HP-11C comma - Printable Version +- HP Forums (https://archived.hpcalc.org/museumforum) +-- Forum: HP Museum Forums (https://archived.hpcalc.org/museumforum/forum-1.html) +--- Forum: Old HP Forum Archives (https://archived.hpcalc.org/museumforum/forum-2.html) +--- Thread: HP-11C comma (/thread-71776.html) |
HP-11C comma - David - 04-13-2005 I think I pressed some combination of buttons and my HP-11C now displays in European with decimals and commas reversed. Does anyone know how to retun this to US mode.
Thanks Re: HP-11C comma - Etienne Victoria - 04-13-2005 1) Turn it off. 2) Press the decimal point key and keep it pressed. 3) Press on. A proud European ;-)
Re: HP-11C comma (o.t.) - Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) - 04-13-2005 Hello, Etiene; Just to add, even if it is only as pure curiosity, that we use these same marks in Brazil: comma for fraction separator, dot for thousands separator. Luiz, also a proud Brazilian ;-) (I liked that...) Best regards.
123456 to remove Edited: 13 Apr 2005, 4:22 p.m.
Re: HP-11C comma (o.t.) - Brazilian dot Missing (even more o.t) - 04-14-2005 Hello Luiz, Very interesting but your usual postings are so precise and documented that I'm feel somewhat disappointed that you didn't apply our common Euro-Brasilian rule to the post-deletion password ;-))))) Therefore : "123.456 to delete" BTW, did you get a hand on an Hp-10C ?
Kind regards from France !
Re: HP-11C comma - Thibaut.be - 04-14-2005 I suggest that Dave puts a special link on his homepage to answer this most asked question on the forum !
Dutch dot (increasing OT-ity) - Bram - 04-14-2005 Although the "official" Dutch setting for the decimals is the comma, we use either a dot or a comma depending on whichever daily mood we're in.
Re: HP-11C comma - Etienne Victoria - 04-14-2005 Along with a special site devoted to the Voyager's flashing star - sooooooo infrequently met. In fact collectors never ever encounter it. Only true regular users have a chance to see it ;-))) Kind regards from France!
Re: HP-11C comma - Thibaut.be - 04-14-2005 I've got a flashing star on my 12 since July, and though I use it daily (I'm a finance manager) it stills carries on working fine... I'll change the batteries when the calculator will be definitely silent.
My 17BII also showed recently the battery sign, and it 'died' a few days after...
Re: HP-11C comma - Thomas Okken - 04-14-2005 I changed the batteries in my 10C twice in the 8-odd years that I had it. Re: Flashing star - Etienne Victoria - 04-14-2005 Waow ! Congrats ! You do qualify as seasoned Voyager users and not shelf-programmers ;-) Err...I have no legitimacy to deliver certificates here or elsewhere... ...but how about this one : with my Hp80s, I get a flashing star (actually row of dots) EVERY SINGLE EVENING...and it's not even programmable...
Have a nice day !
Re: Flashing star - Arnaud Amiel - 04-14-2005 Quote:On my 45 I have had the row of dots for the last 2 months but I only use it on average maybe 30s a day every working day. So quite good autonomy here
Re: HP-11C comma (o.t.) - Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) - 04-14-2005 C'est vrai, mon ami, c'est vrai... I missed the thousands dot... :( And I was not fortunate enough findidng an HP10C yet, can you believe that? (thanks for asking. It's a preaty neat calculator, indeed) It would fit perfectly fine here, don't you think? This was taken with a 3.2MPixel Nikon Coolpix. In time: the upper row has some TI calcs (TI59 with PC100A, TI57, TI55, TI82; thanks for some of these, M.B.!) and a Casio FX7000GA. All of the others are HP. Best regards, Etiene! And thanks for the kind words...;-) Luiz (Brazil)
Edited: 14 Apr 2005, 8:03 p.m.
To Luiz HP-10C comma (o.t.) - Etienne Victoria - 04-15-2005 Luiz, Is there a way to have your email so that we can discuss the Hp-10C comma privately ? My email is the one I post here after removing the NOSPAM stuff. Thanks & Cheers !
Re: Flashing star - Nice One Etienne! - james summers - 04-15-2005 Etienne - I lke your article on the flashing star - brilliant!
Happy voyagering!
Re: HP-11C comma - Valentin Albillo - 04-15-2005 Etienne posted: "Along with a special site devoted to the Voyager's flashing star - sooooooo infrequently met. In fact collectors never ever encounter it. Only true regular users have a chance to see it ;-)))"
Best regards from V.
You have mail...;-) (NT) - Vieira, Luiz C. (Brazil) - 04-15-2005
Re: HP-10C comma (o.t.) - Mike T. - 04-16-2005 I've just done a quick test on my 10C, 11C and 12C are all capable of being switched to display numbers using either commas or points as the decimal separator in the same way
Re: Flashing star... - Andrés C. Rodríguez (Argentina) - 04-16-2005 We can set up a secondary market for semi-depleted batteries or, better yet, produce our own; scientifically discharging them by means of a resistor (outside any calculator) in order to help the "flashing star" to reach the masses. eBay may become a good vehicle for such specialties, which have the potential to reach and exceed the U$S 100 per set of batteries. :-) I have a name in mind for the appropriate salesman...
Thou shallt follow the Flashing Star - Etienne Victoria - 04-17-2005 Good evening Andrès & al.
Andrès, I beg to differ....the salesman you have in mind Or is it a battery simulator for an Hp 16C emulator :-) Oh my! Spring has arrived here too...!!! Kind regards from France!
123.456 to delete. Edited: 17 Apr 2005, 7:04 p.m.