S)/N/(D^N-9) @ NEXT N @ H=D*LN(D)
      4 FOR K=2 TO M-1 @ H=H-B(K-1)*FNZ(K)/D^K @ NEXT K @ DISP H
      6 DEF FNZ(Z) @ IF Z=2 THEN FNZ=PI*PI/6 ELSE IF Z=3 THEN FNZ=1.20205690316
      7 IF Z=4 THEN FNZ=PI^4/90 ELSE IF Z=5 THEN FNZ=1.03692775514
      8 IF Z=6 THEN FNZ=PI^6/945 ELSE IF Z=7 THEN FNZ=1.00834927738
      9 IF Z<8 THEN END ELSE S=1 @ T=0 @ N=2
      10 S=S+N^(-Z) @ N=N+1 @ IF S<>T THEN T=S @ GOTO 10 ELSE FNZ=S


      22.9206766192 ( 0.1 seconds, Emu71 @ 2.4 Ghz, about 20 seconds in a real HP-71B)

      Both results are identical and correct to 12 digits, but the longer version runs 60+ times
      faster. The only difference between them lies in the definition of the Riemann Zeta function:

      • The shorter version implements it as a user-defined function, FNZ(X), which can
        compute the Zeta function for real arguments, not only integers, using integration.
        As such, it does require the Math ROM, and it's somewhat slow. For instance:
             >FNZ(10), FNZ(PI)

        1.00099457513 1.17624173838

      • On the other hand, the longer version implements the same user-defined function but
        only for integer arguments, using theoretical constant values for arguments from 2 to 7
        and the power series for integer arguments greater than 7, which converges quickly
        enough for such arguments. This results in much faster computation times when compared
        to the integral version and further does not require the Math ROM, a bare bones HP-71B
        will do nicely.

        As for the A+ variant, Egan Ford has worked very hard and very successfully to
        implement the quite complicated Schmelzer-Baillie's general algorithm, with excellent
        results, my most sincere congratulations for his outstanding contribution and
        thanks a lot for his interest in this challenge.

    That's all. I hope you've enjoyed this S&SMC (and even learned a math thingy and/or programming trick or two), I certainly did enjoy seeing your
    truly excellent posts, as clever and insightful as always, you're the best !

    And last but not least, a fond welcome to PeterP, which finally got to try and solve some of the
    grades like a pro. See, Peter ? It wasn't that difficult, man ! :-)

Best regards from V.


Hello Peter,

Thanks for your advice. Because of the Brazilian keyboard (the one with ç - 'c' with a cedilla mark beneath - and the signs ´ ` ~ ^ in the proper position) I will buy locally. I'll take a look at the reviews in the magazines you have suggest though.

Best regards,



Hi Hugh,

Thanks for the tips. I had my HP-28S fixed here. Since I am in the city I took the time to go there again this morning because of a recurring problem in the keyboard. Meanwhile, I will use Power48 on the PalmTX. If I succeed, I will let you know when I return.


Just for fun:

DEPLETE: 12345678900987654321

.- -.
| | 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 |
T = | ----+------------------------------ |
| 1 | 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 |
| 2 | 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 |
| 3 | 1 2 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 |
| 4 | 1 2 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 |
| 5 | 1 2 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 |
| 6 | 1 2 1 1 1 1 7 1 1 1 |
| 7 | 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 |
| 8 | 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 1 |
| 9 | 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 |
| 10 | 11 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 |
| 11 | 12 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 |
| 12 | 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13 |
| 13 | 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 14 1 |
| 14 | 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 15 1 1 |
| 15 | 1 2 1 1 1 1 16 1 1 1 |
| 16 | 1 2 1 1 1 17 1 1 1 1 |
| 17 | 1 2 1 1 18 1 1 1 1 1 |
| 18 | 1 2 1 19 1 1 1 1 1 1 |
| 19 | 1 2 20 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 |
| 20 | 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 |
`- -'

A = | .9 .8 .8 .8 .8 .8 .8 .8 .8 .8 .8 .8 .8 .8 .8 .8 .8 .8 .8 .8 |
| .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 |
| 0 .1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
| 0 0 .1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
| 0 0 0 .1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
| 0 0 0 0 .1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
| 0 0 0 0 0 .1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
| 0 0 0 0 0 0 .1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
| 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
| 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
| 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
| 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
| 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
| 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
| 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .1 0 0 0 0 0 0 |
| 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .1 0 0 0 0 0 |
| 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .1 0 0 0 0 |
| 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .1 0 0 0 |
| 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .1 0 0 |
| 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .1 0 |

Z(12345678900987654321)= 2.30258509299E20 IN 8406.35 SEC USING 40012 BYTES
L(12345678900987654321)= 2.30258509299E20 L(N)=10^LEN(N)*LOG(10)


Hi Valentin

Instead of solving tan(x) = x, I solved x = arctan(x) using a fixed-point iteration which converges faster as N grows. This avoids the troubles you mentioned concerning the poles at PI*(n + 1/2). Instead they are used as starting points.

Here's my HP-11C program:

STO + 0

Yet the problem is that this is still running very slowly for large values of N. I must admit, that I've cheated and written a C-program to calculate values bigger than N = 1000:

N =         1    S = 0.04952768282755720119
N = 10 S = 0.09079018230840834005
N = 100 S = 0.09899682151630028929
N = 1000 S = 0.09989878003791599550
N = 10000 S = 0.09998986889474789056
N = 100000 S = 0.09999898679829559526
N = 1000000 S = 0.09999989867891767874
N = 10000000 S = 0.09999998986788264898
N = 100000000 S = 0.09999999898678817371

From this table I assume that the sum converges towards 0.1 which is in fact very astonishing.

Thanks for not letting out the cat from the bag yet.

I do appreciate your S&SMCs very much.

Kind regards


Edited: 29 June 2007, 2:38 a.m.


I had started a program and for 100 and 1000 it gave me the same answer as you got. I concluded my program is wrong.
I will go back to it this weekend then.



Hi, Egan:

Egan posted:

    "I am looking forward to Valentin's solution. I am sure it will be properly structured, efficient, and easier to read."

      Thanks for your highly flattering confidence in my skills but, self-quoting from my original mail (#1) where I proposed the challenge:

        "I'll provide my original solutions plus extensive comments to all graded problems A-F (but not for A+, B+, C+, these are truly left as an exercise for the reader [...]"

      This thread is already too long as it is (what with a couple of gigantic postings by myself), and I don't think it proper to make it even more so by posting a longish piece of code. In general, all the solutions I post are always 10 lines or less (generally much less), that's why I call it "Short and [...]". Longer code is always left as an exercise.

      There's also the fact that I wouldn't want to seem cocky by posting a shorter, more polished piece of code. This isn't meant as a competition between me and gentle contributors but as a way to have some fun, exercise our HP calc-programming muscles, and learn some interesting math facts on the way.

      Your program works perfectly, you get the A+ grade, and this is perfectly fine as far as I'm concerned; my own implementation is based in exactly the same algorithm as yours and so it doesn't bring any new exciting ideas or techniques, it's just more of the same and it isn't worth posting here for the reasons mentioned above.

    Thanks for your interest and

Best regards from V.


Hi, Thomas:

Thomas posted:

    "From this table I assume that the sum converges towards 0.1 which is in fact very astonishing."

      First of all, thanks for your interest in this particular subchallenge, actually it was my pet one of the lot and it was sad for me to see it go into oblivion.

      Your assumption is correct, the exact value of the infinite sum is indeed 1/10. This is most unexpected, to say the least, and just goes to prove even further that math is an inexhaustible source of beauty and amazement.

      I guess there are many teachers and math professionals out there who know their trigonometrics and calculus inside out, yet not one of them would guess that an infinite sum of the infinite transcendental roots of a basic transcendental trigonometric equation involving no arbitrary constants and nothing special at all would come up to be exactly 0.1.

      Not some weird possibly transcendental value presumably involving Pi, not some irrational surd, but a simple, rational value which happens to be the exact reciprocal of a small number, 10. No wonder we have 10 fingers and 10 toes and thus our number system is (mostly) based around 10, as 10 is such an important constant that you need to add up an infinite number of quantities ultimately related to Pi in order to beget it. :-)

    "Thanks for not letting out the cat from the bag yet. I do appreciate your S&SMCs very much."

      Don't worry, I'll let the cat in the bag for a little while, just to see what you come up with, and also to see whether other contributors get interested and join us as well.

      After that, if there's been enough interest, I'll publish my original program for the HP-71B, plus comments and perhaps even my formal proof of this astonishing fact, in the same style of bold formal manipulations that Euler liked to indulge in. Not rigorous in any way but enlightening nevertheless, easy-to-grasp, and ultimately a lot of fun.

    Thank you very much for your appreciation and interesting contribution (for the HP-11C no less ! Way to go !), and

Best regards from V.


Thanks for all your encouraging and friendly prodding, it was great fun. And indeed, it was not only a lot of fun but was going easier with time and more practice!

As for B, I fully appreciate you'd like to keep things under wraps for a later point in time. Maybe however you can give me offline at my email some tips and pointers. As I mentioned in my post, after I had programmed something and got stuck in trying to explain the result, I ended up finding a paper which explains it and indeed shows that 1/10 is the right value. So it seems that my program is wrong yet still delivers a somewhat correct result... Your insight and guidance would be most appreciated!

All the best and thanks for providing me (and us I daresay) with lots of fun and learning!




Thomas Schmelzer (SUMMING A CURIOUS, SLOWLY CONVERGENT SERIES) asked me to post this on his behalf:

Hoi zame,

I am pleased you have attacked the harmonic series omitting certain digits. To implement this kind of code on an old HP calculator is certainly challenging and geeky! Well done. It seems this problem provided some fun and this was exactly the intention of the paper I wrote with Robert Baillie.

Best wishes,


Post your replies here and I will send him the link. Thanks!

Edited: 29 June 2007, 9:52 p.m.


Hi, Egan:

    Thanks for posting Mr. Schmelzer's comment. This would be my reply to him:

      "Dear Mr. Schmelzer:

      Thank you very much for your kind and encouraging words re Mr. Ford's truly excellent implementation of your algorithm in a vintage but superb HP handheld.

      I was indeed inspired by your very paper when I included this assignment as part of one of my regular 'challenges' to the HP fan community. After reading it, I thought it was a most interesting topic and a superb paper at that, clear and detailed, which prompted me to first implement both algorithms (Fischer's and yours) in HP-71B's code, which proved immensely fun, then issue the challenge to the rest of exceedingly clever programmers who regularly visit this HP forum, for they to share the fun with me, which they certainly did.

      So please receive my most sincere thanks for your kindness, which I beg you to please extend to Mr. Baillie, and both of you may rest assured that if providing some fun was the exact intention of your paper, you succeeded in spades.

      Best regards from Valentin Albillo"

Best regards from V.

Edited: 29 June 2007, 10:55 p.m.


Note: Get a B+ !

If you manage to solve the above, you can get a B+ by computing
and, most specially, identifying the exact sum but this time using

                (rn)2 + 1
in the denominators instead of simply (rn)2

Exact sum:
\ 1 e2 - 7
S = > --------- = ------
/ (rn)2 + 1 4
n = 1
Inspired by Thomas Klemm's amazingly short and sweet 11C program I thought I would do the obvious and add one to the denominator and see what I got:
N =          1   S = 0.04719044923 IN .05 SEC
N = 10 S = 0.08805677133 IN .02 SEC
N = 100 S = 0.09626084957 IN .18 SEC
N = 1000 S = 0.09716280477 IN 1.27 SEC
N = 10000 S = 0.09725389363 IN 11.99 SEC
N = 100000 S = 0.09726301153 IN 115.13 SEC
N = 1000000 S = 0.09726392341 IN 969.29 SEC
N = 10000000 S = 0.09726401460 IN 8463.29 SEC
The above output was generated by the Klemm-like 71B FORTH program at the end of this post. I selected FORTH because it is faster than BASIC (well faster than my BASIC) and porting RPN to FORTH is easy.

As you can see each digit of precision takes ~10x longer to run. Extra digits would have cost a day, then 10 days. Another problem is that the larger terms are too close to zero.

Like Thomas I did resort to a small C program (64-bit ints, 128-bit floats) to get a few more digits:

N =                    1    S = 0.0 4719044922581127794
N = 10 S = 0.0 8805677132930494860
N = 100 S = 0.09 626084957021318412
N = 1000 S = 0.097 16280477399029997
N = 10000 S = 0.0972 5389362741386840
N = 100000 S = 0.09726 301153095815560
N = 1000000 S = 0.09726 392341158023534
N = 10000000 S = 0.0972640 1460054520640
N = 100000000 S = 0.09726402 371945072695
N = 1000000000 S = 0.097264024 63133223744
N = 10000000000 S = 0.097264024 71681260679
I have two sources I check when presented with mystery numbers. First, the book Mathematical Constants. Second, Plouffe's Inverter ( The later scored a hit (several hits actually). The most interesting was:
9726402473266255 = (m414) 1/ln(exp(1))*DuboisR2*sqrt(5)^2
Odd result. You can simplify in your head and get DuboisR2*5. The same Inverter page has a link to the constants. DuboisR2 is the 2nd Du Bois Reymond constant. DuboisR2 = (e2 - 7)/2 = 0.1945280494..., so DuboisR2*5 = 0.97264024..., therefore DuboisR2*5/10 or DuboisR2/2 = 0.097264024....

The 2nd Du Bois Reymond constant is defined in pages 238-239 in the book Mathematical Constants. An interesting read ( if you do not have this book):

Paraphrased - "Let r1, r2, r3, ... denote all positive solutions of the equation tan(x) = x. Then

\ 1
cm = 2 * > --------------
/ ((rj)2 + 1)m/2
j = 1

It is not too hard to see that c2/2 equals the B+ problem. Since c2 = (e2 - 7)/2 then c2/2 =

e2 - 7
------ = 0.097264024...

The solution to problem B is also mentioned in Mathematical Constants (page 239).

Additional Du Bois Reymond Constants info:

71B FORTH code:

: SSMC19BP ;            ( FORGET SSMC19BP TO CLEAN UP )


0. MYSUM STO ( 0. -> MYSUM )
3.14159265358979 ( FLOAT STACK: PI )
N RCL ( N -> X )
F* ( N * PI )
2. F/ F+ ( PI/2 + PI*N )
F+ ( X Y + )
2. Y^X ( X^2 )
1. F+ ( B+ )
1/X ( 1/[X^2+1] )
N RCL 1. F- N STO ( DSE N )
X=0? -1 = UNTIL
." N = " ( MAKE IT PRETTY )
10 FTOI -
0 DO ." " LOOP
STD F. ." S = "
FIX 12 F.
." IN "

0 DO

Edited: 6 July 2007, 2:34 a.m.


Yet the problem is that this is still running very slowly for large values of N.

I thought I'd try this on my accelerated Nonpareil 15C.

N=1,000,000. ~15 hours later:

My alternative solution for B is based on an article by Sidney Frankel, National Mathematics Magazine, Vol. 11, No. 4. (Jan., 1937), pp. 177-182.

The following equation is an estimate of the nth root of tan(x)=x:

rn=[1+1/a2][nPI+tan-1a]-1/a where a=(2n+1)PI/2.

71B output:

N =          1   S = 0.04951757574 IN .03 SEC
N = 10 S = 0.09077991548 IN .05 SEC
N = 100 S = 0.09898655469 IN .12 SEC
N = 1000 S = 0.09988851321 IN 1.15 SEC
N = 10000 S = 0.09997960207 IN 11.05 SEC
N = 100000 S = 0.09998871997 IN 108.07 SEC
N = 1000000 S = 0.09998962993 IN 1075.05 SEC
N = 10000000 S = 0.09998967228 IN 10171.28 SEC
This does not converge to 1/10, but it's close.

71B code:

40 FOR I=0 TO M-1
50 X=0
70 FOR J=1 TO 10^I
80 A=(2*J+1)*PI/2
90 B=(1+1/(A*A))*(J*PI+ATAN(A))-1/A
100 X=X+1/(B*B)
110 NEXT J
120 STD
130 N$=STR$(10^I)
140 T$=STR$(TIME-T)
145 S$=""
150 FOR K=LEN(N$) TO 9
160 S$=S$&" "
170 NEXT K
180 FIX 12
190 DISP "N = ";S$;N$;" S =";X;"IN ";T$;" SEC"
200 NEXT I

Edited: 6 July 2007, 1:44 a.m.


1. Assuming that x is close to one of the poles of tan(x) the difference dx can be estimated:

x + dx = (k + 1/2)*Pi

1 1 - tan(x) * tan(dx)
0 = cot(x + dx) = ----------- = --------------------
tan(x + dx) tan(x) + tan(dx)

1 - tan(x) tan(dx) = 0

1 1 1
dx ~ tan(dx) = ------ = - ~ ------------; since dx << 1
tan(x) x (k + 1/2)*Pi

Instead of using q = (k + 1/2)*Pi as intitial value for the fixed-point iteration the value q - 1/q is used.
Therefore lines 17-19 have been added to the program. This makes the program running about 20% faster.

(Or use from Tanc Function)

2. To estimate the remainder of the series I used the following formula I found somewhere:

----- 2
\ 1 Pi 1 1 1 1 1 1
< ----- ~ --- - --- + ---- - ---- - ----- + ----- - ----- + ...
/ 2 6 N 2 3 5 7 9
----- x 2 N 6 N 30 N 42 N 30 N
k = 1

After a little magic I got:

\ 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 31 1 1 127 1
< ---------- ~ --- - - - --- + -- -- --- - -- --- --- + -- --- --- - ...
/ 2 4 N 3 5 7 9
----- (2 k + 1) 6 8 N 30 16 N 42 128 N 30 512 N
k = N

That's what lines 32 - 56 in the improved HP-11C program are for:

01  STO I       16  +           31  GTO 1       46  +
02 1 17 ENTER 32 RCL 2 47 *
03 + 18 1/x 33 x^2 48 RCL 3
04 1/x 19 - 34 ENTER 49 +
05 STO 2 20 LBL 0 35 ENTER 50 RCL 2
06 CLx 21 ENTER 36 ENTER 51 *
07 STO 0 22 ATAN 37 RCL 7 52 2
08 LBL 1 23 RCL 1 38 * 53 PI
09 RCL I 24 + 39 RCL 6 54 /
10 PI 25 x#y 40 + 55 x^2
11 * 26 GTO 0 41 * 56 *
12 STO 1 27 x^2 42 RCL 5 57 RCL 0
13 LSTx 28 1/x 43 + 58 +
14 2 29 STO + 0 44 *
15 / 30 DSE 45 RCL 4

As a prerequisite the registers 3 - 7 must be loaded with the following constants:

4 1/x
-48 1/x
160 1/x
-31 ENTER 5376 /
127 ENTER 15360 /

Now I get the following improved values S':

N = 1 S = 0.04952768282755720119 S' = 0.09920028974449183939
N = 10 S = 0.09079018230840834005 S' = 0.09999487093737255449
N = 100 S = 0.09899682151630028929 S' = 0.09999999335749214181
N = 1000 S = 0.09989878003791599550 S' = 0.09999999999317650488
N = 10000 S = 0.09998986889474789056 S' = 0.09999999999999315806
N = 100000 S = 0.09999898679829559526 S' = 0.09999999999999999315
N = 1000000 S = 0.09999989867891767874 S' = 0.09999999999999999998
N = 10000000 S = 0.09999998986788264898 S' = 0.10000000000000000000
N = 100000000 S = 0.09999999898678817371 S' = 0.09999999999999999999

Edited: 8 July 2007, 9:28 a.m. after one or more responses were posted


Brilliant! Accelerated 15C returns 0.1 with N=1000 in 79 sec:

Normal 15C returns 0.1 with N=1000 in 49 min:

EMU71 output of your solution:

N =            1   S = 0.04952768283   S' = 0.09920028974 IN .06 SEC
N = 10 S = 0.09079018231 S' = 0.09999487094 IN .01 SEC
N = 100 S = 0.09899682152 S' = 0.09999999336 IN .12 SEC
N = 1000 S = 0.09989878004 S' = 0.09999999999 IN 1.15 SEC
N = 10000 S = 0.09998986889 S' = 0.10000000000 IN 11.01 SEC

Physical 71B output:

N =            1   S = 0.04952768283   S' = 0.09920028974 IN 1.8 SEC            
N = 10 S = 0.09079018231 S' = 0.09999487094 IN 4.64 SEC
N = 100 S = 0.09899682152 S' = 0.09999999336 IN 24.61 SEC
N = 1000 S = 0.09989878004 S' = 0.09999999999 IN 192.97 SEC
N = 10000 S = 0.09998986889 S' = 0.10000000000 IN 1769.42 SEC


: SSMC19B ;             ( FORGET SSMC19B TO CLEAN UP )


N2 RCL 1. F+ 1/X
127. 15360. F/
-31. 5376. F/ F+
160. 1/X F+
-48. 1/X F+
4. 1/X F+
N2 RCL 1. F+ 1/X F*
2. MYPI RCL F/ 2. Y^X F*

0. MYSUM STO ( 0. -> MYSUM )
3.14159265358979 ( FLOAT STACK: PI )
N RCL ( N -> X )
F* ( N * PI )
2. F/ F+ ( PI/2 + PI*N )
F+ ( X Y + )
-2. Y^X ( 1/X^2 )
N RCL 1. F- N STO ( DSE N )
X=0? -1 = UNTIL
." N = " ( MAKE IT PRETTY )
12 FTOI -
0 DO ." " LOOP
." S = "
12 FIX F.
." S' = "
." IN "

0 DO

Edited: 6 July 2007, 2:30 p.m.


Hi, Thomas and Egan:

    Thank you very much to both of you for your interest in this poor, orphaned part of my
    challenge, you've both produced superb theory and actual code to try and solve it and
    your solutions are of course correct and truly excellent. I'm very obligued for your
    outstanding efforts.

    This is my original solution for the HP-71B (7 lines, 271 bytes):

    20 S=1/(R*R) @ FOR I=2 TO 500 @ K=1/I @ R=FNROOT(R+PI-K,R+PI+K,TAN(FVAR)-FVAR)
    30 GOSUB 60 @ NEXT I @ A=PI/2 @ B=1/PI @ C=2*PI @ D=1/4/PI+2/(3*PI3)
    40 L=1000 @ FOR I=501 TO 71000 @ R=PI*I+A-B/I+1/(C*I*I)-D/(I*I*I)
    50 GOSUB 60 @ NEXT I @ END
    60 S=S+1/(R*R) @ IF NOT MOD(I,L) THEN DISP USING "6D,3X,Z.6D";I,S
    70 RETURN

    This basic transcendental equation (which does find its uses in Engineering) has an infinite
    number of positive roots. As there's the problem of proper root identification and separation,
    which gets more difficult as the roots grow larger since they tend to be extremely near
    the poles, with the subsequent danger of some root being skipped or some pole being
    mistaken for a root, my routine uses the Solver just for the first 500 roots, which
    can be properly separated by generating adequate initial guesses for each one.

    After that, a simple asymptotic formula for the roots is used, which gives 12 correct decimal
    digits for each root and much faster than the Solver can. Thus, this formula does
    produce all remaining roots, from the 501th onwards. The crossing index, 500, has
    been chosen empirically because that's approximately the point where the asymptotic
    formula is accurate enough to take over the Solver. Were it not for the asymptotic
    formula, the Solver alone would begin to skip or misidentify roots around the
    3,000th one given the currently generated initial guesses.

    As written, my solution will generate and sum the first 71,000 roots (just edit the 71000 in the listing above if you want to generate and process more roots), like this:


    100 0.098997
    200 0.099496
    300 0.099663
    400 0.099747
    500 0.099798
    1000 0.099899
    2000 0.099949
    3000 0.099966
    4000 0.099975
    5000 0.099980
    6000 0.099983
    7000 0.099986
    ... ... ...
    65000 0.099998
    66000 0.099998
    67000 0.099998
    68000 0.099999
    69000 0.099999
    70000 0.099999
    71000 0.099999

    and it does it in just 29 seconds under Emu71, some 2 hours on a physical HP-71B, with
    the final result being 0.099999 to six decimal figures, in perfect agreement with
    the theoretical value 1/10.

    I'll give now a short & sweet proof I've shamelessly concocted to show that the correct theoretical sum
    is exactly 1/10. This proof of mine is admittedly in the spirit of some of
    the most celebrated Euler's ones, i.e., utterly non-rigorous, but it shows the
    correct solution which, once allegedly known, you can then proceed to rigorously prove
    either by other means or by strengthening this simple proof. Let's proceed:

      1) Let's put the original equation in a more convenient form:

      tan(x) = x -> sin(x)/cos(x) = x

      -> sin(x) = x*cos(x)

      2) Let's substitute sin(x) and cos(x) by their Taylor series expansions and collect
      all terms at the left side:

      x - x3/3! + x5/5! - x7/7! + ... = x*(1 - x2/2! + x4/4! - x6/6! + ...)

      = x - x3/2! + x5/4! - x7/6! + ...


      (1/2!-1/3!)*x3 - (1/4!-1/5!)*x5 + (1/6!-1/7!)*x7 - ... = 0

      3) Let's divide both sides by x3 to get rid of zero roots:

      (1/2!-1/3!) - (1/4!-1/5!)*x2 + (1/6!-1/7!)*x4 - ... = 0

      4) and now, considering this as an "infinite-degree polynomial equation", we then have
      that the required sum of the (transformed) roots is, by the Vieta formulas:

      Sum = (1/4!-1/5!)/(1/2!-1/3!) = 1/10


    This all depends on the fact of whether the "infinite-degree polynomial equation"'s roots
    do sufficiently coincide with the appropriate transformation of the ones of the original transcendental equation. We can
    get some peace of mind by testing for various degrees N, to get a taste of what happens
    when N goes to infinity. The following short program asks for the degree N, does
    construct and truncate the above polynomial to the specified degree (only in X instead of
    in X2), and finds all its roots and their sum:

    2 FOR I=0 TO N @ P(I)=(-1)^I*(1/FACT(2*I+2)-1/FACT(2*I+3)) @ NEXT I @ MAT R=PROOT(P)
    3 S=0 @ FOR I=0 TO N-1 @ S=S+R(I) @ DISP R(I),1/SQR(R(I)) @ NEXT I @ DISP S

    Let's test with a 40th-degree truncation:


    N = 40 [ENTER]


    (0.000780, -0.000329) (33.696792, 6.813122)
    (0.001299, 0.000000) (27.747075, -0.000000)

    (0.001344, 0.000000) (27.273576, -0.000000)
    (0.001810, 0.000000) (23.503515, -0.000000)
    (0.002410, 0.000000) (20.371987, -0.000000)
    (0.003372, 0.000000) (17.220729, -0.000000)
    (0.005054, 0.000000) (14.066195, -0.000000)
    (0.008410, 0.000000) (10.904122, -0.000000)
    (0.016756, 0.000000) ( 7.725252, -0.000000)
    (0.049528, -0.000000) ( 4.493409, 0.000000)

    (0.100000, 0.000000)

    As you can see, all the roots add up to exactly 0.1, and taking the inverse
    of their square root (as they are the inverse of the squares of the original roots,
    as needed for the sum), we get a very good approximation of the first roots of
    the original transcendental equation, namely

    4.493409, 7.725252, 10.904122, 14.066194, 17.220755, 20.371303, ...

    so we find it easy to believe that for higher degrees the accuracy improves and
    in the limit, the result holds and the sum for the roots of the polynomial does
    coincide with the sum of the roots of the original transcendental equation.

    Thanks again and

Best regards from V.

Hi Valentin

Your proof is cool, I like it!

And thanks to Egan for his posts which I read with much interest.

It was nice to see my program transformed into another language.

Now I even know some FORTH.

Kind regards



Do you have any comments on B+ you would like to share? Computing yields 0.0972640247325, but it would take an enormous leap to see that as (e*e - 7)/4. The masses without a proof would have to search text books and the web to find the exact answer (as I had here). I ask for your thoughts because of the teaser on your web site: Boldly Going - Identifying Constants.

Thanks for all the challenges, I enjoy the mental exercise.


was tempted to do this anonymously to hide in light of the much better mathematicians around (it now looks more like heresy that I even participate openly in those challenges next to you guys)

Anyway, great minds think alike - this short paper has a similar proof as Valentin and then goes on to extend it to a more general class of transcendental equations and gives some examples. Maybe this is interesting to some so I thought I post it. Please forgive it this is 'old news' to all of you already.




You may also enjoy R. M. Young, A Rayleigh popular problem, American Mathematical Monthly 93 (1986) 660-664.

62 solutions were submitted. Two are documented in the article.

Edited: 10 July 2007, 8:35 p.m.

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