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HP Prime: problem with the memory of calculator during the debug process? - Printable Version

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HP Prime: problem with the memory of calculator during the debug process? - Carlos CM (Mexico) - 12-05-2013

Hi, I continue with my problem with the DEBUG in my program...

I run my program (without debug) and the results are correct!

but, when apply the debug...simply the program reset the calculator, again at the same line...

I noted that there are many variables in my program and some variables content great numbers up to 1E10...

(problem with the memory of calculator during the debug process?)

or... I will die and I will not find why? :(

Please, run my program and check it!


Re: HP Prime: problem with the memory of calculator during the debug process? - Patrice - 12-05-2013

I run my program (without debug) and the results are correct!

Did you say it before ?

Simply saying that a program reset the calc when débugged, do not imply that it run OK without debug.
it is not the same investigation.

Re: HP Prime: problem with the memory of calculator during the debug process? - Patrice - 12-05-2013

By the way, there is no problem with optional DEFAULT.

It is simply undocumented in UG

Re: HP Prime: problem with the memory of calculator during the debug process? - Carlos CM (Mexico) - 12-06-2013

Thanks for reply Patrice.

Yes, I saw that no have difference with or without statement "DEFAULT"... but, I don't understand why reset the calculator in the debug process.

I feel a bit wary about this.

could you run the program and check it?

Re: HP Prime: problem with the memory of calculator during the debug process? - Patrice - 12-06-2013

There is no understand to have. It looks like it is a bug in new firmware.

Re: HP Prime: problem with the memory of calculator during the debug process? - Carlos CM (Mexico) - 12-06-2013

I think the same Patrice, should I report? I don't want that this seems like a dramatic topic.

Thanks for your commentaries.

-best regards-

Re: HP Prime: problem with the memory of calculator during the debug process? - Patrice - 12-06-2013

I have done the report already.

Re: HP Prime: problem with the memory of calculator during the debug process? - Carlos CM (Mexico) - 12-06-2013

Ok. Thanks so much