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HP-38G, Serching for a german manual. - Printable Version

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HP-38G, Serching for a german manual. - Peter Eberlein - 04-06-2006


i´ve got an old HP-38G without a manual. I am serching for a german manual or any other german literature for this calculator.



Edited: 6 Apr 2006, 2:50 p.m.

Re: HP-38G, Serching for a german manual. - Ron Ross - 04-06-2006

Get a manual for the Hp39G/40G (pdf available from Hp in German). These calculators are upgrades of the Hp38G and as such, the manual will be 95% complete or accurate. The Hp38G does not have CAS and only has 32K of RAM, a somewhat different keyboard layout, but otherwise is pretty close to the Hp39G in features, functions, and behavior.

This should work for you to start with.

HP-38G, Serching for a german manual. - Peter Eberlein - 04-06-2006

Hello Ron,

thank you for the idea! I´ve just downloaded the german manual.


Edited: 6 Apr 2006, 3:27 p.m.