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Tangent's equation program for HP39gII - Printable Version

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Tangent's equation program for HP39gII - Mic - 02-28-2013


I just released a programa giving (step by step) the tangent's equation :

I hope you will appreciate :)

Re: Tangent's equation program for HP39gII - Reth - 02-28-2013

I can't care less and apparently the wast majority here either. Sorry for not being supportive, but this is the reality. Wrong forum IMO. This machine has nothing whatsoever to do with what attracts people here and never will.

Re: Tangent's equation program for HP39gII - Gilles Carpentier - 02-28-2013

Why ?

Why could we talk about HP20 or 30b, 39G or 50G,WP34S and not about the new 39GII ?

Very curious point of view, unless this forum is only for no longer manufactured calculators' ? So we have to banish all talks on the WP34S, 50G and so on ?

I think the more easy way for you, if you have no interest in some subjects is to don't read them. Very easy : just don't clic on the post and neither on the 'respond' button.

Re: Tangent's equation program for HP39gII - Reth - 02-28-2013

If you refuse to see the reality, it's your problem. I only comment the obvious, based on the almost non-existent feedback.

Furthermore HP20b/30b are only mentioned here as vehicle of the WP34S
which has nothing to do with HP of today.

Finally, I'm not not in a position to ban any topic, neither I'm trying to do so. Please read carefully and keep your advice for yourself.

Re: Tangent's equation program for HP39gII - Patrice - 02-28-2013

This machine has nothing whatsoever to do with what attracts people here and never will.

You seems to have a wide knowledge of what is interesting or not for forum members.

I don't know where you got this knowledge, but please, in future, do not count me in your knowledge.

By the way, I appreciate messages about 39GII even if I don't let comments.

Re: Tangent's equation program for HP39gII - Gilles Carpentier - 02-28-2013

"Finally, I'm not not in a position to ban any topic"

Then all is well !

Re: Tangent's equation program for HP39gII - C.Ret - 02-28-2013

[...] Sorry for not being supportive, but this is the reality.

Sorry for pointing this to you so abruptly, but it appears as this only your reality.

This machine has nothing whatsoever to do with what attracts people here and never will.

Sorry again.
I am here and I am attracted by this new HP machine. Exactly In the same way I was attracted but the HP-41C at the very past time it was new.

Apparently, I am not the only one in this situation. But of course from my point of view this last fact is only a conjecture since I have no way to prove it.

Re: Tangent's equation program for HP39gII - bluesun08 - 02-28-2013

Twee, infants!

Re: Tangent's equation program for HP39gII - Antonio Petri (UK) - 02-28-2013

This machine has nothing whatsoever to do with what attracts people here and never will

Finally, I'm not not in a position to ban any topic, neither I'm trying to do so. Please read carefully and keep your advice for yourself.

You are not in a position to speak on this forum on behalf of others either. Keep your own comment for yourself please.

Re: Tangent's equation program for HP39gII - Antonio Petri (UK) - 02-28-2013

I hope you will appreciate :)

I definitely do, thank you!

Re: Tangent's equation program for HP39gII - Pal G. - 02-28-2013

I think I would appreciate this if I could buy one of these machines on Amazon or at the college book store.

Anyone know when the HP 39gii will be released here in the USA?

(I apologize if I missed a recent post with this information).

Re: Tangent's equation program for HP39gII - Fred Lusk - 02-28-2013

That was rude and completely uncalled for.

You can bet that at least a few forum members (or their kids) own an HP38gII and will appreciate and benefit from the OP's efforts. Popularity does NOT dictate the value of a post here.

Re: Tangent's equation program for HP39gII - Jim Horn - 02-28-2013

While not for sale in the US per se, they've been available in Europe as mentioned earlier and some vendors do ship. I, for one, while being a prehistoric RPN enthusiast, now use my WP 34S for most calculating, my HP 50g for heavier lifting and my HP 39gII for fantastic speed on large problems. Of course, the quad core I7 laptop handles the really heavy loads...

The '39gII is quite the paradigm shift for HP calculators and a phenomenal performing one at that. My hat is off to Tim, Cyrille and the whole team.

While there's not been a lot of '39gII discussion here, the number of users is growing. So far, I suspect most are using it for their own unique needs, making software sharing less active. But if the past is any indication, that will change, especially as its availability improves.

Re: Tangent's equation program for HP39gII - giancarlo - 02-28-2013

I don't answer to hp39gII post but i read and appreciate all of them. Please continue to post. I am very interested on this machine but not steel able to fully understand it.
I collect all the sample codes like i did in the old days with the rpl machines.

Thanks again to the hp guys,

Giancarlo (Italy)

Re: Tangent's equation program for HP39gII - Eric Smith - 02-28-2013

Feel free to start your own www.hpmuseumexcept39gii.org web site and forums.

Re: Tangent's equation program for HP39gII - Reth - 02-28-2013

"Finally, I'm not not in a position to ban any topic"

Then all is well !

Sure it is, did't you now the above? :)

BTW no matter what others say here about my comments to cheer up the OP' facts are obvious - the ones interested are probably less than a dozen. The HP39GII situation is even worse than the HP50's or it's RPL predecessors.


Re: Tangent's equation program for HP39gII - Jim P - 02-28-2013

While not (yet...?!?) an owner of an HP39gii (cost and availability, as for many electronic goods in Australia, less preferable/achievable than in Europe or the US!) I appreciate the contribution - and am happy to read the posts and threads. Like others who have responded, though, I don't appreciate any individual tearing a strip off you out of some misplaced belief that I may not be interested in what you had to say!

Merci Mic..

Re: Tangent's equation program for HP39gII - Thomas Scott - 02-28-2013

I just purchased (and now using) one on Ebay from England with no problems. I especially like the color scheme and the tactile feel of the keys.

Tom Scott

Re: Tangent's equation program for HP39gII - Dan Grelinger - 02-28-2013

Why is it OK for you to give advice to others, and then tell others to keep theirs to themselves?

I really don't see how you can have it both ways and remain reasonable.

Re: Tangent's equation program for HP39gII - From Hong Kong - 03-01-2013

Anyone who contribute anything about HP calculators in this forum is welcomed. He's not supposed to please all members here. The HP-39gII is a nice addition to the current family of HP calculators. I've played with it for 9 months. Considering its chief purpose (tailored for high school students in China) and price, I think this calculator is value for money.

Re: Tangent's equation program for HP39gII - Gilles Carpentier - 03-01-2013

Yes, but there are still some very annoying bugs. For example the INPUT command works only with numbers. HP must publish a new rom (the latest is from sept. 2012).

Re: Tangent's equation program for HP39gII - Eric Smith - 03-01-2013

By "must", perhaps you mean "it would be really nice if"?

Re: Tangent's equation program for HP39gII - Tim Wessman - 03-01-2013

To be fair here, the 39gs only allowed numbers as well. Considering the task we were given was "recreate the 39gs" I'd say that we did quite well since we were able to improve and expand the capability in nearly every other area! :-)

That being said, I hope we can release a better INPUT on that calculator sometime and completely agree with you about that.